You/Lucy Lane/ Maggie Sawyer - Hurt - Part 1

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Just a second ago, you were saying goodbye to Lucy and Maggie and now you're standing in front of a furious Kara

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Just a second ago, you were saying goodbye to Lucy and Maggie and now you're standing in front of a furious Kara.

"Maggie?! Seriously, you're dating Maggie?!"

"..and Lucy."

You mumbled. Kara glared at you and that made you step back. You've never seen her this furious. She was always the one to calm down Alex whenever you did something stupid. You knew Kara was going to be disappointed but you never expected her to be furious about this.

"How could you do this to Alex?"

"It's not like I was dating Maggie while they were dating. It happened so suddenly. I started going out with Lucy and then Maggie came into the picture again."

"So?! You're dating Alex's ex. The same one that broke up with Alex because she wasn't ready to settle down."

"Kara, please. It's not my intention to hurt Alex with this. I can't help who I fell for."

Kara scoffs as she shakes her head. She couldn't believe what she was hearing. You were like a whole other person.

"We're going to tell Alex, right now. She deserves to know."

"Wait, Kara. Please, give me some time so I can carefully tell her."

"No! Alex was going to marry Maggie. She's going to be upset about this (y/n). Especially if you kept this from her for so long. You saw how devastated Maggie left Alex. Is that the kind of person that you really want to be with?"

"Maggie's changed."

"I can't even recognize you, right now. You're not the same (full name) that I grew up with. Lets go, you're telling Alex."

Kara wraps her arm around you and flies you to Alex's apartment.


It was her Alex's day off. She had planned to just stay home and catch up with her shows but that was interrupted when the two of you barged inside her apartment.

"Kara, what did I tell you about flying in here. Someone could see you."

"Well this couldn't wait."

Kara gently shoves you to get closer to Alex. Alex looked between the two of you, trying to figure out what happened. The two of you were like two peas in a pod. Neither of you argued. It was always her and Kara or you and her.

"Alex, I...."

"Go on, tell her (y/n)."

"Kara, what is the matter with you. You're upsetting her."

"She deserves it. Tell her (y/n) or I will."


Kara crosses her arms as she glares at you. Alex sighs and wraps you in a hug to comfort you. You were crying and unable to stop. Kara didn't care if she was upsetting you. The pain you were going to cause Alex was going to be 10x worse.

"She's dating Maggie, Alex."

Alex lets go of you and takes a step back. The hurt in her eyes, broke your heart. It was like I had literally shot her in the back.

"No. Maggie left for Gotham City. I would've known if she would have been back."

"Well you should know that she's not in Gotham City. She's here and has been for who knows how long. Why don't you enlighten us, (y/n)? How long have you been dating Maggie?"

You looked between the two of them, feeling so small with their stares. Kara was furious and Alex was a mixture between hurt and disbelief.

"6 months."

Alex had broken up with Maggie almost 8 months ago. It had taken almost 3 months for Alex to get over her. Meaning that you had been dating her while Alex was dealing with her emotions.

"I...I don't even know what to say to you, (y/n). I just want to be left alone. I don't think that I can even look at you. You're my sister. I thought you had my back when in reality, you've been fucking my ex 2 months after we broke up? While I was crying over her?"

"Alex, please. I'm sorry."

"No. Maybe and I'm sorry would've worked if it was just a one night stand but you're dating. That's not a mistake."

You tried to get closer to her but Kara stood in between the two of you.

"She said that she wanted to be left alone. You can either leave or I can kick you out."

You sobbed at the cold tone in Kara's voice. You had fucked up and you weren't sure if they were going to ever forgive you for this. You turned around and left them.


"(y/n), where have you been? Wait, are you crying? What happened?"

"We're done, Maggie. I should've never agreed to go on a date with you. It was a mistake."

"What's going on? Talk to me."

Maggie stood at your door and refused to move. She had been waiting for you to come home for a while now.

"Alex found out!" You take a deep breath to calm yourself down. "She found out and I'm the worst sister ever. Get out of my way."

Maggie refused to move again but you didn't care. You felt like shit and you just wanted to be left alone. With a push, she was thrown off by your strength and you were able to get through. The door locked behind you before she was able to get in. Alone in your apartment, you fell apart. You weren't going to call anyone to comfort you, you deserve feeling like absolute shit.


Accepting all kinds of prompts, as long as it's fxf.

Only exception is a/b/o prompts. Will not write about these but can write something similar

Names that have ?? do not have a prompt so feel free to send me one of yours.

Felicity Smoak - Two

Hayley Marshall - Different

Qi'ra - Thief

Katie McGrath - Distance

Meredith Grey - Operation

Hailee Steinfield - Hint

Hailee Steinfield - Award

Lisa Cimorelli - ??

Lena Luthor - Emotionless

Amy Cimorelli - ??

Lena Luthor - Spiderman

Lena Luthor - Help

Kelly Clarkson - Ex

Meredith Grey - Surprise Part 2

Lauren Jauregui - Sleep


Sorry for the long wait. Will try to post them as soon as I can.

Thank you!

You/Katie McGrath and others Imagines - Part 3Where stories live. Discover now