Due to stress

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Zac's pov

I watch her cry, and I watch her walked away from me. I can't believe this is happening. It is a lot to process. I should've ran after her but I couldn't. I was frozen. I'm glad Ash is with her though. "Fuck" I said running my fingers through my hair furiously. "I need a drink" I said and went to the bar. I drink I drink and I drink. It was helping me clear my mind somehow. Suddenly Corbin came and sat beside me. "She's not here?" I asked. "No" He replied. "She left again didn't she?" I asked. "Yeah" He said. "God! I messed up. I messed up again. Why the hell would I say those things? She probably hates me right now. Fuck." I said.

I was angry with myself. I hate myself. Why would I be so childish about those stuff? How come I didn't know about it? "You can fix it you know?" Corbin said. "She's not gonna get rid of the baby and I won't let her" I said. "That's not what I mean. Zac, you have to fix it. She's been through the worst time right now and you weren't there for her. She's hiding it from you because she was scared you're gonna react like... well like this" He said. "Okay, I'm gonna go to her and fix this. Thank you so much bro. You're the best!" I said and rushed off. I got out and tried to find her. But she's not around. I called her and it says her phone is unavailable. I called Ash and she's not answering. I've decided to drive straight to her house. I knocked and knocked and she's not there. I drove to Ash's house. And nobody was there. This is probably the time I'm gonna lose her again.

"Fuck!" I cursed kicking a rubbish bin that I saw. I tried to call Stella and Nessa's mom. But I just realized they're not in LA now. So just I decided to just head home. When I arrived home I stormed to my room. I can't believe I'm losing her again. I can't let that happen. I'm having a baby and I will be by her side every time. I'm not losing her again. I was furious with my self. Without thinking I threw a punch through a wall. The wall doesn't break but now My hand hurt so bad and I can't move it. I fell to the floor and just sobbed. I can't lose her again. "Zac what the hell?!" Dylan yelled as he got in the room. He stormed off and came back with Ice pack and he puts it on my knuckles.

"What's wrong?" He asked. "Nessa's pregnant." I continued. "And she told me right after a lady interviewed me asking about having kids and I said how I didn't want them. And when she told me, I. I stayed quiet. I can't, Like I was speechless. I should've comforted her. And say that I would be by her side but instead, I was fucking speechless. I was acting like a fucking jerk. Then she left and I didn't even ran after her." Dylan was quiet listening to me. He was speechless as well. "I can't lose her again. I can't" I sobbed. "Okay Zacky, why don't you just chase her. Tell her it's gonna be okay. Tell her you'll be there for her the whole time." He asked. "She's not home. I called her and I called Ash they weren't answering. Stella and her mom is out town." I said. "Then keep trying. She'll come home someday?" He said. "Okay you're right. I gotta go now" I said getting up. "What, are you crazy? It's fucking 2 am Zac! And your hand is fucking broken I can tell. I'm taking you to the hospital first" Dylan said.

Vanessa's Pov

"Ash it hurts" I cried as I grab Ash' hand. "Hold on honey we're already here. We're taking you to the emergency now" She said. The nurse was pushing me in the wheelchair fast. When we arrived in the room they put me on the bed and the doctor checked what was wrong with me and gave me something and somehow it reduced the pain. "What was wrong?" I asked. "You were under a lot of stress right? So it causes stomach pain and cramps. So these are the medicine. And I recommend you to do yoga to help with stress and do a lot of walking." Dr Jen said. Afterwards we head home. "Nes, you know what? You're alone at home. And I really don't feel comfortable with you staying home by yourself. So what if you just stay at my house for a couple of days." Ash said. "Oh no, I'm fine thank you" I said. "Vanessa please. To make me happy can you just stay at your best friends house for a couple of days?" Ash said. "Yeah Vanessa, she's right. And with Zac not around it's better if you stay at our house until you're fine" Chris said. "Okay, thank you guys" I said. Then we head to my house first to bring my stuff then we go to Ash's house.

Zac's Pov

Before Dylan took me to the hospital to get my hand checked. And my knuckles are broken so they put a cast in my hand. Now it's 4am and I can't sleep. I kept on thinking about Vanessa and how she was suffering 3 months with all the morning sickness and all pregnant women go through on her own. Meanwhile I was acting like a jerk telling the whole world how I never wanted kids. I've been calling her but she kept on rejecting me. Yes, I deserve it.


It's been 2 days since she ignored me now. But everyday I kept on staying at her house waiting for her incase she comes home. I waited in her doorstep from the morning til 10pm everyday since then. I want her back in my arms. I don't think I can live without her now. I kept on calling Ash but everytime I ask her does she know where Nessa is she always say the last time she saw her was when she dropped her off at her house the night of the premiere and she doesn't know where she was.

Vanessa's pov

I've been staying at Ash' house for 2 days now and I was planning to go back this morning. "Nes, I feel bad for Zac, he kept on calling me. And I kept on lying. Can you just answer the phone?" Ash said as I pack up everything. "I think it's better if Zac and I don't talk anymore. If he accepts this baby, he's not gonna have the life he wants" I said. At 8, Chris wanted to go to work so he dropped me off at my house. When I arrived I saw Zac's car parked in front, but he wasn't there. Then suddenly I see him sitting down on my door step. His head was leaning on the wall. I walked closed to see he was sleeping. I touched his face and it was super cold. Who would sleep outside during winter? "Zac" I said as I shake him to wake him up. Suddenly he woke up and looked around. He saw me and immediately held my hand tightly and kissed it. "Nes, I'm so sorry. I love you. Please, don't lea-."he started. "You're cold. Let's go inside" I said.

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