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Zac's Pov

Today would be the day I propose. I'm scared and excited at the same time. I called Dylan to help me with getting the place and they allowed us. I wanted everything to be perfect. This would be the only time I propose, and the only time Nessa gets proposed to, if she agrees to marry me. I bought candles and lots of flower petals. I wanted to make the room romantic. I know it may not be the most romantic place with a nice view. But in that place, is where I meet Nessa for the first time. And that was when I fell in love with her in the first sight. I always texted Ash, making sure she was okay. She said she told Nessa that there was going to be an interview or something.

I look at the mirror making sure I looked alright. I wear a white button up shirt and I fold it up to my elbow. I looked down and see Nessa's ring. Thinking it would look so beautiful on her. Suddenly I got a phone call from Dylan. "Yo, I've got all the stuff and I'm going to the place. I'll see you there in 15 mins" Dylan said and he turned it off. I drove there and see Dylan waiting in the parking lot. "Aw my bro's about to get engaged" he said hugging me. "We don't know yet" I said. I got all the stuff and decided to get the room ready.

Vanessa's Pov

"Alright here wear one of these" Ash said handing me dresses. "Why do I have to put on these cute dresses for interview and you're only wearing that?" I asked. "Because I don't have anything else formal that fits you" She said and I just tried one of her dresses. I put on a white short dress that shows my shoulders. I did my make up and hair and went up to Ash. "Aw you look perfect" she said admiring me. It's so weird how she never looked at me that way but i just let it go. "So, why didn't anybody tell me about the interview?" I asked. "Probably they did but you didn't see it" Ash said. "But I haven't agreed on doing an interview yet so why should I come?" I asked. "Cuz if not, you'll be staying at home alone with Chris" She said. "Got it" I said. "Let's go" she said and we head to her car.

I realized the interview was in the place where we first did the audition for HSM. "Hey the audition is here?" I asked. "Yeah, it's probably like a throwback thing for us" Ash said. I realized Ash was always on her phone but I decided to just leave it. We got in the building and we passed the hall. It was the place where I saw Zac for the first time. He looked cute and sweet. He caught me staring at him and he just smiled. After that they always paired us up together every time. "You okay?" Ash asked. "Yeah, it's just. This is the first place where I met Zac" I said. "Aw forget him honey. You want a marriage don't you?" Ash said. "I guess" i said slowly.

When we were in front of the door Ash stopped. "Oh shit' I forgot I left my purse in my car" She yelled really loud. "Hey shht. You're yelling really loud. And Let's get it I'll come with you" I said. "Hey you know what? I'll go by myself" she said. "Hey, I wanna come with you" i said. "Just stay here, wait inside. Say to the person that you missed their email or something" Ash said and walked away. I opened the door and it surprised me. It wasn't an interview. It was a room full of candles and flowers. And Zac standing in the middle look so handsome. I was startled and I don't know what to do. I turned to Ash and see she was smiling widely.

"Vanessa, first I just wanna tell you. I've planned this for a while now. I've asked you mom's and Stella's permission. Ask Ash. She has been helping me with everything" he said grabbing my hands and pulling me to the middle of the room. Suddenly he got on one knee holding on to my hands still. His eyes was teary and his hands was shaking but he was trying to keep it steady. "I don't know how to start this. Uh" he stopped and wiped a tear on his eye. "Incase you didn't remember. This was the place where we first met. Our HSM audition. When I first saw you, You  were wearing this pink shirt and jeans. You were sitting down in the hallway reading the script. And I thought, how beautiful does that girl look with only shirt and jeans. And then we auditioned and we always got paired up every time. At that moment I thought I wanted you so bad. Little did I know we were gonna get the part and you were gonna be my girlfriend." He smiled.

"Vanessa, 2006 to 2011 was the best days of my life. I was stupid enough to let you go. I wasn't mature enough to have you. When you were gone, I hated myself. Then somebody else had you, and I can't stop blaming myself for letting you go. But last year I get to see you again. I get to hold you again. I promised my self that I would never ever let you go again. Nessa we've been through so much but we always found our way back to each other. At first, I didn't want marriage. I thought in marriage everything would turn into a disaster, but Nessa we've been through so much and we always found our way back to each other. You turned everything around. I want to see you wear a wedding dress, I want to live with you, I want to make a family with you, I want to grow old with you. I promise I'm gonna love you unconditionally, and no matter what happens, I'll always find my way back to you. I love you so so so much. It's crazy." I said staring at her. She was sobbing like crazy. I don't know what she was thinking. Is she crying because she's happy? Or she's sad and she's gonna leave me? It makes me nervous. I opened the box showing her the ring. "So Vanessa Anne Hudgens, will you marry me?" I asked

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