You/Emilia Clarke - Basketball

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"So we got word that Emilia Clarke is coming to our next game"

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"So we got word that Emilia Clarke is coming to our next game"

"What? No way. How do you know?"

You asked, a little excited about the prospect of your favorite actress coming to your game.

"I have my sources. I just wanted to let you know so you won't make a fool out of yourself."

"Why would I make a fool out of myself?"

Your coach gives you a look, which lets you know that she was well aware of your crush on the actress.

"I'm not going to make a fool out of myself. I'm one of the star players. I'm good at what I do."

"Yeah, you are. Now go out there and help your team win. You don't want to lose our streak of being the only undefeated team in playoffs before we play in front of her."

You rolled your eyes at her and nodded.

"Like I'll ever let that happen."


You wince in pain as the doctor iced ankle. You had managed to end up twisting it when you made the last shot.

"You're going to have to sit out the next game. You need to rest and let your ankle heal or else you're not going to be able to play for the rest of this season."

"Wait what? I need to play the next game. Emilia will be coming to our game."

"You can either play this next game and risk getting a career ending surgery or rest and play for the game after this one."

You crossed your arms, upset about the fact that you weren't going to be able to impress Emilia. At least your team was still undefeated.


"This is ridiculous, (y/n). Why did I let myself agree to this?"

"Oh come on, coach. The fans will love it. What better motivation than cheering my team in the team's mascot costume."

"I don't believe that you're doing this just to cheer for you team. I know you have another motive for putting it on."

"No other motive, just want to cheer for my team."

You tell her before putting on the head of the mascot. Your coach puts two and two together when she sees you grab and empty coffee cup before you head out.


Like practiced, you casually walk out of the lockers to walk down the bleachers to get the fans to cheer. You could hear the announcer let everyone know who was under the mascot costume, making the fans cheer louder. Once you hear him finish, you make your way to where Emilia was sitting. Pretending to be shocked, you dropped the coffee cup and kneel before her as the announcer calls out all of Emilia's titles for the show.

"We stand in the presence of Daenerys Stormborn of House Targaryen, rightful heir to the Iron Throne, rightful Queen of the Andals and the First Men, Protector of the Seven Kingdoms, The Mother of Dragons, The Khaleesi of the Great Grass Sea, The Unburnt, The Breaker of Chains."

Emilia turns red, shy about being in the spotlight and fan cam. She laughs as you kiss her hand and bow before you make your way back to locker rooms.

"How long have you been planning for this?"

"Since the doctor told me that I couldn't play for this game?"

Your coach rolls her eyes but doesn't say anything as you change into your uniform.


Your shocked to find Emilia again at your next game. Your coach never mentioned that she was going to come back.

"Don't look at me. I'm just as surprised as you are that she's back."

You don't quite believe her but don't say anything as you walk out to start your warmup but before you do, you again kneel before Emilia. Making her blush brightly.

"It's a pleasure to have the queen at our game."

"It's just Emilia."

She says with a smile. You return it as you stand.

"I know but I like making you blush. It's cute."

That makes her turn even redder. You wink at her and make your way to the center of the game as it starts.


Emilia again joins you for the next game, surprising you once again. This time because she was wearing your jersey.

"I'm honored that the queen is wearing my number."

Emilia just smirks as she looks down at you and plays along.

"You should. I don't just wear anyone's number."

You give her a smile when you stand.

"I won't let you down."

"See to it that you don't."

You helped score half of the team's point, pushing your team for another win


"We won! I can't believe we won with a perfect season!"

You ignored your teams cheers, simply just congratulating everyone as they all got caught up in the celebration. You had one goal in mind and you didn't want to be distracted.

"Will this tribute allow for me to take the queen out on a date?"

Emilia looks down at what you're holding.

"It will suffice."

Emilia wraps her arms around your neck and leans in to kiss you. Completely ignoring the flashes of cameras around the two of you. It had been a given that the two of you would be swarmed after teasing your relationship for weeks. Everyone was just waiting for it to be confirmed.


Accepting all kinds of prompts, as long as it's fxf

Names that have ?? do not have a prompt so feel free to send me one of yours.

Nia Nal - Awkward

Jean Grey - Pregnant

Lena Luthor - Wisdom Teeth

Michelle Jones (MJ) - Accident

Zelda Spellman - Blocked

Lena Luthor - Sleeptalking

Jules Daily - Princess

Katie McGrath - Strict

Lena Luthor/Lucy Lane - Road Trip                              

Sara Lance/ Ava Sharpe - Soulmates

Georgina Hobart - ??

Jennifer J - Busy Part 2

Lena Luthor/Sam Arias - Tri

Lena Luthor - Time Travel

Daenerys Targaryen - Guard Part 3

Andrea Rojas - Three

Cate Blanchett - Jealous

Alex Danvers - Hired Part 2


Sorry for the long wait. Will try to post them as soon as I can.

Thank you!

You/Katie McGrath and others Imagines - Part 3Where stories live. Discover now