Part 29

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It was evening when Tae finally reached the address Hoseok sent him. It was an abandoned park in the outskirts of Seoul. Tae parked the car and entered the place.

After walking a little he finally spotted the guy for whom he came there.

Jungkook was sitting on a bench in the corner of the park. Tae started walking towards him. He saw the older has his head lowered and there were some green bottles on the bench which Tae recognized as soju. Jungkook has a bottle in his hand. Tae stood in front of him.

"Kookie" Tae called the older in a soft voice.

Jungkook looked up hearing the voice. Tae noticed that his eyes are glossy & somewhat red. Jungkook smiled like a child seeing Tae stand in front of him.

"Aah Jungkook looks like you are hallucinating now, or else why am I seeing Tae in front of me" he said to himself.

"He is drunk" Tae thought to himself. He has never seen Jungkook drink before. "he must be really sad that he drank this much" he thought to himself.  He then sat beside Jungkook and once again called him "Kookie, you are not hallucinating".

"I'm not" Jungkook asked him innocently " then you won't disappear if a touch you, will you?" & Touched Tae's cheek lightly.

"No I won't" Tae told him holding his hand to his own cheek to assure the older of his presence then said as if making a little a child understand "I came for you, to take you home back."

" came for me" Jungkook asked looking wide eyed at the younger to which Tae nodded his head.

"You came for me because I'm a good boy, right?" Jungkook again asked like a little insecure child.

Tae was surprised hearing the question & looking at the insecure look in the older's eyes. But before he could say anything Jungkook once again started talking "Eomma appa said they will come back home early if I'll be a good boy. I was really good trust me Tae I didn't make any mischief, I did all my homework too. You know it's my birthday. I really waited for them. But t..they didn't come. I..I waited the whole day b.. but they didn't come. T..the next the police s.. said..." by this time Jungkook was in tears, he started sobbing "t..they s..said eomma appa d..died in a.. accident"

Tae couldn't bear to see the older crying, he immediately pulled him towards himself & hugged. Jungkook too hugged him tightly and sobbed on his shoulder "w..why didn't they r..return to Tae? I am a g..good boy ain't I? T..then w..why did they l..leave me? Didn't they me?" he kept saying.

Tae felt his heart breaking hearing Jungkook's painful cries. He has always seen Jungkook as a strong person. Seeing him broken like this he wasn't able to bear it. He had seen the older crying only once before. That day when he tried to kill himself he had seen tears in Jungkook's eyes. That day too he didn't like to the other male cry & today too he felt as if someone squeezing his heart.

Tae didn't know how comfort the crying the male. But then he remembered how the other always soothed him while he cried. So he did the same thing. He rubbed Jungkook's back soothingly & said " Kookie don't cry, please don't cry. You are a very good boy Kookie. They loved you, I'm sure they did. It's just that their time in this world came to an end so they had to leave. But trust me Kookie wherever they are, they are watching you always. They must be really proud of you."

Jungkook broke the hug & looked at Tae " think so?" he asked looking at Tae's eyes searching for some reassurance.

"Yes Kookie I not only think so but also I'm sure about it" Tae reassured the crying male & gently wiped his tears. As he touched Jungkook's cheeks he felt them burning.

"Kookie! You are burning! You have fever" he said worriedly "let's go home, you need rest"

"Go home" Jungkook again asked like a lost child. Then he shook his head and said to himself "home, yes I'll go home with Tae." He looked at Tae & told him "take me home Tae."

"Umm let's go" Tae told him & helped him to his car. Once inside the car he put Jungkook's seat belt on for him & started driving.

While driving back home Tae stopped his car at the market & got medicines & porridge for Jungkook.

Reaching home, he took the older to his room & laid him on his bed. He took Jungkook's coat & shoes off. He then covered him with the blanket & left the room.

He came back after sometime with a tray that had porridge, medicine & water. He helped Jungkook to sit & started feeding him the porridge. But Jungkook wasn't ready to eat. "I don't want to eat." He told the younger.

"Kookie you need to eat a little. You can't have meds without eating anything" Tae tried to make him understand. But Jungkook was still reluctant to eat. "no I don't like it. I'm not hungry." He again said.

This time Tae placed the bowl on the side table & held Jungkook's left cheek with his right hand and said "Kookie please eat a little bit. You are a good boy right? Then won't you listen to me?"

This finally seemed to work as Jungkook nodded his head hearing Tae's words and said ", I'm good boy. I'll eat. Feed me." He opened his mouth for Tae to feed him.

Tae smiled looking at the older's childish behavior and started feeding him. After feeding five spoons Jungkook nodded his head "I don't want anymore" he said.

Tae sighed hearing this. But he didn't insist the older anymore. "at least he a ate little." He thought. After that he fed meds to Jungkook who once again was very reluctant to eat it but somehow Tae managed to feed him.

He then once again made Jungkook lie on the bed & covered him.

After that Tae got a bowl of cold water & a cloth. He soaked the cloth in the water & placed it on Jungkook's forehead, giving him cold patches. He kept doing it the whole night.

During the night, time & again Jungkook whimpered in his sleep saying "Eomma appa I'm a good boy. I didn't make any mischief. Please Eomma appa come back"

Everytime he whimpered, Tae caressed his cheeks & hair. He kept saying soothing words to the older.

It has always been Jungkook who took care of Tae, who comforted him but today the table has turned. Today it is Tae who took care of the older boy, who comforted him.

Tae spent the whole night taking care of the other guy. He kept giving him cold patches, caressing his hair & cheeks, saying soothing words to him.
He kept checking his temperature again & again. He didn't even realize that he didn't eat.

It was near the dawn when finally Jungkook's fever went down. He slept peacefully after that. By then Tae too had become too exhausted. He felt eyes dropping. He had no idea when he slept in the sitting position only with his head on Jungkook's chest. Lolled by Jungkook's steady heartbeats he went into deep slumber.


Thanks for reading. Hope you like it.

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