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Kasen POV
When we got to the hospital Shayla ran right to the receptionist desk. "I'm here for Kasely Riley" "Ma'am we have nobody here by that name" I looked around and seen Tre sitting in the waiting area.

"Tre what they saying." "The got her listed as Jane Doe because she blacked out before anybody knew her name" "You was with her this whole time" "No I just came a little bit before you she called me earlier right before the ambulance came and said it was blood everywhere"

Then Pj walked in. "Pops come here" I stepped outside with him and he pulled out the pictures. "King think she slit her wrists or some that's a lot of blood" "Nah you see that blood clot if she split her wrist then it'll be so much blood and definitely no clots, did anybody try to break in" "nope no signs of struggle, what was she doing there by herself she told me she didn't wanna go anymore"

"We need to talk to Tre he know more than he saying, that look like blood when you first break your virgin" "You think he was there the whole time with her? And they had sex or worst he raped her?" Pj said and I grabbed my gun out my waistline and aimed it at Tre everybody was screaming.

"Tre what the fuck you do to my child" "Man wtf you talking bout" "Pj seen all the blood my baby wouldn't kill herself it look like rape" "WTF I AINT RAPE NOBODY"

"Kasen baby put the gun down before they call the police" Shayla said "Skyla tell them before I call my pops or brother you don't no right to be putting guns in my face I AINT DO SHIT" "Nigga call yo bitch ass daddy you see why he not working with us now cause he SOFT yo brother got mo heart than to daddy will ever have, and Skyla tell me what" I said Tre just laughed at me and started walking off.

"Jane Doe's family" the doctor called out. "She's awake but she is only asking for Trevon" "HELL NAW WE HER PARENTS WE GO BEFORE HIM FOR ALL WE KNOW SHE BEEN RAPED" I yelled at the nurse.

"I assure you sir she wasn't raped and I can't let you go back there when all she is asking for is Trevon" Tre looked at me and smirked as he walked to the back. "That Lil nigga testing me"

Kasely POV
"Baby you ok" Tre said coming in rushing to me. The doctor also walked in. "Hi may I get your name ion wanna keep calling you Jane Doe" "It's Kasely Riley Doctor" Tre said.

"Well I assume he's your child's father." "Is the baby ok" "I'm not gonna lie you lost a lot of blood and blacked out but we was able to keep oxygen going through your body and the baby has a faint heartbeat but it's there. You were in the middle of a miscarriage but somehow you are fine and the baby is fine, any stress lately" he asked

"No I jumped out a window" "YOU DID WHAT KK" Tre said furiously. "Now Ms.Riley you are pregnant and can't be trying to be super woman, now you will have to take it easy the rest of your pregnancy." "I'm just starting doc" "I know but you will have to unless you wanna lose the baby" he said. "Oh Ms.Riley your parents are ready to get back here to see you, are you ready to face them?" I nodded my head.

I really wasn't ready but I mean PJ already told them about the baby so what the hell right. "Before they come in they don't know about baby are you gonna tell them" "What you mean they don't know Pj told them that's why I ran away" "well if he did then they don't care I'm just saying yo daddy was on me about rape and shit but no baby" "RAPE? Tre what should I do, I'm honestly tired of hiding Nemo but if you wanna hold off some more I'm cool with that too but I told my parents last night" he said and then my mama and daddy walked in. I had to think of a lie fast.

Shayla POV
Kasen and I walked in and Tre was sitting beside her. When he looked up and seen us he said "KK I'll give y'all some time" "Nah I think you better stay" Kasen said. "KK what happened" "Ion know mama" "KK don't lie" my daddy said in a stern voice" "I was at the beach house and just woke up with blood coming out of me, Um doctor said internal bleeding or some"

"KK how do you just have internal bleeding" "Well I jumped out my room window trying to sneak out the house" "why would you wanna sneak out the house" I asked her and Kasen just looking at Tre.

"Daddy Tre didn't have anything to do with this, I just wanted to be alone" "Kasely what the hell you only 17, you can't be running off and shit cause you wanna be alone" I said. Then Tre phone rung. "Yes sir" "She fine" "Okay" then he hung up.

"That was my pops checking on Kasely" he said looking at Kasen but Kasen had that was he supposed to be scared look on his face. I ignored it and went back to KK.

"Kasely do you wanna talk alone with me" I know something wrong with her. "I can tell you why I wanted to be alone because I felt left out" "Left out because of what KK" Kasen said aggravated and Tre looked at her too like he didn't know what she was talking about.

"PJ and Sky hate me because I'm biologically both of your child and Sky is just mama child and Pj well he neither one of yours and Sky came and told me everything that happened but her and Pj bond is great I feel like they jealous of me and Sky been real distant lately"


"Kasely your brother and sister are out there worried about you, they love you, Sky was Pjs first sibling out of foster care of course he's more attached to her but that don't mean he love you any less. When your were born and your daddy was in a coma Pj always wanted to have you he even gave you the nickname KK" "what about Sky"

"Sky is dealing with a lot right now and will be distant but she will come around and trust me she is not jealous of you KK" "ok mama, please don't tell them I said any of this" I nodded.

"Daddy I'm sorry" "It's ok KK, just don't do no shit like this again, you know you can come to us if you need to talk, and don't ever say I'm not Sky and Pj daddy, I'm just as much as they daddy as I am yours and yo mama too" he smirked looking at me I smacked my lips he ply so much.

"Tre my bad man, ion play about my kids" Kasen said to Tre and Tre just nodded. He didn't have to say that stuff about his daddy though. "Mama when can I go home" "When they discharge you"

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