40. Without me.

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Realization dawned on me that she was still my default but what can I do now? I've to stop linking everything that happened between us for the two months we shared our friendship, wait I don't know the title we were holding on to, we weren't sure of what were.

Nine weeks and three days. It's been that long since she shut me out again. I tried. I tried asking for forgiveness but what she always did when I attempted talking to her is walk out on me without a word. Even when I had brought my guard down.

The only words she said two weeks after, when we were parading at the assembly are, " Ballice the only favour I'm asking from you please, infact I'm begging you, leave me alone! don't give me a choice of blocking you too but just stop texting me and stop sitting next to me in classes. I need this peace without you! " They never sounded like a plead, they were more of a command in a hushed tone.

We had become each other's habit, the texting, the silly jokes we made, the laughters, the humour and more. Even though she'd broken her habit of me when she shut me I didn't break mine.

How can it hurt when there is nothing we had started yet? Her silence was breaking me everyday. It was robbing my senses. My heart felt like it was being tightened with barbed wires strangling and breaking it.

She changed. She started spending most of her time in the library. She joked less and whenever we bumped into each other, I could see the hurt past her green eyes. I woke up the wounds that had healed whenever she saw me.

But I had to give her that peace she needed without me! And that's what exactly I did. I stopped sitting next to her in classes, I stopped texting her and I stopped taking my lunch in the cafeteria.

My nanny Cassandra has been packing lunch for me, so I usually take it in my car. Sometimes I do carry snacks from home for lunch. I did this because the boys never stopped taking their lunch at their table. It became a routine.

The smile she had put on me faded. I never smiled again except with Bruce back at home. But it mostly came out more of forced. I wasn't jovial anymore. I expected the boys to be mocking me but they didn't. They understood me better than anybody else. We still went for our dancing practices and even played basketball and volleyball out of fun whenever we felt like.

When I was alone at home I could play my guitar. I stopped partying and so did she. Tiffany told me they used to spend their weekends indoors mostly at her place but sometimes they did switch places. She kept tabs on me once I told her that I love Kellane and she trusted me.

The truth is, I never gave up on her. I still hope that she'll come around someday. But I'm really tired of holding it back. So today is the last day am going to talk to her. I want clarification. Whatever her decision is, I'll stop bugging her if that's what will make her happy.

So I was going to wait for her at the parking lot but once I get there, I see her zooming off her long hair trailing in the air sweetly. I immediately open my car and jump into my driver seat turning on the ignition key. I step on the gas and drive out of the parking lot trying to keep up with her speed.

Do you get this bliss when you see a lady riding a motorbike at a slightly high speed but not recklessly. It feels like she got some magic powers guarding her. She's so adorable in black leather coat which is flying a little higher and backwards a white top underneath and she is also wearing black leather tights with white toms. She looks great.

I follow closely behind her on this long tarmac road which I'm not sure where it's heading to. There are no other vehicles on the way, it's so clear. I see her speeding down as three gigantic men stops her on the roadside. I park my car beside the road and I then start pattering towards them hiding behind the trees alongside the road.

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