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Nessa's Pov

I woke up feeling happy and energized. Yep, today is my birthday. I get ready for dance rehearsal and head to breakfast. I saw everybody already eating their breakfast. I sat down and started eating mine. Suddenly I felt somebody wrapping their arms around me from behind. "Happy birthday!!" Ash yelled in my ear. "Thank you!" I said. Then everybody started saying happy birthday to me. Once we're done eating we head to the dance studio and start to rehearse.

After the whole day of rehearsing we're finally finished. "Hey, you got plans tonight?" Ash asked. "No, why?" I replied. "I would like to take my bff to a dinner to celebrate her birthday." Ash asked. "Aw that's so sweet" I said. "Okay, I'll see you at 7!" She replied then left. I get ready and put on my black tight dress then put my make up on. Suddenly I heard somebody knock on the door. I opened it to find Ash. "You ready? Let's go" Ash said. As we were walking downstairs Ash started searching for something in her purse. "O my god" Ash gasped. "What? What's wrong?" I asked. "I think, I left my wallet in the ballroom" Ash said. "What were you doing in the ballroom?" I asked her confused. "I was uh- I was just chilling. Yeah. With Kenny there. He loves the ballroom" She said. "Well, let's go and find it.

We walked to the ballroom and Ash kept on texting. Probably asking people if they've seen her wallet. Once we've arrived I opened the door, and yep. It's really dark. "Why the hell don't they turn on the light?" I complained. Then Ash quickly turned on the light and I was so surprised. "Surprise!" Everybody yelled standing up. I looked around the room there's food, there's a writing saying "Happy birthday Nessa" and there's cake, there's a dj, and there's everybody that I love. All of a sudden they started to sing Happy birthday to me. And Austin was holding out the cake waiting for me to blow the candles. I blew out the candles and everybody cheered. I give Austin a kiss on the lips, and My mom, stella, and Ash a hug. Then we continue the party. "OhMyGod I'm so surprised. Thank you so much" I said to Ash and hugged her. "Hey it was Kenny's Idea" She said then I walked to Kenny and gave him a hug. Once I was done greeting everybody I walked around and searched for Austin but he's nowhere to be found. All of a sudden I see Zac in the balcony alone and drinking wine. I decided to go to him, since I haven't said hi to him yet.

"What you doin there alone? Aren't you cold?" I asked him from behind. "Hey, I wanted to say happy birthday to you but your boyfriend kept on giving me death stares" He chuckled. "Well, I don't know where he is now. He's gone" I said. "Great! Happy birthday" He said and opened up his arms I walked to him and wrap my arms around him then I felt him  kiss my forehead. "Thank you" I said and pulled away. "I'm sorry about Austin, He's just-" I started to say. "No worries, I understand" He said smiling. "You look beautiful tonight" He said. "Thank you" I replied. "Hey look. I got you a present but it's really small so I'm scare you're gonna lose it if I put it with the rest of the presents. So I think I'm gonna give it to you now" He said and hands me a small box and I think it's a jewellery inside. "What's this?" I asked. "Open up" He said.

I opened it to see a beautiful diamond earring it was so beautiful and yep. I guess it must've cost him a fortune. "Aw Zac It's so beautiful. I love it so much. Thank you!" I said to him. "What a coincidence you're not wearing any earring. Let me put it on you"  He said and took one of them and put it gently in my ear. I grabbed a mirror and looked at it. "Oh My god It's so gorgeous. Thank you so much!" I said to him and hugged him. "Now the other one please" I said. "What's so gorgeous?" I heard a voice said beside me. I turn my head to see Austin smirking. "You can't just keep away from my girlfriend can you?" He said. "I was just saying happy birthday to her" Zac replied. I can see from Zac's eyes he hates Austin. "Oh, and what did you give her?" He asked and walked beside me. "Zac was being so nice. He gave me an earring it's so beautiful" I said excitedly trying to break the tension. "Oh yeah, it's beautiful. So nice of you to be giving my girlfriend jewellery" Austin smirked. All of a sudden he grabbed one of the earring that was on the box and threw it far away to the streets.

"AUSTIN!" I cried trying to stop him. I see Zac grabbing him by the collar angrily. I've never seen Zac this angry. I put my hand on Zac's waist and he calms down immediately. "Why the fuck would you do that?" Zac growled. "I was trying to teach you a lesson" "Giving me a lesson? you just threw away her birthday gift that she really liked" "She doesn't need any gifts from you" "It's her birthday. She deserves to be given nice gifts and she doesn't deserve to be treated this way." "Fuck off". I wanted this to be enough. I don't want to start any drama. "Zac it's okay" I said softly. Then Zac immediately let him go. "excuse me" He said as he left. I didn't realise I have been crying til now. "Babe-" " No. Austin. Fuck off." I said and left. When I get back in, Stella and Ash rushed towards me and started asking me what was wrong. I told them, and I tried to enjoy the rest of the party trying to forget what just happened.

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