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Zac's pov

"Good job! Zac, Nessa. Amazing! The chemistry was perfect. And I loved it!" Jamie the music producer said. We walked out of the recording booth and sat next to Kenny on the couch. "G'job you two!" Kenny said. "Here let's hear it" Jamie said and played the song. I was surprised. The song was great, and our voices were in perfect harmony and he's not wrong about the chemistry. I looked at Nessa who has this Awe look on her face. "Awesome" She mouthed.

"Oh my. I am already in love with the mature Troy snd Gabriella characters. I mean listen! It's perfect. Look, I've got goosebumps." Kenny said right after the song stopped. "Yep. This is my first time working with the both of you and you both have amazing voices" Jamie said. "Nessa, your voive has always been so beautiful. It hasn't changed and I love it. And Zac! Wow, your voice changed a little bit. Probably back then your voice was still changing. cuz now it turned into this man voice. It's amazing. Why don't you sing more?"Kenny said. "No, My vocal skill is not as good as when I was younger. And it's not that good" I replied. "Are you kidding me? Your voice is great. You probably just need to do daily vocal excersice then you're good to go" Kenny said. "That's right! He never believe in himself" Nessa spoke up. "Wait, didn't you sing in The greatest showman? And dirty grandpa and also mike and dave?" Jamie asked.

"I did. But the proper one was only in the greatest showman. That's the only musical I've been in since hairspray and highschool musical. And wow. You watch my movies?" I replied. "Zac Efron, Everybody watches your movies" Jamie said. "Okay then, I think you both are done. And you're good to go" Kenny said. "Thanks Kenny, Thank you Jamie" Nessa said and gave them both a hug. "Thank you both so much. See ya" I said and walked out of the recording studio.

We walked to the restaurant to have lunch together. We called the others to join so they did. We ate in an Italian restaurant. The others came and we ordered the food. "Hey, How did the recording go?" Monique asked. "It was good, really fun" I said. "Yeah, I really enjoyed it" Nessa adds. "Must be easy for the both of you. I mean Nessa you're a singer. And Zac, you sang in a lot of movies" Monique said. "No I'm not good" I replied. "He always say that. He doesn't believe that he has a beautiful voice" Nessa said rolling her eyes. "Yeah Zac. You actually do" Lucas said. "But-" I replied "No buts Zacky" Nessa said putting a finger on my lips.

"So, When are you guys recording?"Nessa asked. "we're doing it right after this."Ash said. "And you guys?"Nessa asked Corbin and Monique. "The four of us are singing together. Don't you know?" Monique replied. "You guys have a song together?" Zac asked. "Yeah, It's about us talking about how Troy and Gabriella belonged together" Corbin said. "That's cool, good luck" Nessa said. After that we finish our foods while chatting about weather and gossips that Ash brought up. We asked for the bill then the others went to the recording studio to record their song. Leaving me and Nessa alone.

"So what are you gonna do?" Me and Nessa said at the same time. "I think I'm gonna go to the gym" Me and Nessa replied at the same time. "Same!" We both said at the same time. Then we started laughing. "Why are you following me?" Nessa asked laughing. "Hey, You're the one following me!" I said. "Whatever. Do you wanna go together then?" Nessa asked. "Yeah sure let's go to the room to change first" I replied. So we did. After changing into gym clothes then we head to the hotel gym straight away. There wasn't that much people in the gym. Only a few guys and the person that works there.

Me and Nes stretch first before we do anything. I watched Nes do a few stretches and she was pretty flexible. After that we do our normal workout separately. We do threadmil first and she goes off to her workout and I do too. I was doing my biceps area when I caught her doing a few squats. She looked hot. Like seriously hot with that sports bra and shorts. "Your girlfriend? She's beautiful."The girl that worked in this gym said. It looks like she was in her early twenty. She was a tall blonde with an hourglass body. "No, She's just my friend" I replied. "Really? You're drooling!" She said then looked at me and frowned. "Do I know you from somewhere? You seem very familiar" She said. "Probably I look like your friend? or somebody you know" I replied. "No. I don't think so. Oh well, it's probably only my imagination" She replied.

