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She took out a huge pot and filled it with loads of water then she put all the potatoes and some random vegetables in the pot and she didn't know what amount of spices should she put so Cadenza poured all the spices.

After thirty minutes Cadenza served her brother with her unpalatable boiled vegetables.

Nikolay took a peek at the plate as he continued to fidget with his phone
"Is that even edible?"

"Vegetables are good for your health, look at you, you looked like a malnourished potato if you continued being like that you'll really look like an old man" Cadenza was mocking her brother with an innocent smile.

Sometimes being with her brother isn't so bad at all.

There was an unexpected guests that came. Clemence and his oldest brother Claude who is an another block of ice (has cold personality). Claude has already entered the business empire with his father and has already established himself despite being young.

Cadenza ran towards them and gave them a big hug with a cheerful smile. Nikolay folded his arms and glared at his cousins, why can't he have the same treatment as them? Especially that hateful Clemence, is it because the three of them resembled so much? The same color of hair and same color of eyes. Curse his father's genes for kicking too much!!

Claude patted Cadenza's head and greeted Nikolay who was younger than him for several years. Upon looking at their dinner and Cadenza wearing an apron Clemence already knew what happened, he laughed it off and was the one who personally prepared dinner.

The four of them ate their dinner happily and drank til full.

It was early in the morning and Cadenza was already having a hangover, she drank too much that she ended up sleeping in the floor but luckily she felt someone carrying her to her room so she slept comfortablely and ended up almost late in school.

"Starting from today Soarin Lancaster is now permanently in this class, treat him well" the girl's couldn't contain their excitement and was fangirlling nonstop.

Cadenza was not in the mood listening to their hearing destroying high-pitched voice. If it was like before she would make them instantly shut up, she was having a headache and she lacks sleep but she still have to put up a smile.

Soarin sat beside Cadenza as he stared at her like a sniper looking at his target
but Cadenza only shot him a mocking smile it was a fast moment yet enough for Soarin's mood to turn gloomy.

"For today's activity each of you will be
picking a partner and discuss how to make your own poster about chemistry and pass it tomorrow. That's all for today, if you have any questions just go to faculty room"

"Why do all teachers are leaving in a hurry?" Cadenza spoke as she looked at the person beside her.

"They're busy for the School Championship" Soarin responded as he continued to scribble in his notebook.

It was fast and everyone has already found their partners. Except for the two, Soarin and Cadenza, they have some common things as well they're not so great with socializing with people they don't like. Cadenza only socialize with other people if she'll gain benefits but if it's other random people it's a big NO.

The two looked at each other and snorted, not even in their dreams they'll be partners.

"Can't you even draw a straight line?" Soarin scolded Cadenza.

How could she draw a straight line properly if he constantly moves the desk with his restless hands. The two of them would low-key bicker with each other but they still worked it out fine.

And this continued with the other subjects where teachers would give seatworks by pairs. The next day Soarin and Cadenza were summoned to the Headmaster's office.

The teachers were impressed by the results of their works. Not only they were intelligent and hardworking but also have a connection of teamwork.

"Two of you will be participating in the School Championship's Intelligence contest and represent our school. If both of you will win the contest I'll permit that you'll be exempted in the third quarterly exam"

If she wins the contest there's probably a chance that she'll be recognized by her Prince Charming. This contest will be the start of her plan to capture the heart of her Prince Charming.

"I agree" Cadenza responded with determination. The headmaster was taken aback, that was fast.

"What about you Soarin?" the headmaster looked at the young man with full of expectations.


To win this contest it'll just add on the number of his achievements. But the thought of studying together had neither crossed their minds.

Unexpectedly Nikolay was the one who personally fetch his sister in school. Upon seeing her brother's car Cadenza almost went back into the building if it weren't for her brother's call scolding her to get inside his car pronto.

"Why am I getting scolded these days?" Cadenza hatefully entered her brother's sports car.

Seeing Nikolay dressed so formally wearing his coat with a huge gold dragon embroidery she knew he was handling some business in the mafia.

"Did you eat something bad this morning? Or did the sun rise from the west?" Cadenza looked at her brother seriously.

Her older brother picking her up from school is relatively strange.

"Can I just be a good brother and pick up my sister from school?" Nikolay responded.

Cadenza looked at her brother from head to toe "Not a chance"

The car stopped to a fancy hotel located in M city. Both of them got off and was greeted with a warm welcome by the staffs of the hotel. The manager escorted them to a private room on the bottom part of the building. The door was purely made of heavy iron and there were men guarding the door.

Salvatore and Winston were calmly sitting on the sofa. Winston was playing with his gun while Salvatore was calmly relaxing on the sofa with his graceful manner. They looked very casual yet there's a hint of danger in their aura.

"Where's the guy" Nikolay spoke with his rare cold tone, his body is exuding a murderous aura that made the people in the room very uncomfortable.

A door opened and a man in black suit with a golden embroidery came dragging a man beaten half dead. His face was covered with blood and bruises, his left eye was swollen to so bad that he could barely see.

"What's his fault?" Cadenza looked at the two chilling in the couch.

"He's selling information about the Mafia" Winston replied as he gave Cadenza a file.

"And you're squeezing out to whom did he sell it" Cadenza spoke as she scanned the file.

Cadenza: This Esteemed Young Lady is Poisonous Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora