You/Katie McGrath - Messages

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"Okay, Katie is definitely seeing someone

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"Okay, Katie is definitely seeing someone."

Nicole blurts out to Azie and Andrea as she climbs into their trailer.

"Why do you think that?"

"She's always getting distracted and she's always smiling and laughing at whatever this other person sent her. I tried getting her to show me but she just said that I wouldn't get it since it was an inside joke. Can you believe that? She told me that it was an inside joke. ME?! The one who is able to understand all kinds of jokes that are told to me."

"Nicole, you're just over thinking it. She's probably just talking to an old friend or something. Lets not jump to conclusions."

Andrea tells her.

"Fine. Maybe, I'm over thinking it but you guys must realize that she's definitely seeing someone. I haven't seen her touch any of her books for the past couple of days. When does that happen?"

"Okay, you might be on to something. Katie is hardly ever without her books."

Azie hadn't seen Katie pick up a book since the beginning of the week so Nicole could be right.

"See, are you guys going to help me get to the bottom of this or what?"

"Why don't we just wait until Katie tells us? I don't like being sneaky."

Andrea didn't like that Nicole and Azie wanted to invade Katie's privacy.

"We're not going to be sneaky. We'll just pay close attention to what she's doing. We know her like the back of our hand. It shouldn't be hard to see that something is up."

"I'm not going to part of this. I'll just wait until Katie tells me."

"Fine. Suit yourself. We're not telling you if we find something out."

"You're cruel you know that but I guess I'm in then."

"Yes! We'll get to the bottom of this."


Katie looked up to find Nicole, Azie and Andrea staring at her.

"Could I help you guys with something?"

"Oh not at all. We're just waiting for you to finish your conversation with however it is you're talking to."

Nicole tells Katie. For the past week, the three of them had basically kept tabs on Katie. Marking down the times that she picked up a book and how often she would check her phone. The first count was quite low and the second one was pretty high up.

"They are just an old friend."

"You sure it's just a friend because with the way you smile and laugh when you get a text message from them, it makes it seem like they are more."

Katie looks at the three of them, knowing that she had been caught.

"It wasn't serious at first but then we started talking more and more and now I'm just head over heels in love with her."

"Oh! "

"What? Is that bad?"

"No, it's just that I didn't you would tell us right away."

"You guys are my best friends. Of course, I was going to tell you. I just needed some time to figure out my feelings."

"So when do we get to meet them."

"You guys want to meet her?"

"Yeah, we want to meet the woman who captured your heart."

"You're not going to threaten her, right?"

"Katie, please. You know us. Would we really do that?"


Katie deadpanned.

"Okay, fine. We promise to behave. So when can we meet her?"

"I'm not sure. I'll have to ask her when she's busy."

"Well go on. Ask her."

Katie rolls her eyes and pulls out her phone to text you.

'Friends ended up realizing something was up so I told them about you. Hope that's okay.'

'Of course. It is.'

'Oh good. They also kind of want to meet you.'

'Yeah...I can tell them that you're busy. They can be a little intense.'

'No, it's fine. I'd love to meet your friends. I'm free this weekend.'

"She's free this weekend."

"Perfect then! Friday it is!"


You were surprised that they were actually nice to you when you arrived. Katie had warned you that Nicole might give you the talk so you had been a little worried about that. A couple of hours had passed since you arrived and they were finally heading out after spending most of the day with the two of you.

"I like you, (y/n) but make no mistake that I will cut a bitch if you make my Katie cry. Got that."

You gulped loudly at her threat and nodded. You didn't realize that she could get quite scary when she wanted to.

"Good. Till next weekend!"

She says her goodbyes to Katie and the two of you are finally alone.

"That wasn't too bad, was it?"

"Oh not at all. They were all so sweet."

"Really? Nicole didn't tell you anything."

Katie asked, skeptical that Nicole had behaved.

"Nope! She was sweet. I can't wait to hang out with them again."

"Okay, now I know you're lying. Nicole can be anything but sweet when she wants to. What did she tell you."

"Nothing, I swear." Katie raises her eyebrow at you, making you crumble. "Okay, she might've threatened to 'cut a bitch' if I made you cry but that seems fair to me"

"How so?"

"Because I would also 'cut a bitch' if they made you cry. You have nothing to worry about. I think I made a good impression on them."

Katie gives you a smile and leans in to kiss you.

"You always make a good impression on everyone. Now lets go to sleep, I'm exhausted."



I have several prompts to do and will post them in this order

Accepting all kinds of prompts, as long as it's fxf

Names that have ?? do not have a prompt so feel free to send me one of yours.

Daenerys Targaryen - Vampire Part 3

Hayley Marshall - Pregnant

Cara Mason - ??

Meredith Grey - ??(Fluff)

Meredith Grey - ??(Drama)

Katie McGrath - Clueless

Lena Luthor - Half of It


Sorry for the long wait. Will try to post them as soon as I can.

Thank you!

You/Katie McGrath and others Imagines - Part 3Where stories live. Discover now