Lily's party

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I woke up to the sun shines brightly to my face from the window. I get ready to do my workout routine. And my weekly swim. I go downstairs to my pool and small gym at my house and started working out. Once I'm done, I took a quick shower and go to the kitchen to make some smoothie and french toast.

"Hey bro!" Dylan said as he walks up to the fridge and take a bite of his apple. Yep, It's my brother Dylan Efron. And yes, I still live with my brother.
"Morning! Here's your french toast" I said putting a toast on his plate. I cook my one and take a seat on the dining table beside him.
"I'm going to Lily's birthday party tonight, so I'll be home late" I said to him. Lily is my Co-Worker from my new Netflix movie, Extremely Wicked.

I spent the rest of the day watching tv and taking a nap and looking through my Macbook. It's a good day, since I've been busy the past few months I'm really happy to have a lazy day at home. Now it's 7 pm so I get ready for Lily's party. I put on a white button up shirt and jeans. I got in my Car and drove to the party.

I go inside to see lots of people dancing around to the music. There's foods and drinks, and a big birthday cake. I find Lily and say happy birthday to her. She was wearing a red dress that looked great on her.
"Nice party, and you look great" I said to her.
"Thank you" She said, I gave her the birthday present and we have a small talk.

Suddenly my eyes were locked on a girl. She looked so beautiful in that black tight dress. She was talking to other girls. Her long black wavy hair goes down to her back. I can almost remember the scent of her hair as I hug her tight.
"You like what you see?" Lily asked grinning.
"Lil, You invited her?" I asked a little angry, and a little happy.
"Yeah, she's my friend. Why?"
"Well, I've been avoiding her all these 9 years and now she's in the same room as me. Can't believe it." I said looking at her from far.

"I didn't know you were avoiding her"
"Well, let's see. I didn't show up to my childhood friend's wedding. Because she's the bridesmaid and of course she'd be there. And I didn't even show up to the High School Musical reunion" I explained to her. Watching her take a pic with Selena Gomez.
"I think If you've gotten over her you wouldn't be acting this way" She said,
"What's your point?"
"My point is..." She was stopped when Selena waved excitedly at her and started walking towards us. Of course, with Vanessa. "There they come" Lily whispered smirking.

She saw me and we shared eye contact just for a few seconds and she looked down. I couldn't tell her expression. But, I'm sure she hates to see me. Since I'm the one who let her go. I was stupid to only think and care about my career when I should've cared about her and put her first . Even though it's been 9 years, I Miss her so bad. I can't stop thinking about her everyday, every night. That's why I try so hard to avoid her. Because, she's happy with another guy.
"Hey! Happy birthday!" Selena said as she hugged her friend.

"Hey, Zac!" Selena said as she gave me a hug. I looked at Nessa and waved at her trying so hard to be normal. The girls chit chat, and I catch Nessa looked at me a couple of times but she just looked away. I stare at her quietly and see how beautiful she looks. It's been 9 years since the last time I see her and she still as gorgeous as she was back then.

Vanessa's Pov

I can't believe it. After 9 years of not seeing him. Now I'm right next to him. I'm sure he's been avoiding me. That's why he missed Ash's wedding, and HSM reunion. I felt bad for breaking his heart and choosing us to break up. I looked at him and realised how much he's grown. His body looked bigger and more muscly. I'm sure it looks great with his shirt off. He dyed his hair blonde and it looks really hot on him. He looks very mature and of course. Gorgeous. He still has that light blue eyes that sparkles, and pink lips. I wonder if it was still as soft and sweet?

"Oh stop thinking bout him" Lily said loudly. I was shocked I thought they could hear my thoughts. But I just realised they were talking about Lily's cousin that looked hot.
"Nessa, Wait! we're gonna go to talk to her cousin for a while alright?" Selena said. Leaving me and Zac alone. Great. Doesn't she know anything about me and Zac? I'm sure he's been avoiding me and now because of Lily we're right next to each other.I looked up at Zac and smiled. He smiled back. God, He's so gorgeous.

"So, Nice party" Zac speak up first.
"yeah it is, and you look great" I said.
"You look beautiful" Zac said sweetly. Of course he's always charming and sweet.
"It's been 9 years since the last time I saw you" I said.
"Yeah, long time huh?" he continued. "You know, you haven't changed at all. It looks like you're still the 18 year old girl that I saw on the Audition"
"Is that a good thing or a bad thing?" I asked.
"Of course it's a good thing." He continued " Except you just look more beautiful"

I looked down and smiled. He always find a way to make me smile. He was always a sweet guy. That's what I love about him. Loved. Past tense!
"Well, I'm 30 now" I stopped and asked. "So how have you been?"
"Great. Good career, Cute dog, nice home and I still live with my brother. You know dylan?"
"Of course."
"And you?"
"Well I'm great. My career is alright, I still live with Stella. And a really really cute dog Darla."
"And the best boyfriend" a voice said from behind me and he wrapped his arms around my waist from behind.

Great. Why does he have to show up now? When before, all he can do was drink and talk to girls.
"Austin, Nessa's Boyfriend" Austin said to Zac.
"I believe we've met in Ash' movie premiere. Nice to meet you, I'm Zac" Zac said uncomfortably but still trying to be nice and polite.
"Nessa's ex" Austin replied smirking. Okay, he's had a few drinks and I'm scared he's gonna do stupid stuff to Zac soon.

"Okay, Zac it was nice catching up with you. I'll see you around again sometimes?" I said.
"Yeah you too. And nice to meet you, Austin" He said. I grabbed Austin and walked away from Zac. I turned around to see Zac staring at me smiling from behind.
"Catch up with me again sometimes?" I mouthed to him.
"Of course!" He Smiled. I hope I get to see him again soon. And I hope He would stop avoiding me.

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