Cadenza: Daughter of the Villainess is Poisonous XXI

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Cadenza's eyes swept across the room and didn't caught a sight of Mrs Fukui, she was informed that Mrs Fukui was heavily scolded and fired not only that they also have forbidden her to apply in any school.

"I beg everyone's attention" Cadenza spoke politely as she stepped forward.

"I am aware about the compromise that the heads of schools have agreed and respected your decisions but considering the fact that Ms Iris and her friends were manipulated by Mrs Fukui please deliberate your decision of expelling them and repeating another year" Cadenza spoke with her calm and composed voice.

"Please state your reason" the Headmistress of the Crystal Academy spoke as she raised her hand preventing other heads of the school to react. She had heard about this interesting new girl in the Royal Academy who aced the question and answer portion, she is indeed different from others. That determination and calmness is indeed suited for a someone who will become a great person.

She doesn't seem like someone that would be unreasonable.

"Expulsion is considered as a scar on a student's record and repeating a year for a student who isn't really failing at all sounds a bit unfair although they were at the bottom of their class their grades couldn't be considered as a failure worthy of repeating another year. Besides a student's bad behaviour shouldn't be addressed by their records but by disciplining their character and I believe they deserve a second chance to reflect on their previous actions" Cadenza spoke magnanimously.

That sounds reasonable.

"So instead of expelling them and have them repeat another year we will do this way, they would be supervised by the teachers more strictly moreover they'll have to improve their grades to climb up on their school ranks and act accordingly to the rules. They must spent their whole summer in community service and apologize to their victims if any of these are contradicted then we will go the other way" the Headmaster replied.

As they dismissed Cadenza was halted by Monette and her friends whose eyes were sore from sobbing.

"We were deeply sorry about the other day and we thank you for speaking up for us even though we treated you harshly" Monette spoke as she and her friends lowered their heads.

"It's fine besides you were also a victim, I couldn't even put myself being manipulated by such a person besides I already forgave you since we all make mistakes" Cadenza spoke as she held Monette's hand.

Her eyes were filled with unyielding gentleness and her warm smile completely softened the hearts of the people infront of her.

"I just can't believe that you have forgiven us after what he have done" Monette spoke as she wiped her tears.

Do I?

Cadenza was even disgusted on how fake she is anyway what can she do? Her heart is purely black. Cadenza was about to head on the other way when Prince Illycht came towards her and pulled her hand.

"How could you stay silent about an important matter?! I bet if the video wasn't leaked you would stay silent about this matter!" his impression of her completely turned into another level.

"Your Highness I just simply can't accuse someone without evidence and even thought if I really have evidence I couldn't afford to turn against the Iris family, it was just lucky that someone has filmed it although that person doesn't have to leak it on the social media and trample their reputation since we all know how toxic some people's opinions are" Cadenza spoke as she immediately pulled her hand.

She can't let him know how embarrassed she is right now, must remain.....CALM!!. It was also lucky that they have forgotten about Lottie.

"You are right" Prince Ilycht composed himself with his sudden behaviour.

"But you could have inform your older cousin about it" he added.

"I didn't want to bother big brother Clemence since he was busy himself" Cadenza replied as she fidgeted with her fingers.

Cadenza's heart was in a turmoil she couldn't control her heart beating so fast and she could barely contain her romantic excitement to roll on the ground while smiling foolishly.

"Uhhh...Your Highness can I still be your assistant even though the School Championship is over? I just feel that working beside His Highness makes me feel safer" Cadenza spoke she knew he also contributed regarding Mrs Fukui's immediate removal.

As his junior who is like an innocent little girl who depends on someone who can act like her big brother Prince Illycht couldn't say no. He also thought that Cadenza wanted to stick with him is because if this authority in that way she won't experience that same thing again.

Cadenza was delighted beyond words as both of them walked towards the school gym.

Unexpectedly they encountered such interesting situation.

His highness's 'white rose' was acting very close with the Academy's infamous hot tempered heart throb.

Rouge Cameron a Young Master from one of the most influential family in the
high society. His dark red hair and eyes coupled with his seductive handsome face could make any girl woo just by looking at him. He was also known for his hot temper and sharp tongue but no one expected that with just Vivian's existence could calm his hot temper.

Prince Illycht's eyes were cold as he stared at their smiling faces.

"Prince Illycht my mom said if you frown too much you'll get wrinkles" Cadenza spoke with her innocent and cute voice as she peeked at Prince Illycht's face with a cheeky smile.

How ironic on how could she still manage to squeeze out a smile even though her heart was displeased.

Prince Illycht's expression loosened yet there still coldness in his face. Cadenza just wanted to tear down the iron wall that he was putting between them in an instant yet she refrained herself since she had to wait for that specific time that he will be the one to lower the iron wall that he put up himself.

What she wanted is for him to accept her as someone who could walk along side with him. Someone who he will treat more prescious that the world's most valuable treasure.

"Ouch!!" Vivian shrieked as Rouge massaged her sprained ankle.

"Didn't I tell you not to run recklessly?" Rouge spoke as he looked at Vivian with his strict tone.

"Sorry" Vivian replied making a wronged expression.

"Let me carry you to the clinic" before Vivian could refute Rouge has already carried her body with his strong arms.

"Cadenza you go first I'll have something to take care of" Prince Illycht spoke coldly, his eyes were dangerous and cold.

Cadenza: This Esteemed Young Lady is Poisonous Where stories live. Discover now