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Vanessa's Pov

It's been 3 days since I woke up. Today, I'll be able to go home. But I begged Zac to take me to Vanary first. "Ready?" He asked grabbing the bags. "Yeah, let's go" I said and we left. "So you wanna go to Vanary first?" He asked. "Yeah. I really do" I said. "Okay" he said. 10 mins later we arrived. Zac opened the car door for me and we walked together to Vanary. Zac was holding on to my waist and my hand as if he was protecting me from anything. Suddenly I saw a grave and it saya Vanary Alexandrine Efron. It was small. So small. I let go of Zac and walked fast to go to next to her. I sat down next to her and hugged the headstone as if it was her. "Hey Baby! It's me! We met a couple days ago" I said. "I've missed you. Can you please come see me again?" I asked. Zac was beside me and now and he looked at me concerned.

He was holding me supporting me. I stare at her name and think how I've never seen her. She's only been buried for a couple of days. Probably they would let me see her again? "I need to get somebody here" I said to Zac. "What? What do you mean?" He asked confused. "I need somebody to dig up the grave. I need to see my baby" I said walking away. "What? Nes. You've got to be kidding me that's crazy" He chuckled. "Crazy? You fucking think I'm crazy? Okay, imma do it now" I said walking away. Suddenly he pulled me. "No. Nes you can't get somebody to do that" He said. "Okay. Then Imma do it myself" I said walking to the grave. "No Nes you can't do that!" Zac yelled pulling me. "Yes I can" I yelled trying to get off from him but he kept on holding me back.

"You can't Nes" He said. "Get off me! Don't fucking touch me" I said and he let me go. "You don't know what it's like to be me" i said. "Yes I do Nes. She's my baby too" He yelled. "No. You don't get it! I've been carrying her for 8 fucking months. I felt her move, I felt her kick. She was alive. I got sick for months. I was there to feel the pain. But I thought it was fine. You know why? Because I thought at the end it'll be worth it. I'll have a baby on my own for the rest of my life. A baby that I get to hold on to. That I get to love. A baby that we made" I said. I was bursting in tears now but Zac just stares at me in awe. "I've suffered for 8 fucking months Zac. And now? She's gone. And you know what the worst thing is? I didn't even get to hold her. Or even see her." I said. I covered my hands and cried hard into them. This pain hurts. It hurts so bad that it's actually hurting me physically.

Zac's Pov

It hurts me to see her like that. I understand now. I was stupid for calling her stupid. But she's just a mother that lost her baby. I see her cry staring down at Vanary. "You think I'm crazy for wanting to see her. But you didn't suffer as much as I did Zac. But you get to hold on to her and see her one last time" she sobbed. I walked to her and put my arms around her. She'd probably hate me for doing that because she doesn't want me near her. But I don't care. I need to hold her when she's like that. "No. Don't touch me" she sobbed pushing me away. "Shht, it's okay Nes." I said caressing her hair softly. Suddenly she wrapped her arms around me tightly and cried in my chest. "I'm sorry. I was stupid. You deserve to hold her, to see her. You deserve way more than that. But Vanessa I know how much you wanna see her, but seeing her now is not the best choice baby." I said stroking her hair softly. She was still trembling in my arms.

"I promise you, she's gonna see you in your dream. And you'll talk to her" I said. "Dreams aren't real Zac" she burst out. "It's real, if it makes you happy" I said, and later Vanessa looked up at me with her puffy eyes, red cheeks and cracked lips. It hurts to see her like that even though she was still beautiful. "You are the strongest person I know. You're the one that keeps me strong Nes. I'm sure we'll get through this together. I'll never leave you" I said caressing her cheek. "Promise?" She sobbed. "I promise" I said kissing her forehead. She walked back to Vanary and looked at her. "Baby I have to go now. I hope I can see you soon" she said stroking the grass. I helped her up and held on to her tightly. Then we walked to the car. She was very weak at the moment so I held on to her tightly making sure she won't fall.

When we arrived in the parking lot near our car I was angry at the sight. Paparazzi was there waiting for us taking pictures of us. "You okay?" I asked and she nods. I was angry looking at them. They should've given us some privacy. But no, they won't. "Zac vanessa how do you feel about losing your baby?" "What was wrong with her?". Questions coming to us. It was really annoying but we decided to ignore them. Until a pap said. "Vanessa, were you responsible for the baby's death?" He said. I clenched my hand and got ready to throw punches at that guy. Nobody can talk to Nessa like that. But suddenly Nessa's hand stopped me. "Zac please. It's not worth it" She said grabbing my hand. "Okay, you're right. Sorry" I said. I walked her to her seat to make sure she got in safely then head to mine. As we drive home I looked right to find Nessa silently crying as she looked out the window. I decided to give her some privacy.

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