Ashley is always right

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Vanessa's Pov

I can't believe he would do that for me. I mean, Ashley told me Zac never ask anybody out. Like, it is so rare. He doesn't like dates with random people he prefers going to dates with somebody he really knows. So I felt really bad when I heard he cancel the date with the gym girl. To be honest I felt jealous just a little bit. But, whatever. I was mad when I heard he canceled the date, but of course Zac finds a way to cheer me up and make me laugh. That's what I love about him. I watch him eat his Burger and it looked ridiculous with his dark sunglasses and hat covering his face. I just realised I'm wearing them too.

"If only we could take these off" I giggled. "I know right. Why did we choose to sit inside? and not outside in the sunny part?"He asked. "Why didn't we think of that?" I said. Then we finish up our food. Zac asked the waitress for the bill and he paid for the foods. "Hey No no no!" I said as he put the money on the bill. I grabbed his hand and put my money on the bill. Then he hands the waitress the money and told her to go. "Why? I wanted to pay. You paid for everything" I asked him pouting. "I told you. Iiiiii wanted to make you happy." He said. We went outside and walked up to the beach.

"Thanks for today. For everything. You've made your good friend very happy" I said to him as I played with the sand on my toes. "Anytime" He said and intertwine our hands. Somehow this kind of thing with Zac seems normal and comfortable. Hugging him, holding his hand, sleeping with him. It fees like we belong together. But of course, we don't. "Ooh Ice cream truck!" I said and walked up excitedly to the ice cream truck. I ordered a rainbow coloured Ice cream with sprinkles on top. And Zac ordered Chocolate ice cream with brownies on top. "You've got to let me pay this time" I said staring at him through the dark sunglasses. "Fine" he smirked. I took the ice cream and hand it to him.

We walked up to the empty space at the beach and sat down waiting for the sunset while eating our ice cream. "Remember Hawaii?" I asked him. "How we always sit down at the beach and look at sunsets everyday?" He asked licking his ice cream. "Yup" I said to him. I finished my ice cream first and watched him taking his time in eating his ice cream. "This is hella delicious! I think you should try it right now before I finish it" He said feeding me his ice cream. All of a sudden he shoved the last ice cream on my nose. Making my face dirty. "Cheeky Zac!" I groaned and started chasing him. I ran and he just grabbed me and spun me around. I put my hands around his neck tight and enjoyed the moment. Once we stopped we looked over to the ocean to see a sunset. I laid my head on Zac's shoulder while enjoying the view.

"So beautiful" I said. "You're beautiful" He said and I turned to look at him who was already staring at me. I smiled and leaned in to kiss his right cheek, left cheek, chin and forehead. He looked at me in awe, but he doesn't realise what I was doing. I wasn't just kissing him I was transfering the ice cream that was on my face to his face. He stared at me for a long time and coughed. "Oh hell no!" He said making me giggle. I opened my bag to take out a tissue and wiped his face. After watching the sunset we walked hand in hand back to the hotel. We didn't go by car because we felt like walking.

"Once again, thank you for today. You've made me the happiest girl today" I said to him as we arrived in front of our doors. "Well, I'm really glad that you're happy" He said smiling. He looked at me and tucked a hair behind my ear. He leaned in to give me a kiss on the forehead, and opened his door. "Goodnight" He said walking in. All of a sudden I heard Ash called out my name. "Hey Ash, Where's Chris?" I asked. "He's in his room. He's leaving tomorrow morning. How's your day? Austin's been texting me asking where you were because you didn't reply to him." She said and all I did was smiled from ear to ear. "I had the best day" I said walking in and dropping my self on the bed still grinning. "Well, I saw Zac before so I guess, it was with Zac?" He asked. I nodded and hugged a pillow really tight.

"You are so in love with him" She said rolling her eyes. "No I'm not" I said. "Whatever. I know you, Nes. Probably you don't realise it now. Because you kept on denying it." She said. "Ash, No. You know that I only have eyes for one man. Since day 1 I always do" I said to her. "I know babe. I know. But I know you pretty well. You say you're not in love with him but it's totally because you kept on denying it. You can't lie to yourself all the time, Nes. Sooner or later you'll realise it. Trust me. And I know you are so loyal. Not just to him, but to me, and everybody. But if you realised you've got feelings for Zac and Austin is treating you like a crap. It's more than okay to let him go." Ash said making me think. "Oh my- I just changed a happy Nessa into a confused Nessa." Ash said. "No Ash. I'm just digesting what you just said." I said. " Alright then. Well I gotta go, cuz my handsome husband is taking me to dinner" She said grinning. "Aw. You two are so adorable. Say hi to him for me" I said. "Okay." She said and left.

I looked at my phone and saw texts from Austin. 'Babe, I'm really sorry.' 'Love u' ' Don't get mad at me. it wasn't my fault I couldn't come.' I read it all and it made me rolled my eyes. Suddenly my phone beeped and I saw I got a text from Zacky Zacky 👻 'Hey, Thanks for spending the day with me. I had fun! 😜' I decided to reply to that. 'Me too! Love to do it again sometimes! 😋' I put my phone away and took a shower. I changed into a pyjamas. Suddenly the door knocked. I opened it to see no one but a box of pizza on my doorstep. I opened it to see my favourite pizza and a note. It read 'Eat up! x' I smiled and realised it was from Zac. I click on facetime and started to call him. "Hey!" He grinned. He was half naked and wet. "Omg. Sorry I interrupted you" I said. "No, I just worked out and I'm just cooling down" He said. "Well thanks for the Pizza! I can't believe you still remember my favourite" I grinned. "No worries. You've had a tiring day. You totally deserve pizza" He smirked. "Well, I gotta go eat my pizza, kay? wait. What are you having for dinner?" I asked. "Pasta from the same place" He said. "Okay then. Good night Zac. See you tomorrow" I said. "See ya" He said and ended the call. I dropped my body on the bed again and smiled so wide it started to hurt. Is Ashley right about what she said? Probably.

We Belong Together (Zanessa fanfic)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें