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Nessa's pov

"Cut! That was perfect!" Kenny said. "God, finally that was so tiring" Ash said gasping. "I know my feet are killing me" Monique said. "I'd kill for a massage right now" I groaned. "Oh hey! We're done for the day. Why don't we have a spa day? Massage? Sauna? Facial and cream bath, meni-pedi?" Ash asked. "Oh My god! let's go!!!" Monique said. "Yass. Girls day!!" I cheered. "Oh hey, I wanna come too" Corbin said. "Oh yes! I need to get sauna right now" Lucas said. "No! It's a girls day" Monique said. "Yeah, why don't you guys go to gym or somethin?" Ash said. "Oh but I think I can really use a massage right now" Zac said. I walked to him and place my hands on his chest. "Well you know what Zachary? What about after I get back with the girls, I'll draw you a bath and give you massage. A special massage" I said and kissed his neck.

"Ooh I like that" Zac grinned as he kissed me. "Alright that's not fair my wife is back at home" Corbin said. "So is my girlfriend" Lucas said. Suddenly Kenny came. "Hey, so what are you guys doin today?" Kenny asked to the guys. "Nothing now" corbin said staring at us. "Well great. So I have 3 tickets to a hockey game. I was wondering if you guys would like to have it? It's today at 2.30 by the way" Kenny said. "Ooh Nice. We'll take it. Thanks Kenny" Corbin said and the guys took the ticket and thanked Kenny. "Well I'll see you tonight" I said to Zac and give him a peck on the lips. Then the guys left to get ready to go.


We went to a spa place nearby. It was so good. Right now we're all are getting our massages. "Ash I've got to admit, this place is so good" Monique said. "I know right, I love it. How did you know about this place anyways?" I asked. "Chris and I had a couple spa in here a couple of weeks ago" Ash said. "Wow I think I should take Zac here sometimes" I said. "Aw you two are so adorable. I had a feeling you both are gonna be back together eventually. And you guys did" Monique said. "Aw thanks Mon, but what makes you think that?" I asked. "I don't know but I can just see in your eyes and everything. Like you both belong together and should end up together" Mon said. "Before they got back together, I kept on telling them that over and over again. But They never believe me" Ash said.

"Well now, I believe you" I said. "By the way, this is like your second time. Do you see anything from him? Like signs or something? Or he's changed? Maybe more mature?" Monique asked as she showed us her ring. "I don't know guys. I mean, I love him so so so much. But, He's still  the same adventurous Zac that I knew. Well of course, he's way more mature but I have a feeling he's more adventurous now. I just hope that I can keep up with him" I explained. "Nes, trust me when I say this. And You know I'm never wrong. Well, I'm sure you and Zac are gonna end up together? Gonna get married, have kids and all" Ash said. "Ash didn't you hear what he said in that interview? It's not like I want to get married right now. But c'mon i'm 31. If I'm in a relationship where it's going nowhere then should I really be in a relationship?" I asked and they stayed quiet. "Okay, I love Zac. And I'm just gonna forget what he said and keep hoping that this relationship is going somewhere" I said.

Zac's Pov

After we were done watching hockey me and the guys decided to go to a bar first. "So we have 2 weeks left right? And the movie is gonna be released in 2 months right? So I'm just gonna propose next month" Lucas said. "What? You're proposing? congrats man" I said "Wow congratulations"Corbin said. "Thank you. I just love her so much. And I think it's the right time you know? What's it like to get married?" Lucas asked Corbin. "Amazing. To live with your soulmate. To wake up looking at her everyday. Promising to love her for the rest of my life" Corbin said. "If it's like that then, isn't moving in together enough?" I asked taking a sip of my beer. "It's different Zac" Lucas said. "Being committed to one another. Promising to love each other no matter what. Building a family. There's nothing like it" Corbin said. "This is your second time with Nessa what's it like? You lost contact for like 9 years" Lucas asked.

"It's like continuing what we started when we were kids. But better. It felt like coming home" I said. "Yes home. That's what marriage feels like." Corbin said. "Yeah, but I'm not thinking of marrying her. I don't know later in 10 years tho. But not now" I said. "What? You and Vanessa are perfect for each other. Everybody knows that" lucas said. "You guys are already adults now. I mean, you don't think Nessa wants to get married?" corbin asked. "Okay, I've just gotten back together with her for like 3 months. Just, give it a break" I said. "But I love her so much you know. If I were to get married with a person in this world, it'll be her. No one else. But I just don't wanna get married" I said.

Once we were done, we went straight to the hotel. Nessa already texted me saying if I'm done, go straight to her room. I opened the door to see Nessa lighting the last candle. The room filled with candles and I look to the bath tub it's filled with bubbles and flower petals. "I promised you" Nessa said as she walked up to me. She leaned in and kissed me softly and she goes down to my neck as she sucked it softly. "Take it all off" She said and went to the bathroom. I watch her walk away. She was so beautiful and sexy. She was wearing this all black nightgown and she smells amazing. The rest of the night went like a blur. But I know for sure it's way better than the spa that the girls had.

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