Bug x hooker???

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Zac's pov

It's been 2 weeks since Nessa and I make up. I've been really happy. We usually order food and eat in the hotel room. We never go out on dates because we don't want the media to start making rumors about us. We usually spend the nights together. Her, sleeping in my arms. Waking up looking at her beautiful face. God I can do this for the rest of my life. I look down to see Nessa sleeping peacefully with her arms wrapping around my stomach. She looked so beautiful. I leaned in to kiss her forehead and she just hugs me tighter.

"G'morning Zachary" Nes said as she buries her face in my neck. "Good morning beautiful" I said sitting up. "Argh why do u have to get up?" She groaned. "It's 8.30 Nes and we haven't had breakfast yet. It's the last day of rehearsal today." I explained. "You're right" she said. I took off my shirt and started doing my morning push up and sit up. "If you think it's 8.30 then why do u have to do that?" She asked as she makes herself more comfortable on my bed. "To stay in shape" I said. After 7 minutes I was done. I realized Nessa was back asleep. I decided to wake her up.

"Babe. Wake up" I say softly as I shake her awake. She was waking up and I leaned in to kiss her on the lips, I felt her kissing me back. I go down to cheek and her neck and started kissing and sucking her neck making her moan. She pulled me and turned us around and started straddling me. "Nes I'm so sweaty" I said. "I know. It makes you look so hot" She whispered in my ear and started nibbling my ear. I wrapped my arms around her and explored her back. She goes down to my neck and started sucking my neck. I went to her back and started to unhook her bra. "Alright I need to get ready" she gasped. "Oh what? Wha-why? Why Now?" I groaned. "Because if we continue we're gonna be late" she said giving me a peck on the lips. "I'll see you in breakfast?" She said as she walked over to the door. "Fine" I said rolling my eyes. "Bye Zachary" she smirked and closed the door leaving me alone thinking about the hot making out before. I stood up and started to take a shower.

Vanessa's pov

I arrived in the dining hall and grabbed some breakfast and sat down next to Monique. "Woohoo somebody's been doin something?" Monique said. "What? What do you mean?" I asked confused. "Nes, you got a hickey in your neck" Monique said. "Aww dann, so who's the guy?" Lucas teased. Then suddenly Zac came wearing a tank top. Nice zac. i can see the hickey on his upper chest. "Ouh damn what a coincidence. Where have u been Zachary?" Corbin asked. "Oh what?" Zac asked confused. "Your hickey! We can see ur hickey" i mouthed to him. But of course he doesn't understand.

I looked over to Ash who is now holding on to her laughter. Yep, til now. Only Ash knows. Zac and I are trying to keep it a secret. "Oh wow, so Nessa's got a hickey, and so does Zac? So does that mean Zanessa's back?" Corbin teased smirking. "What? Noo that's crazy. We're just friends" Zac said. "So explain" Monique said. "Oh yesterday I was just lying down by the pool, and then a bug bit me" I said nervously. "Alright, and you Zac?" Lucas asked. "Of course it can't be a freakin bug as well." Corbin commented. "Of course it wasn't, right Zac? Who did you sleep with last night?" I said giving him clues so he wouldn't give the stupid bug excuse.

"Oh wow. Nice. You guys got me. It was a hooker" Zac said as he sits down taking a bite of his toast. I almost choked from laughing when he said a hooker. "What? I didn't know you-" corbin said. "Oh Zachary what did you get yourself into?" Ash said smirking. "I just. I was really stressed out and I just needed somebody, you know?" Zac said. "Oh Zac we totally understand. If u ever need anything or anyone? We're all here for you okay? And your secret is safe with us" Monique said wisely. "Oh thanks guys I really appreciate it" Zac said as he give me a death stare making me want to laugh my ass off. "We're all here for you Zachary" I replied.

We were done with breakfast and we headed to the the rehearsal room. Monique, Lucas and corbin were walking together and Me, Zac and ash were walking together aswell. "I can't believe you went with hooker" I said quietly giggling. "Argh I almost died from holding on to my laughter" Ash laughed. "Okay, Nessa. Next time, I'm going with the bug, and your going with the hooker!" Zac said glaring at me. "What no? They're not gonna believe me" I laughed. "Well you never know. Probably the will" Zac rolled his eyes and i punched him playfully on the arm. "Or, you both can tell the guys. I mean, how long are you planning to hide this thing?" Ash said. "Oh no. I don't think it's a good idea to tell them this soon" I said. "Yeah we're just not ready yet" Zac added. "Well good luck with the bug and hooker lie" Ash said rolling her eyes.

The rest of the day was really tiring. It was the last day of dance rehearsal so of course it was tiring. "Alright everybody listen up! Thank you so so much for your time, for your effort, and for all of your laughter and happiness. Up to now I am super happy from all the effort you all brought to this dance rehearsal. Today is the last day we will be staying in here. So on Next week, we're all are going to rehearse in the set and then the week after that, hopefully we could start filming. So thank you all! I an really excited! GO HIGH SCHOOL MUSICAL 4!!" Kenny said and then we all cheered and clapped.

We Belong Together (Zanessa fanfic)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