"Stacy" She said shaking my hand. "Zac" I replied. "So you work here?"I asked. "Yeah, I love going to the gym and it helps me to pay for college as well." She said. "Oh, you're still a college student?" I asked. "Yeah I'm a medical student, and I'm graduating in a few months"She replied. "That's awesome so you're gonna be a doctor?" I asked. "Yeah, soon. And by the way drinking cold water during working out is really bad for you" She said pointing to my water bottle. She walked to the counter and handed me a bottle of water. "Here, for you. Don't drink that shit." She said. "Thanks How much?" I asked. "No. It's on me" She said. "Well, thanks!" I replied smiling. Afterwards she left me and I continued working out. After about half an hour we finished up.

"See you later, Stace. Have a good day" I said in the door. "Thanks you too" She replied. "Well she's pretty and very sexy" Nessa said. "It's awesome how she doesn't know me. Finally somebody treated me like a normal person" I replied. "You like her" Nes said in a flat tone. "No I don't" I replied. "Yes you do. Why don't you get her number?" Nes said. "No, I think I'm good" I replied. "Wait! Somebody's jealous!" I teased. "Who? me? Of course not"She chuckled and looked away. I pulled her arm and and she turned around to face me. "See I can see tears in your eyes" I said smiling. "There is no tears!" She said crossing her arms. I can tell she was getting annoyed. That's awesome. "Well, I'm sure you are crying a river inside" I said poking her nose. "Zachary please don't go on a date with her. Please! I'm jealous of her! Please" I said in a girl voice.

"Oh yes! I am so jealous. Zachary Alexander Efron! Please don't date her! Please" She said sarcastically leaning over the drinking tap to drink. She turned around to face me and she has a huge smile on her face. I don't know why. Then all of a sudden she splashed water on my face and ran away. "You are so dead" I said to her and ran after her. "Nooo! You can't catch me!" She yelled giggling. I ran after her and caught her. I carried her to the swimming pool. I grabbed her bag and put it on the table. I grabbed her phone and put it on top of her bag. She was laughing trying to fight me but she can't. She was very light I can carry her with one arm. I took her to the swimming pool and get ready to throw her inside. "Noooo pleaseee! Don'tt!" She yelled laughing out of breath. Good thing there was no one around the swimming pool.

I lifted her up and threw her inside the pool. I sat on the chair and laughed out loud watching her in the pool. "That's what you get for messing with me" I yelled laughing. "Ouch! Ouch! Noo! Zac! Help! It hurts! My leg!"Nes yelled. "Nes what's wrong?" I asked. "It hurts! I can't move my leg!" She yelled. I quickly put all of my stuff on the table and jumped in the pool. I quickly grabbed Nes and quickly carry her out of the pool. Just before I get off the pool she started laughing hard. "O My god! Zachary! You just got fooled!" She laughed hard. "Fuck" I said under my breath. "OH MY GOD! You're so sweet! You rushed in to help me!" She giggled.

"Argh Cheeky Nessa"I groaned and splashed water all over her. She did the same to me. I grabbed her by the waist and spun her around the pool making her giggle. Her feet was wrapped around my waist and her arm was around my neck. "You are the sweetest Zachary! Thank you for saving my life" She giggled. "Whatever" I said. I looked at her and she looked so gorgeous. Her hair was all wet and her brown eyes sparkles. And her plumped pink lips looked so soft. I realised she was staring at my lips as well. Suddenly we both leaned in. Her hand was caressing the back of my head. Our foreheads touched and our noses touched.

"I heard voices! I thought it was you" I heard Corbin yelled. Nessa quickly let me go and stepped away from me. "Oh, Sorry. Did I interrupt you guys?" Corbin asked. "No, you didn't Corbin. This jerk was just pushing me into the water and I got back at him" Nessa explained grinning. "Ooh nice! Get outta my way." Corbin said as he took off his shirt and placed all his stuff on the table. He took a step back and ran towards the pool. I grabbed Nessa to move her out of the way. And Corbin jumped in the pool. "Wooohoo!" He yelled. All of a sudden the rest of the guys came. "Corbin! What the hell are you doing?!" Monique asked. "OMG! You guys didn't tell me you were going swimming. Let me change into my bikini" Ashley said and ran away. "Me too!" Lucas said and left.

5 Minutes later they all came back with swimming suits on and they all jumped in the pool. I took off my shirt and threw it to the the side. I looked at Nessa who is now staring at me. "You like what you see?" I asked her grinning. "I wasn't even looking" she said and rolled her eyes. Afterwards we both grabbed a ball and played with it in teams. It was a really fun swim. When it was getting late we got off the pool. Then we walked to our hotel room silently. Thinking about what a fun day we had. We said goodbye to each other and went inside our rooms.

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