Kyotani moaned into the kiss keeping his pace. Although I wanted to take control and thrust into him just to get off, I'm actually enjoy this slow pacing. I get to see him unravel as he bounces up and down on top of me.

"Hey..." I whispered against his shoulder biting it harshly. He flinched his finger nails digging into my back.

"Y-yeah?" He asked, his head moving to press against mine. His eyes were squeezed shut and his lips were parted slightly. He looked so fucking cute, all his walls were down allowing me to see everything. He trusted me with this look of his. Fuck I'm gonna cum too soon if I keep looking at him like this.

I moved my lips to his neck kissing it softly loving how he moaned from both the sensation of my kisses and warmth of my dick. "Make sure you be quiet baby." I kissed a trail up to his ear nibbling on it. His body pressed close to mine.

"I'm sorry daddy." He whispered biting into my shoulder to stifle his moans. Fuck me. Fuck me. Fuck me. (Say less 😉)

I leaned back into the couch. Upstairs, his parents were sleeping in our guest room. They had come over for dinner earlier and just ended up staying the night. Kyotani and I are use to being able to be loud now that we've got our own house. He's never had to hold back his moans before. Hearing him struggle to keep quiet reminds me of back in high school when we'd do it in his room.

To my surprised, Kyotani picked up his pace slightly. It caused a gasp to escape my mouth. I squeezed his thighs. One of his hands was on my chest while the other was on the wall behind us to steady himself. I couldn't help but smile. "Need help Kentarou?" I offered rubbing my cheek against his.

He finally stopped biting my shoulder to shake his head. "I got it..." he whispered his breath heavy. He was going to cum soon. I'm surprised he's withstanding this long. "You like it right?"

I nodded. I could feel my cheeks heating up. "Yeah. Keep going."  I kissed him quickly before laying my head back and turning it to the side. Kyotani lips attached to the skin on my neck. I bit down on my lip to stifle a small moan.

My eyes happened to move to the doorway. My eyes widen when I saw his dad standing there staring at us. His mouth was open as he caught me staring back. I gulped placing my hands on Kyotani hips. I had two options...

I could tell Kyotani his dad was standing there. But for one, it would embarrass the fuck out of him, for two he'll literally freak out and probably cry and three he'd never want to ride me again.

My other option, do nothing. "Yuuji..." Kyotani whispered into my ear causing me to shiver slightly. His dad was still staring at us watching with a disgusted face. Fuck I wanted to beat the shit out of him.

I use to think his dad wasn't that bad but then I learned how much of a bitch he was. And the fact that he beat Kyotani did not fucking help. I can't believe he hid that from me for so long. My poor baby.

"H-hey..." Kyotani breathed into my ear his voice shaky. I tore my eyes from his dad and looked at him. A tear had escaped his eyes and was traveling down his cheek. "Yuuji... pay attention to me."

I chuckled softly, bringing my hand up to his cheek wiping his tears. "Okay. Don't cum yet yeah? I wanna cum with you."

Kyotani pouted kissing my harshly. I moaned into the kiss not caring about how loud we were anymore. His dad had already saw us.

As we were kissing, I moved my hands back to Kyotani hips thrusting up into him. He gasp pulling away from the kiss. His warm cum spilling all over my chest unexpectedly. It didn't take long for me to cum as well. I liked filling him up.

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