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Vanessa's Pov

I turned on the heater and gave him blankets. Making sure he was warm. I went to the kitchen to make him some tea to warm him up. "Nes, I came to say that I-." He starts to say. "Why would you sleep on my doorstep in a cold winter night?" I said as I hand him the tea. "Nes I came to say I'm really really-."he said. "You're crazy. right now you're shivering and you can get sick!" I said crossing my arms. "Nes I couldn't sleep the whole time you were gone. So then I got tired last night and I fell asleep. Why didn't you pick up the phone?" He asked. "I was busy" I said. "Where were you?" He asked. "It's none of your business" I said. He covers his face and groaned. He was losing patience now.

"Nes, I came to say how sorry I am for acting like a jerk. I just. I love you so much, I don't want to lose you again. Please just. I'll be there the whole time I promise. I know I didn't want it at first but I'm sure as hell I'm gonna love the baby so much." He said and walked up to me. He was so close to me I can easily kiss him. "No you don't want the baby. It's gonna wreck your career, your life, your everything. You're not gonna be happy." I said. "Nes, my happiness is you. I can't be happy unless I'm with you." He said caressing my cheek. "Nes, the last couple of days been the worst days of my life. I thought I was gonna lose you again." He said and I looked at his eyes. It was teary.

"Please? I don't care about anything else. Just you and the baby. I'm sure the life will just get more exciting with the baby. Please?" He plead. "Please?" He plead once more. He was sobbing, and I can feel his hand shaking. "I don't wanna wreck your life" I whispered. "You're not gonna! You would wreck my life if you leave me" He said. "Please Nes. Please give me a chance" He begged. I looked at his blue eyes and down to my small belly. I thought the baby needed the father. And I love him so much that I can't lose him again. "Okay" I whispered. "Oh Nes" he gasped as he hugged me tightly. He was sobbing in my neck. I didn't realize I meant that much to him. "I love you. I love you. I love you" He said as he showers me with kisses all over my face. "I'm so sorry you had to go through that alone for 4 months. You don't deserve it. I'm so sorry" He said. It was so good to be in his arms again. "I'm sorry for hiding this from you." I said.

Zac's Pov

I'm so happy I get to have her in my arms again. I love her so much I can't lose her again. Right now we're watching tv while cuddling in her couch. It's been so long since we do this kind of thing. For the past 1 month we were never alone and she never really let me hold her like that. Now I know why. She was probably hiding the baby bump. But til now I can't see it since she was wearing an oversized sweater. "By the way, where were you for the last 2 days?" I asked. "I was in Ash's house. She wouldn't let me stay here alone since I had the stomach pain thing" She said. "Stomach pain?" I asked. "Yes, they took me to the emergency after premiere" She said. "What? Why didn't anybody tell me?" I asked almost yelling. I was worried trying to find her and she was in the emergency and nobody was telling me where she was.

"Zac calm down" She said sitting up. "I'm sorry Nes. I just blame my self for not being there. And for-." She cuts me off "The important thing is that you're here right now." She said. "Okay you know what. I'm sorry. Let's just start over. Tell me about the baby" I said. "The baby?" She asked confused. "Yes, I wanna know everything. About your pregnancy. Just everything I missed." I said. "Well, I've actually been pregnant since Hawaii. I found out I was a couple of weeks pregnant just 2 days after we came back." She said. "So in the set, you were already pregnant? And in Hawaii, we went hiking and climbing and stuff. And drinking"  I asked

"Yes. I was actually worried about that. But the doctor said She's very healthy." She said. She? So it's a girl? "It's a girl?" I asked excitedly. "We don't know yet but I'm pretty sure it's a girl." She said touching her stomach. "You wanna see?" She asked motioning her stomach. "Yes, of course" I said. "Okay, but you have to keep in mind that I look ridiculous with this belly. And I may not look beautiful to you anymore" She said taking off her sweater living her with only a sports bra. I was shocked to see how beautiful she looked with the baby bump. Her stomach has never been bigger than this. She was glowing and she looked perfect. I touched her stomach and caress it as I leaned into her and kissed her softly. "Nes, is it possible if I think you're even more beautiful now? And I love you even more" I asked and she smiled widely. I can tell she was happy. I'm so glad she's happy now.

Somehow it all seems real. I thought I never wanted a kid but now looking at her like that just made me happy and excited to see the baby. I leaned into her stomach and kissed it softly. "You're adorable" Nessa giggled. Suddenly I felt a movement in her stomach and she gasped. "What was that? Should I call a doctor?" I asked panicking. "Oh my god. It's the first time" She gasped. "What?" I asked. "She's kicking" she said grinning. She held on her stomach in awe. "It stopped. Zac do that again" She said and I leaned in and kissed her stomach again. Suddenly I felt a kick on my lips. "She knows it's you" she said then I felt another kick on my hand. "God does she hate me or something?" I chucked. "Oh my god. That was hard" She giggled. "Does it hurt?" I asked. "Kinda. But it's worth it" She said looking at her stomach smiling. I just realized I think I might fall in love with her all over again.

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