Cadenza: Daughter of the Villainess is Poisonous XXV

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"Yes" Cadenza and Soarin replied as the Headmaster's face was filled with smiles.

"I knew you would agree and even if you didn't I would still have ways to make you say yes" the Headmaster laughed as he patted Soarin's shoulder.

We know!!

Cadenza and Soarin thought at the same time. As Cadenza and Soarin walked out of the Headmaster's office Cadenza was immediately greeted by Lu Youjing whose wearing a playful smile.

"Cadenza" his irresistible charming smile was so bright that it could blind anyone just by it's sight, he was like a reincarnation of Eros that has the ability to capture any ladies' heart.

Oh great!

Cadenza rolled her eyes, could people stop bothering her early in the morning? And this guy named Lu Youjing is a person she doesn't want anything to do with.

Who's this guy?

Soarin thought as he stared at Lu Youjing annoyingly. Then his annoying gaze turned coldly as a sudden thought came to his mind. Lu Youjing was probably the culprit behind the roses that Cadenza was constantly recieving.

Yesterday afternoon when he went back to their classroom to pick up his bag on his seat he saw a rose laying on top of Cadenza's desk with a note containing a cheesy poem which he thought it belonged to the garbage and immediately put it where it should be. This morning Cadenza also received another rose that was inside her locker.

And that 'mysterious' person is getting on his nerves.

Cadenza laughed awkwardly as she faced Lu Youjing's annoying face.

What does this guy want?

Cadenza's eye twitched as she forced out a smile.

"Since there's nothing much to do today there's a newly opened park in the city where people could ride bikes, eat in food stalls and there are other fun activities as well so do you want to go out with me?" Lu Youjing spoke with enthusiastically.

Cadenza's interest was piqued surprisingly this guy named Lu Youjing knows how to have fun.


Soarin on the other hand was stretching his ear as he listened to their conversation. Cadenza agreed that easily to go out with that kind guy?! Does she even know what the other guy really meant by 'going out with him'?! But looking at Cadenza's expression she seemed like a little cheeky little girl anticipating to get a new doll.

"Not so easy" Soarin spoke coldly as he grabbed Cadenza's back collar and pulled her to his side.

"It is strictly prohibited for students to leave the campus while the School Championship is still going on" Soarin spoke with his serious expression.

"What a bummer" Cadenza replied as she rolled her eyes and immediately brushed Soarin's hand away.

"Eh?~ If isn't the infamous Mr Intelligent in the Academy? Young master Soarin Lannister" Lu Youjing last phrase sounded very cold yet his face was still showing a playful expression.

"And you are?" Soarin asked as he looked at Lu Youjing with his measuring gaze from head to toe.

"Lu Youjing" Lu Youjing replied.

Both of them shook their hands as they stared at each's eyes as if ready to murder the each other. The veins in their hands were visible as they applied strength as they shook their hands.

"So are we going or what?" Cadenza was getting impatient since Lottie said that she had something to do and won't be able to go to the Royal Academy and hanging out with Nicolette and her lackeys is getting really boring so Cadenza basically had nothing to do other than waiting for the big show later.

Speaking of which she can't wait for it.

"No" Soarin

"Yes" Lu Youjing

Both of them replied simultaneously still not letting go of each other's hands as they were crushing each other's palm.

"..." Cadenza

Cadenza thought Soarin was feeling bitter since he wasn't invited and he would feel better if she were to ask him to tag along. Besides if that guy decided to cite to the Headmaster about her and Lu Youjing leaving the school grounds despite being strictly prohibited by the school to make him tag along means he also contradicted against the rules so he won't be able to do anything against them.


Cadenza laughed evilly in her heart.

"Then how about you come with us Soarin" Cadenza spoke as she parted Soarin and Lu Youjing's hands and stared at Soarin with her excited expression.

Soarin looked at Lu Youjing's unpleased face and smirked.

"Why not" Soarin replied.

After all the park that Lu Youjing was talking about was a newly established park exclusive for couples how could he stand the thought of Cadenza and Lu Youjing having fun at such place if course he had to do something even if it means becoming a third wheel.

"Wha-" Lu Youjing couldn't even retort as Cadenza flashed him a cute sad face.

Surprisingly Lu Youjing has already prepared everything. His mother was one of the biggest donators in the school so it wasn't that surprising to say that he had some authority in the Academy. The security let them pass though the school gates as their car drove towards the city.

Since it'll be obvious if they kept wearing their school uniforms they had to change somewhere else. The car stopped at one of the city's most expensive boutiques.

Lumière is a very expensive brand with just one clothing could cost a few thousands. Cadenza was amazed by the sight of the boutique it was her first time going to shop for her clothes. Usually she had her clothes costum-made from the finest materials and fabric, she had a specific person who tries all the clothes to see if it fits her before it'll be sent over and of course every month her closet would always be filled with new sets of clothes depending on season, design and latest style.

Lu Youjing and Soarin looked at Cadenza filled with interest they thought it was her first time to shop in Lumière after all not all young rich ladies could afford all luxury brands in the city.

Since they live in Titus the most expensive place in all eight sectors where all expensive and luxury hotels, brands and other businesses came to gather in the heart of the sector the, Lascaux city. It is understandable if a rich young miss would take hours to buy something out of a clothing store.

Just the thought of it made Soarin and Lu Youjing realized its too late to back off.

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