You/Harley Quinn/Pamela Isley - BatFamily

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"Guys, I have to go

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"Guys, I have to go. Bruce needs me."

Harley pouted at you as Pamela let her vines tangle themselves on you. You didn't want to leave them either but he had been insistent that you were needed. You weren't sure why he was calling you for help when he had Robin, Batgirl and Nightwing at his call.

"He doens't need you. He's just being a baby. Whoever Batman is dealing with, he can handle it himself. We need you more."

You bit your lip, debating your options. On one hand, you could stay with them and on the other, you could get beat up and spend the night alone.

"Okay, okay. You've convinced me. I'll stay."

Harley latched on to you while Pamela made her vines retreat before attaching herself to you too. The nights you would get to spend with them were rare and whenever you could, they always took advantage of the time spent together.


The three of you are peacefully sleeping when you wake up to your watching ringing. That only meant one thing and one thing only, Bruce was in trouble.

Quickly untangling yourself from your girlfriends limbs, you called for your batmobile while you quickly changed into the spare suit that you left the last time you had been here.

"W..where are you going?"

Harley quietly asked, half asleep but still aware of what was going on.

"Bruce needs me. I have to go. I'm sorry. I'll make it up to the two of you. Tell Pamela that I didn't want to wake her up to say goodbye."

You leaned in to kiss Harley and then Pamela.

"You better make it up to us. Ivy, is not going to be happy that you left without actually saying goodbye."

Your watch rings again, letting you know that the car was already here for you.

"I know but I have no time. My brother needs me. I should've gone when he asked me. I'm sorry, Harls."

Harley sighs and just waves you goodbye when you jump out the window. At least Ivy was still here. Making herself comfortable, she soon fell asleep.


You push the limit of your car, wanting to reach Bruce as soon as possible. When you arrive to the GPS location of where he was at, it was empty. You jump out of the car, looking around to make sure that this was the right location.

"..I don't understand. He's supposed to be here." Turning on your comms, you call for him. "Batman, come in. Come in, Batman."

No answer. You sigh and sneak around the building in hopes of finding him.

"It took you 3 hours to get here. I could've been dead already"

You hear the deep voice from behind you. You roll your eyes as you turn around. He always had to be so dramatic.

"But you're not dead. Why did you call me if you don't need me? I'm losing my sleep. Not everyone likes to work in the night."

Batgirl and Robin grapple down from the building to stand besides him.

"What the hell, Bruce? You called me when they were already here? What a waste of my time. I'm leaving."

You turned around to head back to your car but stops you. Using his grapple to tie your legs to make you trip. You let out a grunt of pain when you hit the ground.

"Do you want an 'I'm sorry?' because I'm not giving it to you. You woke me up from my sleep."

"No, I don't want an I'm sorry. I just want you to talk and I don't want you running off before we finish talking."

"I'm not a kid. I would've stayed." You turn around and start taking off the rope. "Now what did you want to talk about that it couldn't wait until tomorrow."

"We know that you're dating Harley and Ivy." You stop moving for the briefest second but that gives him all the information he needed to know. "What is wrong with you, (y/n)? They're using you. They're nothing but trouble."

You scoff at him, finding it ridiculous that he even cared. He never cared about anything in your life.

"So? I know they are using me." They weren't but you liked pushing his buttons. "I use them too. It's not just a one way thing Bruce. I'm an adult. I can date whoever I want."

Batgirl steps in before Bruce gets to open his mouth again. She knew that he would make things worse.

"What he is saying is that he's worried that you'll get hurt. They aren't known for being the nicest women in town."

You turn to Robin, waiting for him to say something.

"Aren't you going to add something to that?"

He shakes his head rapidly. Too afraid of you to say anything.

"I'm just here because they threatened me to take away my gadgets."

You sigh and finally stand up, tossing the rope back to Bruce.

"If you're really worried about them hurting me then you shouldn't. We've been dating for almost a year now and they've been nothing but supportive. I love them and they love me. That's all you need to know and care about."

"I'm your older brother. It's my responsibility to make sure that you don't end up dating a criminal like them."

You roll your eyes as you make your way back to you car, completely over this conversation.

"Yeah, well you can't tell me anything. You fuck Catwoman regularly."

That leaves the three of them in shock, giving you the perfect opportunity to slip back to Harley's place. When you arrive, Harley is still awake.

"Is your brother okay?"

You nod and laid down besides her. That conversation was not meant to be had while she was half asleep.

"Yeah, go back to sleep. We'll talk later."

She nods and happily sighs as she moves closer to you with Ivy.


Accepting all kinds of prompts, as long as it's fxf.

Only exception is a/b/o prompts. Will not write about these but can write something similar

Names that have ?? do not have a prompt so feel free to send me one of yours.

Jade Thirlwall - Introductions

Jennifer Honey - (fluff)??

Arizona Robbins - Mine

Lena Luthor - Time Travel Part 3

Lauren Cimorelli - Reputation


Sorry for the long wait. Will try to post them as soon as I can.

Thank you!

You/Katie McGrath and others Imagines - Part 3Where stories live. Discover now