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Zac's pov

"Hey how's Vanessa?" Dylan asked as I eat my scrambled egg. "She alright" I said. "You seem to be handling this quite well" He said. "Really?" I asked. "Yeah, as if you already planned this. Like, you're ready to be a daddy" He said hitting my arm playfully. After I had my breakfast, I get ready to go to Nessa's house. Today is her first ultrasound with me. I walk in her house and she was nowhere to be found. "Nes?" I called out. Then I hear movements near the stair. It was her lifting up laundry upstairs. "Hey babe" She said. "Are you crazy? What are you doing?" I asked running to her and snatching the bucket of laundry from her. "I'm doing the laundry" She said trying to get the bucket from my hand.

"Nes, this is heavy. You can't be doing these stuff anymore" I said. "I'm fine, I always do these stuff everyday" She said. "You are crazy you can get hurt" I said. "So? if I don't take care of the house then who will? Stella is not in LA she's always with her boyfriend" She said. "Okay. You're living with me for a while" I said. "What? No. I can't leave the house" She said. "Fine. I'm staying here" I said. "I'm not asking for your permission" I added. She smiled and gave me a peck. "Thank you" she said. I do her laundry and she changed. Afterwards we head to the hospital. We waited until they called her name.

"Oh hey, welcome. I guess this is the father?" The Dr asked. "Yeah Dr. Jen this is Zac, Zac this is Dr. Jen" She said as I shook hands with her. "Of course. I know" Dr.Jen "Nice to meet you Dr.Jen" I said. Afterwards she told Nessa to lie down and she put some gel on Nessa's belly. Somehow I was really nervous and excited at the same time. "Hey you okay?" Nessa asked as she look at me. "Yeah" I gulped. Suddenly I hear heart beating. It was so magical. I was speechless. It all seems real now. It's happening. She's alive in Nessa's tummy. I was tearing up. I held on to Nessa's hand and looked at her. She was so peaceful and calm. She caught me staring at her smiled. I leaned in and kissed her softly.

"That's amazing" I said. "Here's a picture of your baby" Dr. Jen said. Then I saw the baby's face in the monitor. It was so adorable. Suddenly Nessa caress my cheek and wipe a tear out of my cheek. I didn't realize I was crying til then. "The baby is very healthy. 23 weeks now. It's getting closer Ms. Hudgens." Dr.Jen said. "Yeah I'm really nervous" She said. "Don't worry. Just stay healthy and fit. And hopefully you'll be okay. The baby is really healthy at the moment. And that's because the mother is happy and healthy as well" Dr. Jen said. "Ouh, and your friend texted me. Saying how she wanted to know the gender of the baby. But she didn't want me to tell you both." Dr. Jen added.

"Ashley?" Nessa asked. "Oh yeah. That's her name" she said. "She's been talking about gender reveal lately" Ness said to me. Afterwards the Dr. gave us the picture of the baby then we left. We went to grocery store first to get some groceries. As usual, People stared at us and we just smiled. Suddenly when we got out about to go to the car there were loads of Paparazzi coming our way. "Oh shit" I gasped. "Zac can you see my bump?" Nes asked and it was showing. "Here cover it with these" I said as I give her a bag of bread. The paparazzi were a lot and they were getting so close with us. It was really bothering me. They were asking questions but we didn't answer them. "Vanessa have you been gaining a few pounds?" "What happened to you Vanessa?" "Vanessa why are you getting chubby?" They asked. I looked at Nessa to check if she was okay and she was just looking down.

Suddenly there were a paparazzi that went really close to us and he stepped on Nessa's shoelace tripping her. Before she fall I quickly caught her. Nessa dropped the bag bread and she held on to her belly. I was furious. I would usually ignore them but this is too much. I don't care if this happens to me but Not to Nessa or the baby. "Vanessa are you pregnant?" The paps started asking. I saw the concerned look on Nessa's face. She was shaking her head. She knew I was getting really angry by now. And she didn't want me to do anything. "Just ignore them" she mouthed. But I can't. This is too much.

"Fuck off okay? Give us some space. This is too far. Just fuck off and leave us alone" Zac yelled. They started saying sorry but they still took pictures of us. Then there was a man about 30 years old. He was going really close to take pictures of Nessa. "Excuse me?" Nessa yelled covering her stomach but he kept on taking pictures of her. I went to grab him by the collar and shoved him away. Making him fall. "Don't get close to her" I groaned. Nessa held my hand to calm me down. We grab our stuff and finally we were in the car. I put the groceries in the back seat snd opened the door for Nessa making sure she got in safely and I got in the car my self.

"Fuck" I cursed as I punched the steering wheel. "Zac it's okay" Nessa said soothingly as she held my hand. "It's not okay that was too far. They almost hurt you" I said. "I know Zachary but I'm okay" She said soothingly as she caress my cheek. "I'm okay" She whispered and pressed her lips gently to mine. She knows the way to calm me down. "I love you" I said. "I love you too. And now, let's go. They're still at the back you know?" She said. I put my hand on her belly and caress it then kissed it softly. "Let's go!" she smiled. Then off we go.

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