Cadenza: Daughter of the Villainess is Poisonous LVII

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Lu Jingxing didn't know how to respond he wasn't an expert with girls so he didn't quite understand the way they settle their things.

While he was distracted Cadenza snatched the bowl in his hands and ate all the mooncakes in one go.

Damn she didn't realize she was that hungry.

Stress eating.......

Lu Jingxing chuckled as he stared at Cadenza, who was staring at the empty bowl intently as if she wanted more, just why is she so different? It makes him want to get to know her more.

"Come with me" Lu Jingxing spoke as stood up Cadenza followed him as both of them walked towards the rooftop.

From up here you could see the beautiful sky filled with thousands of stars, it was breathtakingly beautiful.

Lu Jingxing laid on the ground and motioned Cadenza to do the same. Cadenza didn't hesitate and also laid on the ground beside Lu Jingxing. Her eyes can't stop staring at the sky.

"You are not angry about this mysterious two face girl but with yourself right?" Lu Jingxing asked as he looked at Cadenza.

"It's just it's the first time for me when things got out of hand and the way that person stared at me it's like....he was staring at someone that he must get rid of. I was frustrated on how things went since ever since I was little I got everything I want and things were made exactly as I want them to be. My mother taught me how to survive, everyone praised me for being perfect and that made me so full of myself that I thought I could gain everything I want even without trying so hard. I guess learning and experience are two different things yet they compliment each other, you cannot survive with just learning and experience alone.....I don't want to be weak and vulnerable" Cadenza stated in a determined tone her eyes turned sharp and cold.

This Vivian isn't so simple.....that woman might be more or less on the same level as her.

"Are you kidding me? You are probably the coolest person I know, the way you handle those bullies and those fake Golden Dragon Mafia members that's something" Lu Jingxing flashed his usual playful smile.

"My mom used to carry me towards our balcony and stare at the stars as she sings me a song" Lu Jingxing smiled bitterly as he reminisced through his memories.

The face of his mother he could even barely remember it. Lu Jingxing shifted his head and stared at Cadenza who was currently asleep, soon his eyes also felt heavy and his vision turned dark.


"Damn" Cadenza muttered as soon as she opened her eyes, last night she felt so sleepy and only wanted to sleep a little but didn't expect to sleep the whole night.

Luckily it was weekend or else it would have been a bigger problem. Cadenza opened her phone and saw many messages from Ford. Cadenza composed herself panicking won't help so addressing the situation is the best solution.

She immediately fled and returned back to the mansion secretly.

"Cadenza that Vivian is still contacting Axel relentlessly" Colleen's voice sounded frantic.

[Just in case some of you forgot she's Nicolette's cousin]

Colleen took Cadenza's advice to let Axel still have contact with Vivian but how can she sit still and do nothing knowing how much that woman weighs in Axel's heart.

"Calm down, big sister Colleen if I were you, just let them be. Axel is all yours now and don't even think of deleting Vivian's number or touching Axel's phone. deleting her number and putting a stop to their communication would only lead Axel to suspect you as snooping around his phone since you're the only one that sticks to him almost every single day it would be your loss all you hard work would only mean nothing. For now just focus on acting" Cadenza replied in a not so cold nor warm tone.

"Got it" Colleen replied as she hang up on her phone.

She looked at Axel's phone in her hand and her hand shook.

Damn she almost made a huge mistake!! She really did think of deleting Vivian's number luckily Cadenza made her realized the bigger picture.

This Vivian is such a mystery, she only wears a facade, the way she speak, move and even wear expressions are all cover ups. Cadenza just only realized Vivian wasn't lacking it's just she's just too lazy to put effort into fooling everyone, just like as she didn't bother to cover up her tracks when she spread the video that made Soarin connect the dots with only a little ideas and was able to recognize her.

"Big sister is someone bothering you?" Nikki walked towards Cadenza as she laid her head on Cadenza's shoulder intimately while holding a knife that was dripping with blood.

[Nikki is one of Cadenza's sworn sisters]

Cadenza looked at Nikki whose face was tainted with blood and patted her head gently.

"You know you could just tell me that person and that person will end up with one of those" Nikki spoke as she used her knife to point at the dead bodies on the floor.

"Did you get anything?" Cadenza asked as she scrolled on her phone.

"They are members of a lowly gang, hayssss would it be so hard to drink tea with you without getting distrub?" Nikki have a long sigh and glared at the dead bodies with her cold blood thirsty eyes.

If only they had more time she would have gladly made them undergo extreme torture. Imbecile men dared talk dirty in front of her and her big sister.

"I'm sorry about the mess" Cadenza spoke as she laid a check on the table as stated at the shopkeeper who was trembling in fear.

"I'll have someone to clean up the mess" Cadenza and Nikki left the coffee shop.

"About this new mission you want me to infiltrate Myriad Assassin Organization for this husband and wife?" Nikki spoke as she looked at Cadenza confusingly while pointing at a small picture of a man and woman holding a little girl lovingly.

It was nothing but a picture of a small family.

"Look closely" Cadenza replied indifferently.

Nikki took a closer look on the picture and a wide grin was plastered on her face.


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