Photo shoot

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Zac's pov
I sleep on the left side of the bed. Since all my injuries are on the left side of my body. Nessa was still asleep with her arms around me and her head on my chest. My love for her grow each day. It's been 2 weeks since the accident. Nessa's been staying with me in my house. Suddenly I hear a knock, it's probably Dylan. "Come in" I said. "Bro I need to go to work. Do you need anything?" He asked. "No, thank you. Careful" I said and he left. Suddenly Nessa stirred on my arms. "What was that?" She asked in her raspy morning voice. "Dylan. He's going to work" I said. "Mhmm" she moaned and moved her head to my neck. She opened her eyes slowly and looked at me with her big brown beautiful eyes. "Good morning beautiful" I said. "Morning" she said kissing my neck.

She sits up and stretched the walk over to the window to open it up. "Argh it's a beautiful day" she said. "C'mon, let's have breakfast in your backyard you need to see the sun for once." She said grabbing my wheelchair. She helped me get up and put me on the wheelchair then she helped me wash up in the bathroom first. Nessa helped me with literally everything. Sometimes I feel bad, but To be honest liked it. I like Nessa being next to me all the time. She took me to the kitchen and she cooked for me and got my medicine. After she was done she took me outside next to the pool. She brought our breakfast and we eat on the table next to the pool. "God the sun is so great" she said as she took off my shirt that she was wearing leaving her only in her underwear and bra.

"What why are you looking at me like that? Dylan is not here isn't he?" She asked. "No, you're just so gorgeous"I said. She went inside and came back in a couple of seconds. She brought sunscreen and towel with her. "You need to sunbathe with me." She said taking off my shirt then rubbing the sunscreen all over me. Afterwards we continue having our breakfast. She grabbed her phone and took a picture of Me. "Oh Nes. My body is so bad right now" I complained. Then She checked me out. "Gosh Zac. Look at this photo!" She said showing me the photo as She zoomed in to my abs. "What kind of a 30 year old man, that has injuries, always on a wheelchair and has abs like that?" She chuckled. "Okay that was just the angle" I said and she rolled her eyes. Suddenly I got a notification in my phone, Nessa tagged me in a photo. The caption was 'My love'. I smiled as I read that.

After we finish breakfast she helped me move to the deck and we sunbathe for 30 mins until the sun gets too hot then we head inside. "Argh. I forgot I have a photoshoot and interview today" She said. "Alright. I can stay here myself" I said. "Oh no Zac. I don't feel comfortable leaving you alone" She said. "Hey, I'm totally fine babe" I said. "No that is the last thing I want. For me to leave you alone. I'm canceling it" She said. "No. No way. You shouldn't do that" I said. "Yes I am and I'm calling them right now" she said dialing. "Then take me with you" I said grabbing her phone. "C'mon 2/3 hours? I can sit still and watch you" I said. "Alright" She said smiling. I grabbed her hand and kissed it. Afterwards we get ready to go. And of course she helped me take a shower and get ready. Then we head to the place. It was about 30 mins ride. I watch her drive and she's been wearing long sleeve clothes if she was going out to cover her scar.

"Hey, you have a photoshoot. What about your scar?" I asked. "I'll make sure they'll cover it up." She said. When we arrived she took me out and wheeled me inside with her. "Oh hey, Vanessa!" The guy said. "Hey Steve. Steve this is Zac, and Zac this is steve" she said. "Oh of course I know. How are you doing Zac? I heard about the accident. I'm really sorry for you two"Steve said. "I've been better" I said. Then they took her to get ready for make up and clothes. Then she took some pictures. She was gorgeous. She looked at me and waved like a little kid making me smile. She was so adorable. I just love Everything about her. "Done with photoshoot and now Interview" she said as she drinks her water and sat down next to me. "What? So fast?" I asked. "Zac it's been 1 and a half hour." She said. "It literally felt like 15 minutes. I'll never get bored looking at you" I said. "Aww baby" she said making a puppy face as she pinched my cheek. Then she left.

They interview her. Mostly the questions were about herself. "So Vanessa, name 3 people you love the most" The guy asked. "My family, my bestfriends, and my boyfriend Zac. I love him so much. He's here with me by the way" she said then the camera shoot me. I just waved and smiled. After 30 more minutes she was done. "Hey, I'm donee. Thank you for waiting for me" she said. "Thank you for taking me here" I said. We said bye to the people there then we left. "God, I'm starving" She said. "Me too" I said. "Is it okay if I want mc Donalds for lunch?" She asked pouting. "McDonalds it is" I said. We buy the food through the drive through then we eat at home. I had a great day today, I enjoyed accompanying Vanessa. She's a great woman. I love her.

We Belong Together (Zanessa fanfic)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora