You/Lena Luthor - Soulmate Part 2

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Lena shook her hands out of nervousness as she thought about what would be happening in an hour

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Lena shook her hands out of nervousness as she thought about what would be happening in an hour. After everything that the two of you have been through, she couldn't believe that the two of you were finally getting married after dating for two years.

"I can do this. Just put one foot after the other so I won't trip. I've walked in heels since I was 14 and I've never tripped in my life with the heels. I can do this. One foot after the other. One foot after the other. You're going to marry the love of your life and you can't ruin the wedding video.

She mumbles to herself, thinking that she was alone. After getting into her dress, everyone had left to give Lena some space to deal with her nerves before the wedding had started. Kara had come back just in time to hear Lena's little motivation speech.

"You're going to be okay, Lena."

Lena jumps up, startled that someone else was in the room.

"Jesus, Kara. Please knock next time."

"Sorry! I thought you heard me. I just came to let you know that you have 10 minutes. Are you ready?"

Taking a deep breath to center herself, Lena opened her eyes and nodded.

"I'm ready to marry my soulmate."


You looked out the window, looking at your close friends and family that the two of you had invited for the wedding. It was still surreal that you were soon going to be Mrs. Luthor in a matter of hours. A smile formed as you pictured Lena standing at the end of the aisle while your (whoever walked you down) led you down the aisle.

"Are you ready?"

Your sister asked you, making you turn your attention to her.

"I've been ready since I said yes. God, I can't believe I get to marry that woman. I'm so fucking lucky."

She rolls her eyes, already knowing where this was going. Any chance that you could get, you would talk about how amazing Lena was.

"Yeah, yeah. Come on, lovebird. We can't be late to your own wedding."


The music started as the doors started to open. All eyes were on you but the only one's that mattered were Lena's. The two couldn't tear your eyes off of each other when you entered the room. It was like it was just the two of you. Tears were rolling down both of your cheeks by the time you stood in front of Lena.

'You look beautiful.'

'You look gorgeous.'

The two of you mouth in unison, causing both of you to laugh as J'onn started the ceremony.


"The brides have each prepared vows that they will read now."

J'onn turns to Lena, letting her know that she was going first. You could tell she was nervous so as a show of support, you gently squeezed her hands. She gave you a grateful smile and started her vows.

"(Y/n), there so many things I could say at this moment if I were to say them all, we would never leave. I want to promise you that I will always be there for you like you've always be there for me since we started dating. You'v'e always been my rock and helped me through the many difficult times that we've been through. I will love and support you until my last dying breath."

'I love you Lena.'

You silently mouth to her before you say your vows.

"And now, Lena Luthor, do you take (full name) to be your wife? Do you promise to love, honor, cherish, and protect her, forsaking all others, and holding only unto her forevermore?

"I do."

"And, (full name), do you take Lena Luthor to be your wife? Do you promise to love, honor, cherish, and protect her, forsaking all others, and holding only unto her forevermore?

"I do."

The two of you slide the rings onto each as J'onn continues the ceremony.

"And now by the power vested in me by the State of California, it is my honor and delight to declare you married. Go forth and live each day to the fullest. You may kiss the bride."

Both of you don't waste anytime to lean in for a kiss. There's loud cheering and clapping when you both pull apart.

"Mrs. and Mrs. Luthor everyone!"

J'onn yells when you start to walk towards the limo that would lead you to the wedding reception.

"How does it feel to be Mrs. Luthor, Lena?"

Lena gives you a wide smile and pulls you in for another kiss.

"It's the best feeling in the world, Mrs. Luthor."


Accepting all kinds of prompts, as long as it's fxf

Names that have ?? do not have a prompt so feel free to send me one of yours.

Mia Torrento - Sour Part 2

Cher Horowitz - Comfortable

Daenerys Targaryen - Guard

Lena Luthor - Werewolf

Maeve Wiley - Lucifer Part 2

Kara Danvers - Red String

Wanda Maximoff - Screw Up

Lena Luthor - Gone

Katie McGrath - Dinner Part 2

Lena Luthor - Photographs Part 1

Lena Luthor - Photographs Part 2

Lena Luthor - Photographs Part 3

Miss Honey - Caught

Sam Arias - Escape

Natasha Negovanlis - Annoyance

Laurel Lance - Friends

Morgana Pendragon - Story

Sam Arias/Lena Luthor - Doubt

Lucy Lane - Pretend

Laurel Castillo - ?? (Fluff)

Diana Prince - Doctor

Nyssa al Ghul - Saved


Sorry for the long wait. Will try to post them as soon as I can.

Thank you!

You/Katie McGrath and others Imagines - Part 3Where stories live. Discover now