4th of april

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Zac's Pov

It's been a couple of weeks since we got engaged. I've been wanting to show Nessa the place but I didn't have the chance to. But today, I'm planning to take her there and ask for her opinion. "Babe, you're not going anywhere today right?" I asked as I play with her hair. We were lying down being lazy on the bed. "Nope, why?" She asked looking up from her phone. "I wanna take you somewhere. But it's about a 3 hours drive." I said. "Yay, cool. Little road trip." She grinned. "Let's get ready" I said sitting up. "Let's goo!" She said and rushed to the bathroom. After we get ready, Nessa packs some snacks for us. Then we hit the road. We listen to music, chat, sing, have some snacks to pass time on the road. "So, what are the places you've always wanted to go, but never get to go?" I asked.

"Like anywhere in the world?" She asked. "Yeah, anywhere" I said. "Umm, you first" she said. "Well, I've always wanted to go to Antartica" I said. "Wow that's awesome. I never think of that" She said. "What about you?" I asked. "Argh there's so many. Okay, Dubai? Santorini! Bora Bora, South Africa!"  She said. "Aw Dubai is awesome" I said. "Aw I've always wanted to go there" she pouts. "South Africa?" I asked interested. "Yeah, like it looks so awesome. Safari? Hot air balloon. And all. Just seeing animals in the wild" She said. "Wow that sounds fun" I said. A couple of hours later we arrived. "Wow this beach is beautiful and so empty" she said as we get off the car.

"I know. Let's have a walk" I said. I took her to a place where it looked so beautiful. It was a beach but  near a forest. I reckon it would be the perfect place. "I love this place" She said walking around. "Okay look. Imagine. At around noon to evening. We get married right here." I said as I pulled her towards the woods. "And then, later on. We have the party in here" I said grabbing her hand and walking to the beach. "Imagine lights, chairs and tables, candles, band perform right here. Flowers. Just everything you dreamed of would be here. And there's hotel down there for us to get ready in. Listen, if you don't like the place then I'm fine. We'll fine some other place. I'm just-" I start to say but she cut me off with a kiss. "I love it" She said.

"What?" I asked. "I love it I wanna get married here" she said and kissed me. I lift her up and spin her around. "Yeah! We're getting married!" I yelled making her giggle. We grab a beach towel and some snacks. Then we lay it down on the sand. "I love this place. How did you know about this place?" She asked. "Dylan and I went cycling around here and we saw this place" I said as I caress her hair. We were lying down on the towel. Watching the wave. But I was watching her. "When do you wanna get married?" I asked. "As soon as possible" she said. "Pick a date" I said. "Mhmm, I want you to finish the movie first and everything. So, mhm what about 4th of April? It's on Saturday" She asked. "Perfect" I said. After a while we decided to find a restaurant nearby since we were getting hungry.

Afterwards we went to meet Ash and Chris at their house. "Did you see the place? How was it?" Asked Ash as she pour the wine in the glass for us. "Ouh it's perfect, I can't wait" Nessa said. "What's the date?" Asked Chris. "4th of April" I said. "Wow it's in 4 months! So soon"Ash said. "Yeah, but we just really wanna get married soon" I said. "I'm sure it's enough time for us to plan the wedding. Right?" Nessa said. "Yeah, we can get one of the best wedding planner in the city." I said. "Wow that should be so expensive" Nessa said. "It'll be worth it. Once in a lifetime I want everything to be perfect. For you, and for me" I said and gave her a soft kiss on the lips. "I love you, but as much as I like to have the most perfect wedding. I don't want to be spending that much just for a party Zac." She said walking to the sink to wash her hands.

"Hey, for our wedding you don't need to spend any money. It's all on me." I said following her. "Thank you, but I'm not gonna let you spend that much money on us. The ring is already pricey Zac" She said. "Nessa, I want you to get the wedding you dreamed of. I worked hard and you do too. But I want to make you happy. You deserve everything. So please just let me" I said. "What about our future? For our future kids?" She asked. "I think I got that in hand. And by the way, we don't have to get all luxurious stuff. Just, up to you. I just want to have the wedding that you've always dreamed of since you were a little girl. The perfect flower, decoration, band, perfect Dress, everything. Okay?" I said.

"Okay, I love you" She said and I leaned in to kiss her. "I love you more" I said. "Aww, I wanna get married again" Ash said and Chris gave her a death glare. "With you, I meant I want to be a bride again" She said. "No way, it's my turn to be the bride now" Nessa said. "Yes it is" Ash said and walked over to Nessa. "I'm getting married!" Nessa squealed. "And you're gonna have your dream wedding!" Ash squealed. And they started screaming hugging each other. Seeing Nessa that happy makes me happy. I love her so much. "Girls" I chuckled to Chris. "Yeah." He chuckled. I feel Nessa's arm wrapped around my waist and I turn around to wrap my arms around her. "Yay!" I said doing her impression. "Funny!" She said punching my arm. "Okay okay sorry. I'm so happy to see you happy" I said. "I love you so much Zachary" She said.

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