The day

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I woke up to somebody knocking on the door. I opened it to see Ash and Stella there. "It's your wedding day!" Ash squealed. "Yay! 5 more hours!!" Stella said. "God I'm so sleepy" I said walking to my bed. "I'm gonna prepare a bath for you" Stella said going to the bathroom. I looked out the window and see there were a lot of cars they're probably preparing for our wedding. I see Zac wearing sweatpants and shirt talking to some guy. I can't believe I'm about to get married with him. After all these time. The secret dating, to public dating, break up, not talking to each other for 8 years, meeting up, all this Austin drama, get back together, Vanary, and now I'm about to get married with him. "Hey are you okay V?" Ash asked as she walked next to me. "Yeah, I just can't believe everything goes so fast. Like it feels like yesterday Zac was just still my crush." I said. "Aw, and today you're getting married with him" Ash said. I looked at Ash and gave her a hug. "Thank you for everything Ash. Like for Everything" I said.

I went to the bathroom and took a bath. Afterwards I put on a robe and I see people in my bedroom. Probably my Make up artist. "Nessa, you're MUA is here. I'm gonna leave you to them first, I'm gonna get ready, then after I'll come back here" She said. "Me too Nes" Stella said. "Okay" I said. "Hello Vanessa, I'm Kayla. Are you ready?" She asked and I sit in front of the mirror waiting for them to transform me. The make up it self took 2 hours and the hair took 1 hour. It was really long. "Oh my god! You're not even wearing the dress yet but you already look so beautiful" Ash said behind me. They helped me put on the wedding dress. I looked in the mirror and see my self. And yes I do look beautiful. I look flawless. I hope Zac likes it. Suddenly I see mom behind me from the mirror. She was in awe. "Oh Vanessa." She said. I turned around to face her and she was just crying. "Mom, careful your make up" I said. "Sorry, but you look so beautiful. My baby girl i about to get married" she said looking up at me.

"Your dad must be so proud of you" She said. "I wore these when I got married. My mom gave them to me. So I should hand it down to you" She said handing the earring on me. "What about for Stella when she's getting married?" I asked. "I have something else. But this one suits you the best" She said and I put it on. Suddenly there was a knock on the door. I looked to see Kenny. "Kenny!" I said walking to him giving him a hug. "Argh Since when you both were young. I knew you were meant for each other. You look so beautiful. Zac is a lucky guy" Kenny said. "Thank you." I said. "I'm so proud of you both. Good luck. Now I'm gonna go to Troy Bolton and wish him luck" Kenny said. "Okay, Tell him I said hi" I said. He hugged Ashley and then they walked out.

Zac's Pov

I looked at my self in the mirror. Yes today would be the day I'm getting married to Nessa. I was super nervous at the moment. I'm not sure what I'm nervous of though. My dad was with me the whole time. "Nessa is the right girl for you." He always say. Suddenly Dylan and Mom walked in. "Hey" I said looking at mom. "Let me just fix your hair one more time" Mom said fixing my hair and my suit. I looked at her and I can tell she was holding back her tears. "Are you okay Mom?" I asked. "Yeah, I'm just. My Son is finally getting married. I'm so happy and proud of you" She said. "I love you, thank you for everything" I said hugging her. "Finally you're not gonna live alone with dogs for the rest of your life" Dylan said. "Shut up" i said hugging him. Then I saw Ashley in the doorway. "Zac, there's somebody that wants to see you" Ash said. Then I see Kenny walked in.

"Argh Kenny" I said hugging him. He was always been like our second dad. "I just saw Vanessa" He said. "How is she?" I asked. "She looks like an angel" He said. "No way, I can't believe you get to see her before me" I said. "Well, sorry Zac" he said and looked at me up and down. "You look good, I'm so proud and happy for you." He said. "Thanks Kenny, you ready to officiate my wedding?" I asked. "So ready and I am so happy to be able to get you teo married" He said. "Thank you so much, kenny" I said. "Good luck, Zac" he said and gave me one more hug and left. I waited in the room until Dylan came up to me. "You ready?" He asked. "Yes" I said standing up. They took me to the forest where the ceremony will be held. It was so beautiful. "Good luck bro" Dylan said giving me a hug. Then I walked in the aisle.

Vanessa's Pov

I was hidden behind the car near the forest. I was more than nervous right now. My palms are sweaty, all I wanna do is see Zac. "Okay, Nessa take a deep breath. I know you'll be fine" Stella said. I heard the music starts and the groomsmen and Bridesmaids started walking down the aisle in pairs. Then it was Ash' turn to walk down the aisle with Dylan. She looked back and smiled at me one more time then took a step. The flower girl was my friend's daughter. She looked adorable. "It's our time, Are you ready?" Stella asked. Stella and I made a pact to walk each other down the aisle since Dad didn't get to. "Yes" i gulped. "I'm sure Dad is looking down at us, and I'm sure he's really proud and happy for you" Stella said.

I grabbed her and hugged her tightly. "I love you so much Stel. You're the best sister anyone could ever ask for" I said. "Now, C'mon. Zac is waiting" She said fixing my dress and veil. Then I held on to her hand. So I took a step slowly, each step bringing me closer to Zac. I look at my surrounding and it was beautiful. The decorations, flowers, the band, all so great. We followed the path and there he is. Zac standing up staring at me, in his black tux. He looks perfect, and I'm going to be spending the rest of my life with him. He was standing there covering his mouth staring at me in awe. He was smiling so wide I've never seen him like that. Even though there were a lot happening in the room, I just can't take my eyes off his. "Aw it looks like he fell in love with you all over again" Stella said. When we were close, we stopped. Stella hugged me and gave me a kiss on the cheek. "Go get married" she grinned as she grabbed my hand and place it in Zac's.

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