You/Ginny Weasley - One Sided

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Your heart ached as you watched Ginny pick up the flowers and note to quickly skim through it and then shake her head in your direction

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Your heart ached as you watched Ginny pick up the flowers and note to quickly skim through it and then shake her head in your direction. You just gave her a small smile and left the classroom before the class even started. You couldn't handle being in the same room as the girl that kept rejecting your dates and gifts. It was stupid to think that she would change her mind during one of those times but you couldn't help but hope. At least once a week, you would get her a gift that ranged from flowers to dessert and then to little things she might like. And week after week, Ginny kept rejecting you.

Your friends would try to spare you the heartache but you never listened to them. According to them, Ginny liked Harry and that you never stood a chance. Had you listened to them a year ago, you wouldn't have been dealing with the constant heartache every week.


For the past few days, you been avoiding going to any of your classes. You shared the majority of them with Ginny and you couldn't bare looking at her without bursting into tears. So the only place that you knew you were going to have some piece and quiet was the astronomy tower that was hardly ever used. You thought that they had even forgotten about it since no one ever bothered to use it anymore. It didn't matter the reason why it was empty, the only thing that mattered is that you were left alone to look at the stars. They were the only thing that comforted you and if it was up to you, you would stay in the tower for eternity.

Ginny had no idea how much she would actually look forward to the day you would hide your gift for her to find. It was sweet but she could never accept them as she didn't want to give you any false hope. Her heart was set on Harry at first but as the year went on, she could barely even remember one single as to why she had fallen for Harry. All she could think about when she would daydream was how sweet you were for the notes and gifts you would give her or the fact that you always asked how she was. It was little things like that, that made her realize that she had actually fallen for you.

She felt incredibly stupid and embarrassed that it took almost 2 weeks of not seeing you to see that she had actually fallen for you. Ginny just hoped that she hadn't been too late The only thing holding her back from professing her love for you was the fact that you just stopped appearing to all your classes. Ginny couldn't even find you in the dorms or the hallways.

"Why do you want to know where she is? Do you want to stomp on her heart again?"

Ginny's last resort had been your friends. She knew they hated her for what she had done but it was the only option that was left.

"No. That was never my intention. I just want to talk to her."

"Then forget it, we're not going to tell you. If you don't know where she usually goes to think then you clearly don't deserve her."

"Wait, I..."

Ginny tried to stop them but they had already disappeared down the hall.

"Where she usually goes?"

Ginny mumbles to herself, trying to think of a clue as to where you might be.

"Of course! The astronomy tower."

Ginny had remembered reading a poem you had given to her about your love for stars and figured that's where you were hiding.


She lets out a sigh of relief when she spots you leaning against the railings of the tower.


You turn around as you hear your name.

"Ginny, what are you doing here?"

"I've been looking everywhere for you. I should've known this is where you would be."

Ginny walks over to stand besides you as the two of you look at the towers.

"Tell me about the constellations."

She asks you. You're always happy to share your love for the stars and so you go into detail about all the constellations that can be see at night.

As you finish talking about them to her, you turn to her as she had barely asked any question.


Ginny gives you a smile and reaches over to tuck in a strand of your hair.

"You look beautiful under the moonlight."

Her compliment makes you blush so you look the other way so she wouldn't see how it affected you. Ginny places her hand under your chin to make you turn around.

"(y/n), I know it's been quite a while since we last seen each other. But being apart from you for the last several days has made me realize how much I missed you. I missed seeing your face and the notes you would leave for me. I thought it was because it was the one thing normal in my life but it was actually because it was always so thoughtful of you. I never came to actually process my feelings because I thought I was in love with Harry but that wasn't the case. I had actually fallen for you. I hope it's not too late for me to tell you that I feel the same way about you."

You shake your head as you place your hands on her waist. Out of instinct, Ginny wraps her arms around your neck.

"I could never stop loving you, Ginny."

The two of you lean in to kiss, not pulling away until the two of you run out of breath.

"I'm so sorry for taking so long to realize how I feel about you, (y/n)."

"The past is in the past. All we can do now is look forward to the future so in that case, will you go on a date with me, Ginny?"

"I'd be honored."



I have several prompts to do and will post them in this order

Accepting all kinds of prompts, as long as it's fxf

Names that have ?? do not have a prompt so feel free to send me one of yours.

Kate Kane - Vigilante

Denna(Legend of the Seeker) - Love

Fleur Delacour - Werewolf

Luna Lovegood - Different Side


Sorry for the long wait. Will try to post them as soon as I can.

Thank you!

You/Katie McGrath and others Imagines - Part 3Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu