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Vanessa's Pov

It's getting closer. Tonight is our rehearsal dinner, and tomorrow it's our wedding day. I'm nervous and excited at the same time. The rehearsal dinner would take place in the hotel's rooftop. I put on a white vintage dress. That goes just below my knee. I put my hair in a bun and do my make up. "Ah you look so beautiful!" Ash said as she came in. She looks busy trying to make sure everything was okay. "I love you" I said to her and hugged her. My mom and Stella was already upstairs in the rooftop, so I walked there by myself. I pressed the button and waited for the elevator. Then it opens and I see Zac alone wearing a navy blue suit playing with his phone. He looked so handsome and all I wanna do is hug him. I missed him so much but I just pretended that I didn't see him.

I stand next to him and stayed still trying to not laugh. He put his phone in his pocket and looked straight. He knew there was a girl next to him but he doesn't even look at me or talk to me. So I just faked cough to get his attention. "What?" He yelled staring at me. "I didn't know you were there why didn't you say something?" He said shocked. "I wanted to scare you" I giggle. He immediately wrap his arms around me and spin me around. "God I miss you so much" he said and hugging me tightly. "I miss you too" I said. "God you look so beautiful" he said caressing my cheek and leaning in to kiss me. He kissed me passionately as if we haven't seen each other in years. "You look hot" I said. He smiled and kissed my cheek. "I miss you so so much you know" He said. "I know, me too" I said. Then the elevator door opened to our floor and he grabbed my hand and we walked together to our rehearsal dinner.

We greeted our family and close friends as we wait for the dinner to start. I was always with Zac. "Here, I'll take you to my grandma" He said. "Hey Nana" He said and kissed her. "Aw you look so handsome" she said. "I want you to meet my fiancé. Vanessa" He said. "Oh the Gabriella girl is it?" She asked. "Yes, she's a high school musical fan" Zac said to me. "You are even more prettier in real life." She said pinching my cheek. "Okay Nana" Zac said taking her hand away from my face. "Hey grandma, I'm Vanessa. It's so nice to finally meet you. You look lovely tonight" I said. "Aw so do you. You can call me Nana. I'm so happy Zac finally found you to be the love of his life. Promise me you'll take care of my favorite grandson" She said whispering the word favorite. "Of course I will" I said smiling at Zac. "Here let me tell you a secret" she said motioning me to come closer. "He likes it when you rub his back until he falls asleep" she said. "Thank you grandma I'll keep that in mind" I said grinning at Zac who is now embarrassed.

"Okay, we're going to greet some more people now" Zac said. "It's nice meeting you Grandma" I said and she hugged me. "She's so sweet. I love her" I said. "Yeah. I'm so glad she's still here with us" He said. We talked to some other people then we start the dinner. It was time for maid of honor and best man did the speech. Dylan stood up to give his speech. "I remember when I was 5 and Zac was 9, we went to a park together. I was just playing in the sand pit, I was making a house and I wanted to show it to Zac. Then suddenly there were this kids that came up to me and started wrecking my sand castle that I built. But then Zac came and he's just like, get away, he's my brother. Don't mess with my brother. The bullies left but then I was still crying. Then he came to me and said 'I loved the house that you made for me. Later, when we're older I promise we would build a house together. The big and strong one, nobody can ever wreck our house. And we'd live there as brothers forever'

15 years later he actually did keep that promise. We've been roomies for 27 years. And you've always had my back. I love you so much brother, and I'm so glad you found the love of your life. And I'm even happier the love of your life is Vanessa. I know Vanessa, she loves you very much. And you both are more than perfect for each other" Dylan said. I swore I saw tear dropped on his cheek. "Okay, so I'm Ashley. Maid of Honor. I've known Zac and Vanessa for a long time. I was always third wheeling them since 2005. Zac is like a brother I never had. And Nessa, you're like my bestest friend. Since back then when we were so young and you two were dating, I always knew that you were both meant for each other. Even when you're both are dating someone else, I always think that. And I'm sure that no matter how hard the situation is, you both always find your way back to each other. And now you're both are here. My bestfriends are getting married tomorrow! So I wish you a lifetime of happiness. And just remember, marriage is hard but it's a beautiful thing. And if there's any problem, know that Ashley is always here for you both." Ash said grinning.

Afterwards it was our time to make a speech. We thanked everyone. The family and friends, and special thanks to the groomsmen, bridesmaid and maid of honor also Best man. Afterwards we danced a little and get to know the family. Then the party finished at 11. I knew Ash was trying to find me. She wants me back in my room as soon as possible. But I'm here with Zac looking at the view. He had his arms around me hugging me from behind. "We're almost here" Zac said. "Yeah, it's my last day as Vanessa Hudgens. I'm so nervous. Are you?" I said. "Well, it's weird I'm not nervous at all. Probably tomorrow, but I'm just so happy that you are going to be my wife soon" He said I grabbed his hand and pressed my lips against the back of his hand.

"Nes?" Zac called out. "Yeah?" I asked and he walked beside me and held both of my hands. "Since this is the last night for you to be my girlfriend. I just wanna say. You are the best girlfriend I've ever had" He grinned. "And you are too" I said wrapping my arms around his neck. "And,  I'm so lucky to love you. Thank you for accepting me to be the love of your life. I love you so much." He said. I didn't know what to say so I just leaned in and kissed his lips. He held me gently but tightly. I deepened the kiss by licking his lips. "Hey! What did I tell you about no romance stuff before wedding?" Somebody yelled. I'm sure it was Ashley. "Nessa you need your beauty sleep and so do you Zachary! Now get your hands of each other" She yelled as she glared at us as if we've committed the worst crime. "See you tomorrow" I said kissing Zac's   cheek. "Let's go bride!" Ash said grabbing my hand. I turn my head to look at Zac one more time. "I love you" he mouthed. The next time I'm gonna see him is when I walk down the aisle.

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