Mom and Nes

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Vanessa's Pov

It's been a couple of days since the day Zac got sick. Now he's already healthy. Today is Sunday so it's a day off. Yesterday Austin texted me and he said he would come and see me. I'm happy but I don't want to get my hopes up too high. He said he would come at 10 o'clock and right now it's almost 10. All of a sudden I heard knocking on my door. I opened it to see a handsome Austin grinning. "Hey baby! I missed you!" He said hugging me. "I missed you too!" I said. "How was your flight?" I asked. "Great and guess what? I'm staying here for 3 days" He said. "O MY GOD! I love you!" I said excitedly and wrapped my arms around him. "Babe, I'm hungry. You wanna have brunch with me?" He asked and off we go. We walked out the hotel and walked to a delicious Restaurant.

We went in and took a seat as I looked at the menu Austin went to the bathroom. Suddenly I see a blonde lady and his handsome son walked in the restaurant. "Oh My God, Vanessa! It's been so long. How are you?" The lady said as she walked up to hug me. "Heyy? Mrs. Efron I'm great and you? By the way you look lovely"I said to her. "Aw thank you sweety. I'm good And you look gorgeous as always" She said I looked up at Zac who is now grinning at us. He raised his eyebrows to greet me. "Thank you" I said. "Hey, are you here alone? You should join us" She asked. "Aw that's very sweet of you Mrs. Efron. But I'm here with Austin, he's in the bathroom at the moment" I said. "Austin, her boyfriend" Zac said to his mother and smiled at me. "Well I'm starving" Zac said. "Oh yeah, Well Honey we're gonna eat now. It's lovely seeing you." She said. "Aw me too Mrs. Efron, Enjoy your brunch" I said, she hugged me again and walked to their table.

A couple of seconds later Austin came and we ordered. I could still see Zac even though he's quite far, but I'm glad Austin didn't see him. I don't want to start some drama. We chatted for a while as we wait for the food. The food came and we start to eat. I realised Austin has been on his phone the whole time and it annoys me. "Babe, Can you please get off your phone?" I asked annoyed. "Okay, sorry. Wait- I really have to take this" He said and answered his phone call as he walked outside. Minutes later he cane back sitting down holding on to both of my hands. "Nes, Look. I'm so sorry, but I have to go now. I really need to. I promise I'll be back for your birthday Tomorrow. I promise you" He said. "Are you kidding me? We haven't seen each other in 1 month." I said. "I'm so sorry. I'll see you tomorrow okay" He said and leaned in to give me a kiss. I moved away so all he did was kissed my cheek. "I love you. Bye" He said and left probably to his hotel room to get his stuff. I leaned back and started playing with my food not in the mood to eat.

Zac's pov

I looked at Nessa and find her arguing with her boyfriend. He kissed her cheek and left all of a sudden. I looked at Nessa who is now playing with her food not in the mood to eat. She looked lonely, and it kills me to see her like that. "What's wrong Hun?" My mom asked. "It's uh- Nessa. Her boyfriend just ditched her and she's by herself now" I said. "Zacky, You're still in love with her are you?" She asked smiling. I looked down and smiled. "She has a boyfriend mom" I said. "It looks like she's not happy with him"She said. "Well, I can't just go and steal her back right away. She probably doesn't even like me back" I said. "That's not what I mean. When you were with her you looked like the happiest person on earth" Mom said. "I was. But it's impossible to go back to that road again" I said. "Sweety, why don't you go and ask her to eat with us? As a good friend of her" Mom suggested, and I agreed. I walked up to her and sit across from her.

"Hey" I said. "Hey" She smiled sadly. "You wanna tell me what's wrong?" I asked. "He ditched me. I'm so tired of him treating me like I'm nothing. Even though he promised to come back tomorrow for his birthday but I don't trust him" She said. I moved up my hand to her hand and caress it to comfort her. "Why don't you come and finish your food with us?" I asked. "Oh no, I don't want to ruin your mother and son time" she said. "My mom wants you to" I said and we looked over to my mom who is smiling at her gesturing her to eat there. "okay then" Ness said and we moved to my table.

"Mrs. Efron Thank you for-" Nessa started but mom cut her off. "Wait. Have you been calling me Mrs. Efron? I just realised it" She said frowning. "Yep" I answered for Nes. "You know I don't like it when you call me that" Mom said shaking her head. "Okay, Starla." Ness answered making me smile. Somehow I felt happy watching them get along. Like 10 years ago. Mom has always loved Nessa. She said Nessa was like a daughter she never had. We finished our brunch while talking and mostly mom and Nes catching up. "Zac and I are gonna go to the mall to get some stuff now. Will you be joining us?" Mom asked Nes. "I think I'm gonna head back to my room, but thanks for asking Starla. And thank you for brunch" Nessa replied. She hugged mom and said bye then left.

"Aw, Why can't you both just get back together?" Mom asked. "Can't mom" I replied. "You both are perfect for each other. I mean, She's nice, and I love her. She's so different from that designer girl you went out with for 2 years. I mean, Zachary, Mom knows which girl is good and bad for you." She said as got in our uber. "Yeayeah, mama knows best. But as much as I want her back, I can't have her Mom. I can't" I said. "You and her are meant to be together. I'm sure you both will find your way back to each other." She said. We went to the mall to do some shopping. I tried to find a birthday present for Nessa. We passed a jewellery shop and I saw this beautiful pair of earring. I'm sure she would look beautiful with it.

"Mom! I'm gonna get that for Nes

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"Mom! I'm gonna get that for Nes. What do you think?" I said pointing at the pair of earring. "perfect!" She replied. We got in the store and bought the earrings and got them wrapped up. At 3 o'clock Mom said goodbye and left. We are going to have a surprise party for Nes tomorrow evening. And I'm so excited for it.

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