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Vanessa's Pov

Today is the day Sarah will get married. I put on the bridesmaids dress and do make up myself. "Hey you ready?" I asked to Zac. "Woah you look beautiful" He said kissing my ear. "Thank you. Let's go?" I asked and we went. Then I went. When I arrived I saw Sarah in a wedding dress. They were doing some final touches to her. "Aw Sarah, you look perfect" I said. "Aw baby, thank you." She replied. "Someday you'd make a beautiful bride" she said and hugged me. Suddenly I picture my self with a wedding dress. Saying I do. But to who? Zac doesn't want to get married. "Nes you okay?" She asked. "Yeah, I'm fine. Sorry." I said then suddenly she was ready to go to the altar. I walked down the aisle with some guy and stood up straight. I see Zac sitting next to Ash grinning at me. All of a sudden I kept on thinking how Zac would never get married. After they got married we took pictures first. Then we got prepared for the party.

In the party I sit in the same table as other bridesmaids and their partner and next to me was Zac. Zac took my hand and we danced together. "Sarah! Congratulations" Zac said to Sarah. "Zac thank you! I'll be waiting for the invitation of your wedding" Sarah said winking at me. "Ahh, no. I don't think we're gonna get married" Zac said, and suddenly Sarah gave me a look. "Zac is not into that stuff" I said. "Well okay. We gotta go" Sarah said and left. At this moment I was so uncomfortable with Zac. He kept on saying bad things about marriage. I can't lie now. Someday I'd love to be a bride.

"You see we look just like them right? But we're not married" Zac said pointing to Sarah. "Yeah sure Zac" I said. "You see, my cousin, she was in a relationship with this man for 7 years and I thought that was the best thing ever. Then they got married and it was a disaster. They got divorced 6 months after that. You see how terrible marriage is?" Zac said. "Okay Zac I get it you don't want to get married" I said. "I need to go to Ash" I said and left. I took a seat next to Ash. "Hey what's wrong?" Ash asked. "Nothing. Zac is just being super annoying" I said. "You just realized he's annoying?" Ash chuckled. "He kept on talking about how bad marriage is. It's making me crazy" I groaned. "Oh c'mon give him a break" She said.

"What? So you're on his side now?" I groaned. "I'm not taking sides Nes, but just wait, Zac would probably change his mind" she said. "He's never changing his mind" I said. Then I walked outside sitting on a bench clearing my head. "Nes?" Somebody called. "Austin?" I gasped. It's been 1 year since I last saw him. "Why are you here?" I asked. "I'm a good friend of Sarah too incase you forgot. I'm just here to congratulate her and then I'm gonna leave. Cuz I know you and Zac is probably here. I didn't wanna make anybody uncomfortable" he said. "What? That's crazy" I said. "And kinda true?" He chuckled. "Is there a seat for me?" He asked and I just scoot over.

"How have you been?" He asked. "I'm great. You're here alone?" I asked. "Yes. Nes, I just wanna say. I'm really happy to see you this happy with Zac" He said. I looked in his eyes. I was in love with them for 8 years. It was beautiful. I shook my head to get it out of my mind. "Thank you" I said. "So why are you out here alone?" He asked. "It's just marriage. I realized if I stayed with Zac I might never be a bride" I said. "Why?" He asked. "He doesn't want to get married" I said. "What? He's stupid not to" He said. "Well I gotta go. Zac is probably waiting for me inside" I said. "Alright. Can I at least give you a hug?" He asked and I nod. And so he did he wrapped his arms around me. I felt him kissed my cheek and he stared at my eyes. Suddenly he leaned in and pressed his lips with mine. It was sweet. It felt good. But it's not Zac. I pushed him away thinking what I just realized. "What are you doing?" I gasped. "I'm sorry I just wanted to do it one last time" He whispered. And suddenly I see somebody watching from far. With disappointment and heartbreak in his eyes. "Zac" i gasped standing up.

I ran to him. "Zac I'm sorry I didn't realize what I was doing" I said gasping grabbing his hand and he just looked away. "Dude, I'm sorry it was my fault. I just wanted to do it one last time" Austin said. I just realized he was following me. I buried my face in my
hands thinking he just made it worse. Zac walked up to him and grabbed his collar. "How many times should I tell you to just getaway from her?" He said. "Zac, please I don't wanna make a scene it's Sarah's wedding" I whispered to Zac. And suddenly he let go of Austin and looked at me. "You don't wanna make a scene? So why did you kiss him?" He asked. "I wasn't thinking" I said. "I'm going home" he said. "I'm coming with you" I said and followed him. "Zac I'm sorry. I really mean it. I wasn't thinking." I said and he just ignored me and continued driving. The ride was silent after I tried to apologize to Zac but he doesn't reply.

We arrived at home and he went to the bedroom straight away. "You sleep in the bedroom, I'll be in Dylan's room" he said walking away. "What Zac? I said I was sorry" I said. "You think sorry is gonna make it all go away?" He asked. "I know I'm wrong, but I wasn't thinking" I said. "How do you think I felt to see the woman I love so much kiss her ex?" He asked. "I get it I'm sorry. I had a lot going in my mind! I didn't know why and how it happened" i yelled. "Oh I know exactly how it happened. Did you like it?" He asked. "You're crazy." I said and he just walked away. "Can you just hear me out for one second?" I yelled. "What Nes?! What other bullshits are you gonna tell me? You disappeared from me for hours at the wedding so you could sneak around with your ex?" He yelled.

Zac's Pov

I was so angry. With my self, with Nessa, with Austin. I couldn't control myself. I was quiet in the car because I didn't wanna lose it. "You don't know what happened. I was going crazy at the fact that I was with you and you kept on saying how marriages are so bad. Of course I was happy for Sarah but I was sad at the thought that if I was with you I would never be a bride. I'm never gonna have my happily ever after" She yelled. "Just get married with Austin then if you think what we have is not enough." I said to her. I didn't know why I was still playing the part. Suddenly Nessa walked away, and grabbed her keys and out the door. "Hey, where do you think you're going?" I asked. "You don't need to know" She yelled. As I was about to chase her she speed off leaving me behind. "Fuck" i groaned as I kicked a tree right beside me. Why didn't I go after her? Why was I still playing the part?

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