You/Lena Luthor - Werewolf Part 2

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AN: Barely have any clue how werewolf are supposed to act so this one might be OOC.

AN2: Someone requested two Katie McGrath Imagines and I can't seem to find the prompts. Let me know if they were yours or if someone found them. Thank you

After dating you for almost a year now, Lena came to realize that there were two sides of you

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After dating you for almost a year now, Lena came to realize that there were two sides of you. A serious one whenever you were protecting her and a 'goofy' one that you only showed to Lena. You would always demand for Lena to stop calling such side 'goofy' but that just made her want to use it. Not one to be able to say no to her, you just let her continued calling you like that. As long as no one was near enough to hear that you let your guard down with only Lena.


You're currently in Lena's office, playing with a ball that she would toss around her office as you ran around to catch it. Lena found it completely adorable whenever you claimed that you didn't have a recollection of ever playing such game. There were many things that she didn't understand about werewolves but she knew that you were 100% aware of what was going on when you turned.

"Who's a cute werewolf? You are! Yes you are!"

You whined, not liking that you were being called cute. A werewolf shouldn't be associated with that term at all. You were meant to be scary.

"Okay okay, who's a cute scary werewolf? You are! You're the scariest!"

It was a step forward to the right direction so you just nuzzled your head against her thigh to let her know to pet you.

"You must be starving, you've been running around for a while. Hold on."

Lena stands up, making you whine yet again as she stopped petting you. Lena just laughed and headed to the fridge that she had installed to store food that you could eat whenever you came over for lunch. She pulls out a couple steaks and places them on a plate for you.

"Come on, while you eat. I can finish my paperwork and we can head home."

You just stared at her and then back at the food, hoping she would get the hint.

"Oh, alright."

She sets the plate down on the coffee table and lets you finish eating while she goes back to work.


It's been almost an hour since you had finished eating and Lena still wasn't done. You tried distracting her again but she just prohibited you from doing so. Saying that the sooner she finished, the faster the two of you could head home. With nothing else to do, you laid down on your side and fell asleep.

Lena looks up when she hears you yawn loudly as you laid down.

"Absolute adorable."

She mumbles quietly as she watches you. When you eventually fall asleep, Lena continues working on her papers. Rushing through them to finish quickly.

It's quite for a minutes, the only things that could be heard are Lena's pen and you occasionally moving around. That's until Kara barges inside Lena's office to rush over and pet you.

"Oh my god! (y/n)!"

Ever since the accident at the park, you had become acquainted with Kara. The two of you were in friendly terms but your wolf side still didn't trust Kara for almost letting Lena get hurt. Your eyes open at her touch, and immediately pin her down with your teeth a few inches away from her throat.

"(y/n)! Down! We don't do that to friends. Kara is our friend."

You continue growling at her, Kara remaining still as she wasn't sure how to handle you when you were turned. Seeing that she wasn't going to get your wolf side, Lena tried to get you to turn back.

"(y/n), Kara is your friend. All she wanted was to pet you. I know you're still upset about what happened at the park but we've all settled what happened. If you let Kara go, she'll fly you around the city."

"I will?" Kara looks up to Lena as she asks her. When Lena just silently tells her to go along with her, Kara turns to face you. "I will! I'll fly you around the city."

You growl at her one last time before climbing off of her. Kara stands up, letting out a sigh of relief.

"I learned my lesson. Ask before I pet the scary werewolf."

You purposely bump into her as you walk back to Lena, setting your head down on her desk to look at her.

"Okay, seems like I'm not wanted. I'll just go."

Kara tells the two of you as you continue glaring at her.

"Kara, don't be ridiculous, you're welcome to stay."

One look at you, Kara decides that it's better to wait until werewolf you starts to like her.

'Maybe another day. I'll see the two of you for game night."

She doesn't wait for a confirmation as she flies off.

Lena looks down at you when you nuzzle your head again at her thigh.

"No, I'm not petting you after scaring away Kara. You know that she's our friend. She's not going to hurt you and until your wolf side sees that she's our friend then I'm not going reward you for your bad behavior."

Lena just knew that if you could roll your eyes, you would.

"Now let me finish and we'll go home."

You just let out a huff when you curled up besides her, annoyed that she didn't pet you when you asked her to do so.

You/Katie McGrath and others Imagines - Part 3Where stories live. Discover now