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Vanessa's Pov

"Vanessa do you take this man as your lawfully wedded husband?" Minister asked. "I do" I said smiling widely looking up at him. "Zachary do you take this woman as your lawfully wedded wife?" He asked. Zac looks at me with tears of happiness in his eyes. Without saying anything and he just stares at me. Is this tears of happiness? Or what? I don't understand. "Zachary David Alexander Efron, do you take this woman as your lawfully wedded husband?" He asked again. Zac held my hand tightly and I can feel his hand shaking. "Zac?" I called. He shakes his head and cups my cheek. "I'm so sorry" he whispered. "What?" I asked confused. "I can't. I'm so sorry" he said as he looked at me and ran out of the room. I was left alone in the altar. He betrayed me.

"Nes! Nes!" Somebody called out while shaking me. I woke up gasping, I felt my self sweating so much. I turn my head and see Zac holding me. "Shht I'm here" He said and caress my hair as he rocked me in his arms. "What is it now? Do you wanna tell me?"He asked softly. "You've been having nightmares for 6 times in a row Nes. Are you sure you're okay?" He asked. "I'm okay, I'm fine." I said. "So yesterday your nightmare was the cake fell on a bunch of people, and today. What is it about?" He asked. "You left" I gasped. "What?" He asked. "You left me during our vows" I said. Somehow I was still shaking really hard. It all feels so real. "Oh god" he groaned and lift me up to put me on his lap and he pulls me closer to his chest. "That's the worst" I said. "Baby you know that would never ever happen right? No matter if it's on the altar or anywhere. I would never leave you." He said caressing my hair.

"Are you ready?" I sobbed. "Ready what?" He asked. "To marry me" I said. "God, you are being ridiculous right now. Of course I'm ready to marry you. I'm so excited for our special day." He said. "You are having nightmares because you are just stressing out on our wedding Vanessa. Just relax." He said. "Yeah you're right" I said. "Just let Ash do all the  work and feel all the stress for you" He said tickling me with his nose on my neck. "Okayokay!" I giggled. "C'mon I'll make you breakfast" He said and lifted me up. "Oh my god Zac" I squealed. "It's not Zac, it's SuperZac" he said and ran as he carried me. He has ways to make me happy that easy. It's 10 days left til our wedding. Zac has finished shooting his movie and now we are both focusing on our wedding. It's very stressful. And yes, i get nightmares but Zac is always there.

Zac made me waffle and we eat together in the dining room. "You know what I just realized? You never ask me to move in with you. But I'm always here. And all of a sudden loads of my stuff is in your place and your stuff is in mine" I said as I took a bite of my waffle. "Oh yeah. God how could I forget?" He said. "Yeah Zac how could you forget?" I giggled. "Okay Sorry" he said standing up going to the kitchen leaving me. Then he came back with berry smoothie in his hands. "Wow, you made these?" I asked. "Yeah, yum" he said giving me a cup and sitting down drinking it himself. "Try it" he said smirking. So I grabbed the cup and drinks it. "Oh my god so yummy" I said. "God Nessa how could you not feel it?" He said. "Feel what?" I asked confused. Then he turned the cup around. "The tape on the cup" He said. Then I see it. It's a piece of paper taped on the cup. There's a writing, and it says "Do you wanna move in with me?". "YES!" I screamed and rushed to him and hug him. He picked me up and spin me around

"Yesss! Now we can sleep together every night" he said. "Shut up we've done that for 1 year" i giggled then he kissed me. "So who's house are we gonna stay in after we get married?" He asked. "I don't know what do you think?" I asked. "Well, mine first? But if we're bored we can always go to your house" he said. "Okay!" I squealed. "By the way, today is our last day together before wedding" he said. "Oh yeah, I'm going back to my house and Dylan and your Mom is coming to stay here with you" I said. "Yep, that's why we should do something together" He said. "Like what?" I asked. "You've been having nightmares, and I don't want you to get them when I'm not there" He said. "So?" I asked. "Spa day? Do you like it?" He asked. "Oh my god! Yesss! I didn't know you liked spa" I said. "Well, I can use a little spa before wedding too" He said.

After breakfast we get ready and we head to the spa place. It was very private and peaceful I loved it. After spa day we get home and I packed my stuff. "I don't think I can spend the night alone for 1 week" I heard Zac said from the door way. "Of course you can. It's only 1 week. After that you get to have me for the rest of your life." I said. "Yes! That's what I'm really excited about" He said kissing my shoulder. "This no sex for months, and not seeing each other for 1 week better be worth it." He said as he helped me fold my shirts. "Well, Ash said it is worth it. So we gotta trust her" I said. "Don't forget to text me okay? If you ever have nightmares again just call me. And don't forget to FaceTime me, and-." He said.

"Yes Zac. I love you so so much" I said as I zip up my bag. "I love you more" He said and kissed me. "Have fun on your bachelorette party." He said. "You too, but not too much." I said winking at him. "Argh damn. I was planning on getting strippers and hookers" he groaned. "Sure" I said rolling my eyes knowing he'd never do that. "So I gotta go" I said and he immediately lift up my bag for me and bring it to the car. "Bye Zac, take care." I said and hugged him. He leaned in and kissed me passionately as if it was our last kiss. "I love you" he said. "I'll see at rehearsal dinner" I said and get in my car. As I was about to leave he knocked on my window. "What's wrong?" I asked. "One more kiss?" He said smiling, so I just gave him one last kiss. "I love you" I said and left.

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