36. You better not

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"Uuuuuuuuuuhhhhhh!!" I hear deafening claps from the students.

" That was so breathtaking guys!" Someone shouts from the crowd and we all look at each other unbelievably.

"How that happened, I can't figure it out guys." Morgan comes out first and we burst out laughing.

"Hey you, resume back to your tables now we gotta take our lunch, we've entertained you right? And if you have my number send me a copy of that video you've just taken. Thanks. Now go." Tiffany says standing up from her seat and she starts pushing them away with her hands. They start dispersing and after everyone has settled down in their seats, Ballice turns to look at me a wide grin plastered on his face.

"I never knew you can sing princess." He says in a whisper tucking a strand of hair on my face behind my ear.

"Well, I know you do sing but I didn't expect you to know fourth of July, that was a pure turn on." I blurt out the words before stopping myself.

" Turn on?" He raises a brow and I pinch him on his arm.

"Don't get so flattered, anyway that was sweet." I compliment him seriously now.

"Wasn't that so hot?" Jelton asks and we all reply in unison.


Morgan looks at Jelton and Ballice then says. "We can make that band, these girls can do it you know. Just little vocal trainings."

"Fuck yeah!" Dubel yells." They can make it."

"You think we can sing? You're wrong, that was nothing trust me. We're not singers, maybe Tiffany because she likes music and Tleigh because that's what she has wanted to do, I mean singing is her dream. I don't know about Aimee." Cam utters looking at the boys.

"Well I want to be a singer and an actress so I like singing." Aimee voices and I snap my head towards her shocked.

" Hey! That's my career too! Whoaaaah we share a career!" I squeal at her and she starts giggling amused .

"You don't say it?" She chirps and I shake my head at her.

"We just got close remember?" I answer her grinning.

" Well, can that be so sweet?" Ballice comments and looks at Jelton."Bro do something for your girl, we want this crew complete." Jelton nods and looks at Cam.

" You can compose songs right?" He asks her and Cam nods. "You'll do that for us and I'll make you a great singer." He winks at her and now it's Cam's turn to blush hard.

"We'll look into that." Cam replies him.

"After exams, I mean after our 12th grade." Morgan says and we all nod.

" I'm proud of us, we'll be celebrities by evening just wait and see." Nard says and we start laughing. But he might be right. w
Words, rumours and everything that happens in this school travels so fast. I'm proud of us too honestly.

"Who saw that coming?" Aimee asks stuffing fries into her mouth.

"Actually nobody, thanks for sabotaging our song boys, we could have failed miserably at some parts I'm sure." I remark licking ice cream off of my lips. I almost moan at it's taste, it's coldness stings at my tongue refreshingly making me close my eyes instantly.

Cam pushed a taco towards me across the table a while ago but my jerk is good at stealing my food. He's eaten almost half of it, wonder why he's silent not commenting. I snatch back the remaining one and he picks on my white velvet cake. Damn jerk. I doesn't complain. I munch my the taco silently as the conversation at the table goes on.

They make jokes about the song we killed and nailed on and after that Aimee leaves us claiming that she has an afternoon exam.  After chatting a little with the girls, we agree on having our girls night next weekend at our place saying hurray to exams and welcome to the summer holiday of course. Cam leaves with Jelton and the other boys leaves with Tif and I'm left with Ballice at the table.

"So?" Bally raises a brow at me.

"So?" I push back the words. And a thought crosses my mind , I laugh at it silently and I look at him. "Why can't we go fuck each other's brains out in the middle of the hallway."

"God, and here I thought I was the dirtiest." Ballice sulks in a large intake of air and bursts out laughing.

"It was not funny." I remark glaring at him.

"But now it's way more funny." He answers his body shaking. He's laughing still.

"You make me Ballice." He finally says after getting a grip. "It feels good to be me. I was lost, for many years princess. I didn't know how to laugh because there was nothing to make me laugh. My first laughter was in that class when I threw a paperball at you. Trust me. And my first real laughter was when we were at the mall, when Lodzin and Bruce were binge scanning men's boxers. You always make me feel alive, It's as if I've been dead for so long. I don't know who we really are but I want to laugh and smile with you everyday in whichever way."

I swoon at his words. I fucking do. This boy always has a way with his words. He knows how to pick them. He knows how to use them.

"You are my jerk remember? Please don't make me push you away. Atleast don't ever give me a reason to because I also want to make you experience how it feels to be alive if you've never been alive before." I tell him biting my lip trying hard not to laugh. I didn't know he was dead you know. Sarcasm is dripping here.

"Don't go there princess I was serious." He says pointing a finger at me.

I pull on a serious look and I nod. "But just don't make me shut you out."

"I will not give you a reason kellane, I know human beings are bound to make mistakes but I'll try not to screw." He promises.

"You better not." I point out sneaking my little hand in his and gladly he wraps his big one around mine.

We sit there in comfortable silence for a while before we leave the school compound biding each other goodbye at the parking lot. I don't know if we are friends. I don't know who we are too but I want what we have to remain so or upgrade. I don't want us to fight in any way. I hope Ballice never screws this up because I already know he's an angry kid because of the way he was brought up. With no parental love. I hope he comes around little by little. I know he's not completely over it. But I'm sure he will, someday.

I don't know much about him but I know enough.


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