You/Harley Quinn/Pamela Isley - BatFamily Part 2

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"Oh my god, (y/n)

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"Oh my god, (y/n). You really told Brucy about him fucking Selina. I bet he was shocked. What I would pay to have seen his face."

"It was pretty funny. It's a nice change from his moody one. I don't think he'll be bothering us anymore."

Harley gives you a smirk. A plan had formed in her mind to make sure that they never bother you again about the three of you dating.

"What do you say about being kidnapped?"

"Harley, no."

"(y/n), yes. It'll be fun! Back me up on this Ivy."

Ivy looked between the two of you and then raised her hands up in surrender.

"No, I'm not getting in the middle of this. The two of you figure it out and I'll go along with whoever wins the argument."

You pouted at Ivy, hoping that it could get her to change her mind but it didn't work. She just looked back down at her phone.

"Lets say that I agree to this plan, what will it involve."

Harley claps in excitement and animatedly tells you her entire plan. It didn't seem too bad. It could definitely teach Bruce a lesson but that could mean the two of them might get hurt.

"I don't know, Harls. What if either of you get hurt by accident. I don't want to risk it."

Harley falls to her knees and lets her chin rest on your thigh while giving you her puppy dog eyes. You groaned loudly and sighed. She knew that she could convince you to anything with those eyes.

"Fine! But if it gets too dangerous then I'm stopping it."

Harley jumps up to give you a tight hug.

"This is going to be so much fun!"


You looked down in worry as Harley thighed the rope on your wrists.

"It's a little too tight."

You said with a whine. Harley finishes the knot and bends down to kiss you deeply. Making you forgetting what you had been complaining about.

"You won't be in them for more than an hour. It has to look believable. Now let me do your makeup, it has to look realistic."

Harley takes your chin and rushes to put the finishing touches on the blood and bruises that she had painted on you. They were accurately too real for your liking.

"All done! What do you think Ivy?"

Ivy puts her phone down and walks over to you, she moves your head from side to side to get a better look of the makeup.

"You have outdone yourself. It really looks like we beat her up."

Ivy winces as she says so. Almost a year ago, and this would have been a reality. She was glad that the three of you had started going out. She couldn't imagine what she would be doing without the two of you.

You/Katie McGrath and others Imagines - Part 3Where stories live. Discover now