The last time

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Zac's Pov

I carried her to the emergency room. And now they took her. I was alone in the hall panicking. I hope she's okay. I hope he baby is okay. I want to stop her pain. I really do. I grabbed my phone and dialed Stella. "Hello? Zac what's wrong?" She asked. "Stel. It's Nes. We're at the hospital right now." I said. "Okay, I'll be there." She said. I waited in the hall way alone. They wouldn't let me in. Why wouldn't they? Suddenly Stella and her boyfriend came rushing towards me. "Zac? What's wrong" She asked. "I don't know. They wouldn't let me in" I said. I just realized my voice was shaking. "Stel I'm scared" I said. "I know. But you have to be strong for her okay?" She said and pulled me into a hug. "Mr Efron?" A doctor called out. "Yeah it's me" I said rushing to him. I saw the look in his face and it's not good. It can't be good.

"I'm sorry But we need her to deliver the baby now." He said. "What? But it's still 8 months" I said. "Yes. But unfortunately we can't hear the baby's heartbeat. So we need her to push right now. And both of their lives are in danger" He said. Suddenly all the energy I have left in my body is gone. My baby could be gone. Nessa's life is in danger. I lean my back on the wall and covered my face. This can't be happening. "Zac stay strong. You have to be strong for Nessa" Stella said. "You can go see her now" The Dr said then I followed him in the room. I saw Nessa lying down looking up the ceiling. She saw me and she smiled. She looked weak but I can see her light up as she sees me. "Hey, I'm not hurting anymore" She smiled. "Yes baby. That's good" I said and hugged her and kissed her forehead. "Vanessa, whatever happens just know that I'll be right here okay. Just stay strong okay?" I said.

"What why? She's okay isn't she?" She asked panicking. "Just promise me" I said. And she nods. "Ms. Hudgens. We are very sorry but we can't hear the baby's heartbeat at the moment. You need to push now." Dr. Said. "What?" She gasped. "Your live and the baby's live is in danger. Stay strong okay. You have to push now" Dr said. It looks like happiness is all sucked out of her body. She was weaker than before. "Zack?" She gasped her voice cracking. Looking at her like that breaks my heart over and over again. I tried my hardest to look strong and steady for her. "Is this real?" She whispered. "Nessa, stay strong baby. i love you" I said brushing her hair with my fingers.

"No" she cried. "Ms. Hudgens. There's only one way to get the baby out. You have to push. Get ready" The Doctor Said. She shook her head and grabbed her hair in frustration. "Nessa. Please. Nes" I said grabbing her hand trying to calm her down. "I'll be by your side. Please stay strong for me. Please" I begged. "Argh it hurts" she said grabbing her stomach. "Push miss hudgens push" the nurse said. I held on to both of her hand and let her head lean on my shoulder as support. She was squeezing my hand until I can't feel my fingers but I don't care. "I can't" she cried. "You can baby. Please" I said. Then she pushed again. "We can see the head now Miss hudgens. Keep going" The doctor said but with no excitement in his voice.

She was shaking really hard and sweating really bad. "It hurts" she cried flopping her head on the hospital bed. The worst thing is I can't do anything to stop the pain. All I can do is stand there holding on to her hand. She pushed over and over again. But it's not moving. "Miss Hudgens you gotta try harder. The baby's head is almost out" He said. Her face was pale and her body is weak but she's still fighting for it. "There you go! The head is out" The doctor said. "I can't see anything. It's blank" She cried. "Don't close your eyes!" the doctor yelled. I knew if she closed her eyes the worst would happen. She was looking everywhere but it's blank. "I'm so tired" she said closing her eyes. "Vanessa don't fall asleep" He yelled. I slapped her hard trying to keep her awake. "Stay awake" I said holding her up. I realized now it's not her who's shaking it was me.

"Okay, I need you to do your best. The last one" he said and Nessa pushed. She was trembling she fighting for it. I realized the baby was out but they weren't congratulating us. They were staring at the baby who is not moving, not crying, and not breathing. Nessa is now relaxed and she's not in pain anymore. "What? Why isn't she crying?" I asked. "Mr. Efron we are very sor-." He started. "No! It can't be" i yelled. Suddenly Nessa squeezed my hand gently. I looked up at her who is now closing her eyes. Her hand was cold and she was pale. "Zac I love you" she whispered fell in my arms. Suddenly I hear a beep coming from the monitor.

"Nes?" I called. "Nes?!" I yelled shaking her. Suddenly I was pulled away from her. She's out of my reach. I was fighting back so I could hold her again but they don't let me. They pushed me out of the room and locked the door. "No! Please let me in! Please!" I cried hitting the door. It could be the last time I held on to Nessa. The last time to hear her saying she loved me. The last time I see her. I looked in through the glass and it was chaos inside. They were doing some stuff to her I didn't understand. I fall to the floor and

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