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I woke up to Zac shaking me telling me I should see something. I stood up straight and fixed my hair. "Sorry, I fell asleep" I said to him and he motions me to the TV. Suddenly I can't move, I forgot how to breathe. My heart is breaking to pieces, it hurts that bad that I could feel pain in my chest. I know what he's done to me was bad. But I still care about him. And yes of course, I still love him.
"Nes! Look everything is going to be okay. I'm going to take you to him right now okay?" He said. "Shht, it's okay. Don't cry" He said wiping the tears off my cheek. I just realised I had been crying now. I imagine him driving under the storm, and all of a sudden a truck crashed him hard. Now that he's rushed into the hospital and I don't even know if he was still breathing or not.

"What if he's already gone?" I asked him sobbing. "I'm so stupid for leaving him. It's all my fault." I cried.
"Hey, It is not your fault. It's an accident. Trust me. He'll be okay. Now we just have to try to find which hospital they're taking him to" He said grabbing a hoodie, phone, wallet and his car key.
"Nes, you have to be strong" He said and helped me stand up. I didn't realise I was this weak. Suddenly I got a call from Austin's mom. She told me what happened and told me which hospital he's in. And she said she can't be in LA until 8 Pm. And now it's still 3 O'clock. We quickly rushed to the hospital. I looked at my self in the mirror and yes, I looked like a mess.

"Zac, I'm so sorry. It's stupid of me to be acting this way." I sobbed.
"Nothing to be sorry about Nes. I know what it's like to love someone. I would never let that person get hurt" He said grabbing my arm and caressing it. It seems to calm me down. 5 minutes later we arrived in the hospital. Zac and I walked quickly and ask the receptionist which room he was in. She said, right now he's rushed to the operating room in level 3. So I quickly go there. Suddenly I see a blond man connected to lots of wires. His face has just been cleaned up bit there were still lots of blood in hid face.

"Austin" I called out. I ran to him and see him looking back at me weekly. He smiled slowly and alll of a sudden he closed his eyes again. I grabbed his hand and whispered soothing words into his ear. Suddenly I heard a beep from the monitor and the doctors and nurses started to panic. They quickly rushed him into a room. "No! No! What's wrong?!" I cried and nobody answered. "Sorry miss Can't go in". a man said. "No! No! I have to get in" I cried and tried to fight him for holding me back. Suddenly Zac ran and held me back, and the man went inside. zi tried to fight Zac so I could get in. I need to be in there. He needs me. "I need to get in! He needs me! Please!" I cried banging the door.

"Nes! No. You can't get in." Zac said softly holding me back. He's awfully strong. I looked through the glass and see them electrocuting him. "No! They're hurting him. They're hurting him! Zac help!" I yelled.
"They're not hurting him" Zac said lifting me up and putting me down against a wall.
"They're saving him Nes. It's for his own good. He's in good hands. I promise you" Zac said to me as he stares deeply into my eyes. That eyes that looks like the ocean always gets me. I looked down and cried. "I can't stop thinking that he's in there because of me." I cried.
"He's not in there because of you" Zac said.

"I hated what he did to me. Calling me a slut, hurting me. That's not what I wanted. It hurt me so much to think about what he's done to me. So before he left just after he hit me, I ended things with him. And I think he got hurt and angry" I explained sobbing. Zac looked at me with sorrow in his eyes.
"Nes, first of all. You are amazing, and you don't deserve to be treated that way. You have to love yourself first, Nes. So I think that's the best decision you've made. And Nessa, I'm 100% sure that is not your fault. At all. Accident happens. And you should stop blaming yourself. Okay?" He said. Somehow all his words seem to calm me and made me believe him. I nodded my head slowly and leaned my head on his chest. He quickly wrap his arms around me. This. This is what I need right now.  A comfort.

It's been 1 hour since the operation. Zac's been by my side the whole time. He doesn't let me wait alone. I sit down on the waiting chair next to Zac while I lean my head on his shoulder. I love how Zac could be the friend that I really need right now. Even though we used to be lovers. But now, he's a really good friend to me and he is a shoulder for me to cry on. I'm not sure if I'm starting to have feelings for him. But I'm sure he's here because he cares about me and Zac has always been so sweet and nice and caring to everybody. What I know now is that, I still love Austin no matter what he's done to me and I want him to be okay.

I didn't realise I had fallen asleep in Zac's shoulder when he shook me awake. "Nes the doctor's here to see you" He said and I quickly stood up and walked over to the doctor. The doctor told me Austin's got a few broken bones, bruises, and he hit his head pretty hard and they're not sure what's gonna happen until he wakes up. His operation is done and they're gonna move him to his own room and the doctor said he's still not sure when he's gonna wake up.

Zac's Pov

I hate seeing Nessa like this. I hate Austin for doing what he did to Nessa, but I know she still care about Austin. So I have to be a friend that supports her. I take a look at Nessa who is now sitting down waiting for the nurse to call her. She just heard the news frok the doctor and I could tell there's a mixed feeling of happiness and worry in her. Being with her today was perfect. I get to be by her side and comforting her. I examine her and realised she really loves him. Even though he hurt her badly, but she still loves him. And honestly, It breaks my heart.

Suddenly the nurse called her and asked if Nessa wanted to check on him. So she got up almost ran to the room. "I think I'm gonna wait out here" I said to her and she nodded. After about 30 minutes I peeked in through the door. I see Nessa smiling at him as I see tears in her eyes. She was intertwining her hand with his. What a lucky man. I figured she would forget that I'm here so I walked out to grab some food for her. I went to the cafeteria and grabbed a tuna sandwich, Coffee for her and a chocolate bar. She loves chocolates and it seems to calm her down pretty easily. I walked back up stairs to in front of his room. I walked up to a nurse and asked if I could have a pen and paper.

I wrote down in the piece of paper. 'Hey Nes, I've gotta go. I didn't wanna interrupt you and Austin so I told the nurse to send this to you. You've got to eat so I got you these. And I've got you your old favourite chocolate, I hope this makes you happy. I hope everything is okay with him. Call me if you need anything. Take care, Zac' I put it inside the paper bag and handed the paper bag and coffee to a nurse and Asked if she could hand it to Austin's room for a a girl named Vanessa. All of a sudden when I told her to do so her face lights up and walked over to his room eagerly. Once I saw that the package is delivered, I said big thank you to the nurse and left.

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