Through ups and downs

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Vanessa's Pov

It was Ashley. She's been telling me how she and Chris are trying to have a baby. She can't do that. "She's been trying Mom. She can't donor her blood to me" I said almost yelling. "Well the doctor said she could" Mom said. "Oh hey you're up" Ashley said waking up. "Ash? Why did you give me-." i asked. "You needed it Nes." She said. "But you were trying to have a baby" I said. "It can wait" she said. I stayed in bed for a couple of hours. The doctors checking up on me and stuff. But all I wanted to see Zac. I've been thinking to myself how I didn't treat Zac well. I was being crazy. Zac was trying to take care of me but I was rejecting him. Mom was right, I shouldn't let my sadness control me. "Nessa, Zac just got out of the operation. He could be awake any time soon" Stella said as she burst in the room. "I wanna see him. I wanna be there!" I said. "Stella ask the nurse first please" mom said. Then stella left and a minute later she came back with a nurse and a wheelchair.

"Thank you I love you!" I said as they wheel me into Zac's room. In there I see Dylan sitting in a chair next to him holding on to his hand. Zac looked horrible. He had a bandaid around his head. And a cast on his left leg and left arm. He had a black eye and some scratches which I think was from the glass. I let out a gasp as I see Zac. Dylan looked back and he wheeled me to be next to Zac. "He got stitches on his head. And his leg and arm is broken and both on the left." Dylan said. "I'm sorry it's all my fault" I said. "He loves you so much you know? Maybe a little bit too much" Dylan chuckled. I took Zac's right hand and kissed it.

Suddenly I heard Zac moaned. "Argh it hurts" he moaned stirring around. Dylan rushed outside to get his doctor. "Zac hey! It's me" I said. He turned his head to look at me. "Nessa! You're okay" he said reaching his hand up to touch my cheek. I grabbed his hand and kissed it. "I'm okay all because of you" I said. "Nes don't do that again. Please. Don't ever try to leave me again" He said. "No. That was stupid Zac. I'm sorry. For everything. I love you so much" I said. And he smiled although I can see pain in his face. "Don't be sorry. I love you more. Nes, can you please hold my hand. My body is hurting so bad" He said. So I did. I leaned into him and pressed my lips against his softly. Trying to be gentle to him. "That makes it 500 times better" he smirks. Suddenly Dylan came with doctor. He checked on Zac and gave him some pain killer and other stuff that I didn't understand. He fell asleep snd I watched him sleep. Afterwards the nurse took me so I could spend the night in my room. She said I could go home tomorrow.


It's been a week since we got in the hospital. I've always been with Zac. He's getting better but of course not his foot and arm. Today is the day he goes home. Zac would go back to his house so Dylan could help me take care of him. Zac's mom came 2 days ago to check on him and she left yesterday. I packed all Zac's stuff and brushed his hair. Then we left. He had to use a wheelchair. Dylan carried all his bags and I push Zac to the car. We waited for Dylan in the lobby so we wouldn't walk that far. We get a lot of stairs and I saw paparazzi were already waiting outside. "This sucks. You okay?" I asked. "Yeah, I'm alright." He said. "God, only if I didn't have to use this wheelchair" He said. "That's because you had broken arm and leg babe" I said. "This is worse than when I tore my acl. Are you sure you wanna stay with me? I'm gonna be a burden to you Nes" He said. "You're not a burden. I want to stay with you." I said giving him a peck.

I saw Dylan was already outside. I bring Zac outside snd suddenly the paps were asking us questions and all. I tried not to listen. "I got it miss" the guard said and so I let him. I helped Zac get in and the guard folded the wheel chair and we left. "God how do you both live with that?" Dylan said. "I'll never get used to that" I said. Dylan dropped me home first so I could get my stuff and some of Zac's stuff. Then I drive myself to Zac's house. As soon as I get to Zac's house I unpack all the stuff that I brought. "Have you had lunch?" I asked. "Nope, not yet. But it's okay. I'm not hungry" He said. So I cooked us lunch anyways. For Zac, Dylan and I. Zac didn't want to lay in bed the whole day so he was always on a wheelchair. I sat next to Zac so I could help him eat. "Aww you guys are so cute" Dylan said. "Thanks Dylan" I said throwing a piece of broccoli at him. "Hey I was complimenting you guys" He said laughing.

Dylan washed the dishes and Zac and I decided to watch tv. I sat on the couch and he sat next to me on the wheelchair. Suddenly he got up standing with one foot. "Heh what are you doing?" I asked shocked. "Sitting next to you. My leg is very strong you know. I can do this easily." He said. I held on to his right hand for support then he sit next to me. Dylan went to his room and he went outside. "Where you going?" Zac asked. "Swimming" he yelled. "Thank you for everything" Zac said to me. "Through ups and downs babe" I said. He leaned in and pressed his lips against mine. It was warm and soft. His hand roam my back and I put one of my leg on him. His tongue explored my mouth and it gives me shivers all over me. Suddenly I felt something hard under my leg and I realized what it was. "Oh Zac" I said laughing. "What?" He asked confused. "Oh shit. Hey Don't blame me" He said. "You might get hurt. I'm not gonna do anything" I said kissing his nose then we watched tv.

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