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Vanessa's Pov

Today we have an interview for HSM casts. Zac and I got ready then we head to the interview. When we arrived the others were already there. Zac always held on to my hand when we walk. "There they are" Lucas said. "Heyy" I said and we said hi to the others. In the interview we talked about HSM and all. "So Vanessa hudgens You're pregnant!" The lady said. "Yeah" I smiled. "So tell us, was it an accident? Or you planned this or how?" she asked. "Let's just say we're happy and this baby is just made of love" Zac said. "Yeah, and we're very excited to meet her" I said. "Oh it's a girl? And how far along are you?" She asked. "31 weeks" I said. "Aww so it's about 1 month left?" She asked. "Yess!" I squealed. After the interview we had brunch together then Zac and I head home.

Zac and I were eating snacks as we watch a movie. Then there was a scene where a couple was having dinner. "Hey you know what? It's been so long since I take you out" Zac said. "Really? I didn't realize it because you're always with me." I said. "Yeah, okay then. Nes let's go out. Let's have dinner in a fancy and romantic restaurant" Zac said. "Are you sure you wanna go on a date with a super fat lady?" I asked rubbing my stomach. "Argh c'mon you're beautiful. And I love you" He said. "Okay! Let's go" I squealed. "Okay, so I don't have nice clothes here in your house, so I'm gonna go back home then I'll pick you up at 6?" Zac asked. "What? Why?" I asked. "I wanna impress you. I want every date to be like a first date" Zac said. "But I can't impress you with this big stomach" I said. "Vanessa, you look perfect." He said. Then he stands up. "Okay, so now it's 4.30 I'm gonna head home and get ready. I'll pick you up at 6?" He said then kissed me and head out.

I went to my wardrobe trying to decide on what to wear. Then I found this army green sabrina dress that goes upto just below my knee. Finally that fits me. I put on my make up and do my hair. I realized I'm too big for high heels so I wear a flat shoes. Suddenly there was a knock and I opened it to see Zac with suit holding on to a big bouquet of roses. "God you look like an angel" Zac said as he checks me out. "This is the only thing that fits me. And look i'm not even wearing heels. This is the only thing that I feel comfortable wearing" I said. "Vanessa you look perfect. Let's go" Zac said then we head to the restaurant.

We gave the key to the guy who parks the car then we head to the elevator and Zac pressed 52. "That's the highest level" I said. "I hope you'll like it" Zac said. When we arrived I was shocked to see the view. It was lights everywhere. It was really romantic. The waitress took us to our table straight away. "It's so beautiful" I said. "Yeah, I knew you'll love it" He said. The food was so delicious. I was eating my dessert then I looked at Zac who is smiling at me. I realized I was eating way too much. "Somebody love desserts" Zac said. "Oh my god, this is my fourth one is it?" I gasped and Zac laughed. "Hey c'mon you're eating for two" Zac said taking my spoon and feeding me the cake. "Pregnancy is changing me" I said and Zac took my hand and kissed it.

"I'm the luckiest man" Zac said as he stares at me smiling. "I just realized we don't have a name for her yet" I said rubbing my stomach. "Okay you might not like it. But I was thinking of combining our names together" He said. "Don't tell me you want Zanessa" I glared at him. "No, I know you hate it" He laughed. "Actually I like the idea" I smiled. "Vachary" Zac said and i shook my head. "Zachessa" Zac said. "What no" I said. "Zachanessa" He said. "Noooo" i rolled my eyes. "Wait what was the first one again?" I asked. "Vachary?" He said. "What about Vanary?" I asked. "That's pretty" Zac said. "Vanary?" I said rubbing my stomach. "Vanary Hudgens Efron?" He asked. "Don't have to take my surname" I said. "So Vanary Efron?" He asked. "Vanary Alexandrine Efron?" I smiled.

"You took my middle name" He smiled. "Yes. I love it" I said and he kissed my hand. "Hello Vanary Alexandrine Efron" I said rubbing my stomach. "I love you" he said. Suddenly I felt a sharp pain in my stomach. "Hey? You okay? What's wrong?" Zac said as he rushed to me. "Nothing I'm fine." I said. "No you're not. Tell me! Should we go to the hospital?" He said. "No Zachary. I'm fine. It was just one second. I'm okay now." I said but I can tell he doesn't believe me. "I'm fine probably I just need a rest. What time is it?" I asked. "10" He replied. "Wow, it's so late. Probably I'm probably tired. You wanna call it a night?" I asked. "Yes. Of course" He said and we leave. I brushed my teeth and joined Zac on the bed. "Babe I had the best time" I said as I lay my head on the pillow. "Me too" he said and kissed my stomach then my lips. "Now you need to take a rest okay?" He said caressing my head. "I want a cuddle" I said laying my head on his chest. He wraps his arm around me caressing my belly and kissed my forehead. Slowly I fell asleep.

Zac's Pov

I woke up to Nessa shaking me. "Zac.Zac" she called out. "Yes baby what's wrong?" I asked turning around to face her. She was sitting up holding on to her stomach. "Hey what's wrong?" i asked sitting up. "I didn't wanna wake you. But it hurts so bad. I can't take it" She said. "What? What? Alright let's go" I gasped. I took my jumper and gave it to her. I grabbed all my stuff and helped her up. "Argh it hurts so bad" she cried. "Okay baby. Hold on okay?" I said and lift her up. I put her in the passengers seat and buckled up her seat belt. "Babe it hurts so bad" she cried grabbing my hand as I turned on the car. I looked at her and she was crying and sweating. It hurts me to see her like that. I was about to go but she held on to my hand. "I don't think I can take it" she said. "No no no Nessa. Look at me!" I said cupping her cheek. Her eyes were weak. "You can. Just hold on okay? I'm right here. Just please hold on. I love you so much. I'm gonna go as fast as I can to the hospital okay?"  I said.

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