46. Lies, hoodie and j...

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Tleigh's pov

How I wish this journey we just started with Ballice starts at forever and ends at never. I feel like nothing really matters when I'm around him. His sweet voice did take away all my sadness and his smile gave me hope.

It’s a magical feeling knowing that we're more of friends and am glad honestly. I've never been this happy in my life, I mean purely happy. It doesn’t matter what took him so long to get into my life but I want him to stay and I hope this it. For now and ever!

"Hey queen, see you tomorrow evening, bye!" I chirp hugging Na'zila who has been sleeping at the couch. It's on a Sunday afternoon, Cam and Tif are both waiting for me at Tif's place. Talk about, pending girls talk. I feel like laughing already.

"It's not fair, you just got here yesterday and to make matters worse it was evening already, does that mean you don't find your beautiful nanny charming anymore?" She frowns.

" No way, if it'll make you feel okay, my beautiful queen's charm is always on top, infact I can't get enough of them!" I prattle tightening my arms around her.

" Yes way, it seems like it." She pouts averting her eyes away from me.

"Look at me." She snaps her head back to me immediately like the drama queen she really is. "You're so beautiful aren't you?"

She smiles. " And?"

" And I love you so much, you know that right?" She nods her cheeks glowing bright with some pinkish colour. "I want you to know that I'll never get tired of you and every moment I spend with you I count and add it among the very grateful ones I do have, so let me go." I plead with my eyes, smiling at the same time.

"Come on, I know you want to spend some time with your girls, I'm already feeling selfish because you're always home with us ." She gushes.

" You see, and I'll be back tomorrow, I'll be a night away, just a night." I state adjusting my backpack on my back.

" Yeah sure, wait you've not yet told me where you went after school on Friday and I also want to know why you chose to spend the night at Ballice's instead of spending it at Tiffany and Camille's.

"Hey Na'zila!" I squeal giggling as I swat her away. " Look, don't put so much thought into it because you'll be disappointed after reaching a dead end, I regret telling you that infact, I should have told you I was at Cam's place or even Tif's place in first place!"

" Tell me why." She persists.

" Why what?" I retort back glaring at her playfully.

"Why him." She rattles on.

"Okay!" I sigh forcefully shrugging my shoulders. " My motorbike had a puncture so Morgan volunteered to take it to the motor repair shop, Ballice also volunteered to give me a ride here, on our way here he asked me to accompany him to one of his friends' birthday party, actually he's a mutual friend. I couldn't say no you know. So we went there and the party ended at midnight. God, I was so afraid, he told me that it won't be safe to drive here at that time. Since they're from the same neighborhood and his home is just around, he offered me a place to stay for the night. That is it, will you excuse me now?" Oh God, I'm such a professional liar, I'm not always a liar but circumstances can make you.

"You should have gotten here the next morning, you just got here at five." Oh Christ. I almost roll my eyes but I decide on sighing irritatedly faking a frown.

"I slept in, you know sleep will take time to come when you're in new surroundings, actually sleep decided to invade my senses at around 4 a.m in the morning."

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