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Ahjun was with Naomi as they were sitting on the ground in a dark room.

Both of their hands were tied on their backs and their eyes were covered with a cloth as well as their mouths. Even though they cannot see anything they were sure that there are two men in the room staring at them.

The National Museum is a very big place and has numerous rooms, there were at least more than a hundred students from Royal Academy and the same number of students from other schools.

It has been three hours yet they have made any movements

Ahjun thought as he quietly sat on the center of the room. Everyone was afraid of making a move as they cannot see the men, who knows they might be pointing their guns at them without knowing. A single flinch, a sound or rustle might have cost their life, earlier there was a student that tried to fought back but unfortunately he was knocked out with ease it was like a some sort of threat to them.

"Those f*ckers don't know what they are dealing with!!!" Nikolay spoke as he threw his things in his office.

"Calm down Nikolay" Winstance spoke as he nudge Salvador to say something.

"You speak like your sister isn't trained by assassins" Salvador mumbled with a serious face.

After hearing his words Winstance felt as if his soul left his body.

This guy is the worst when it comes in consoling

Winstance pinch the space between his brows as he thought hard about something.

"It's been more than three hours and reporters are flocking around the National Museum" Desmund spoke as he handed papers towards Nikolay.

"I have already alerted Grandfather and my parents. Unfortunately Clemence is not with Cadenza since they are not in the same batch group" Nikolay added as he exchanged messages with his cousins.

"Isn't your younger brother the same batch with Cadenza?" Salvador looked at Desmund, he was the Quintavious family's eldest son, the family that has the highest control of ZITA the agency that protects all sectors.

"That idiot Damien would surely put the Prince as the priority" Desmund replied.

"Speaking of younger brother, aren't your younger brothers supposed to watch over my sister?" Nikolay stared at Salvador and Winstance with a glare of a Demon King.

"Lately those two have been up with something" Winstance stated nervously as he tried to calm down Nikolay.

"Summon them" Nikolay replied.


"..." Winstance

"..." Salvador

"..." Desmund

"Stand up"

Ahjun could hear a deep voice as he felt some of his classmates slowly standing up.


They were forcefully nudged the by the edge of a gun as the men tried to make them move. Since their eyes as being covered it was very hard for them to see.

"Since all of you were no value you are free to go" the same voice sounded as it was like a bucket of water splashed to them in the middle of a hot summer.

Ahjun could hear multiple noises outside as there were police, agents from ZITA and reporters everywhere.

The cloths in their eyes were removed by the men and their phones were returned to them.

The media started to flash their cameras and record the moment Ahjun and his fellow classmates were released. It was the first time Ahjun felt so free the moment he stepped out of the door.

There was a distance as they walked out that the police were able to escort them.

"Ahjun!" Naomi tightly hugged Ahjun as there were still traces of fear left in her face.

"It seems like we were the first ones that were released" Naomi added as he and Ahjun stared back at the Museum.

Ahjun could hear faint noises as the police and ZITA agents discussed their plans inside their tents.

"I think we are released because we are not the targets" Ahjun replied towards Naomi.

"Do you think they are?" Naomi raised her brows, she was indicating the students of Royal Academy, they are the most privilege children of people who are the cream of the top. It would be reasonable to assume that those kidnappers would want to hold them as hostages for money.

"But is seems they want more than that" Ahjun replied.

-More than 5 hours since the hostage-

"They have released hostages" Salvador spoke.

They were currently watching news as it played the events in the National Museum, even sending their men near the museum needs precautions. The National museum is plagued by police and agents from ZITA, so Nikolay arranged their moles in both parties to extract information.

Their men are also disguised as civilians watching from the sidelines, from buildings afar are snipers watching closely. The real problem is there is no opening in the museum.

"I have already picked up something" Desmund spoke as she stared at his screen.

Nikolay stood up from his sit as he passed by Winston and Salvatore who are kneeling on the ground while raising both of their hands with books balanced on their heads.

Winstance, Salvador and Nikolay walked towards Desmund as he played CCTV footages in his laptop.

"These are videos I have gathered for the past five days prior to the hostage taking, we can see cars passing by these streets that leads to the National Museum. As you can see none of them are suspicious or possible convoy of those men, I have checked footages of the tunnels and there is something that is off about them" Desmund patiently explained as he played the video to them.

"Glitches" Nikolay mumbled.

"They are tampered" he added as he gazed at Desmund.

"They might be riding in one of those cars and exchanged cars in the middle of the tunnel" Salvador stated his opinions.

"What's more sickening is that I can't find any footage of the CCTV cameras in the National Museum" Desmund continued.

"They have a pro hacker with them huh" Winstance spoke as he opened his own laptop.

"I can't find traces and we need to move to another location" Winstance stared at his friends as they started to make a move.

"What about us?!" Winston whined as he and Salvatore are still kneeling, Winston was still whining while Salvatore had an expression of someone who has given up on his life.

Cadenza: This Esteemed Young Lady is Poisonous Where stories live. Discover now