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Vanessa's Pov

I walked up early so I  to clean the house and cook Breakfast for Zac first. I decided to make Zac breakfast in bed. When I was done, I bring it to Zac and I saw he already woke up and he was on his phone. "Good morning" I said. "Aw what's this?" He asked. "Breakfast in bed" I said. "Aw that's so sweet. Thank you." He said and started eating. "Have you had breakfast?" He asked. "Yeah already" I said. "So what time are you going to work today?" I asked. Zac's working on another movie at the moment. "11, I'm so glad it's nearby. So I don't have to leave you." He said. "I'm going out with Ash today. I'm going to tell her she's my maid of honor" I said. "Argh damn, I was about to ask her to be my best man" He said.

"She's a woman" I said. "Well, she helped me every time I needed help in our relationship. Since when you were just my crush" He said. "Well she helped me aswell. So don't steal my maid of honor" I said frowning. "Okay fine" Zac said kissing my cheek making me giggle. Afterwards Zac went to his gym to do some workout and then we get ready. Before 11 he left to work and I left to go to Ash's house to pick her up. Since it's a hot day, I put on a shirt short jeans and I bought my sunnies with me. I drove down to Ash' house. "Hey you ready?" I said through the phone as I waited in front of her house. "Yep" she said then seconds later I saw her coming towards the car. "Heyyy Future Mrs Efron!" She yelled hugging me. "That sounds funny" I giggled. Then we drove down to a mall after walking around we decided to get some frozen yoghurts and eat there.

"So, tell me. How's Zac?" She asked. "Adorable kind and caring as always. Ouh, and hot" I said. "So have you planned out the wedding yet?" She asked taking a spoonful of her fro-yo. "Actually, I'm here to tell talk about that" I said. "Okay, what's up?" She asked. "Okay, I didn't really need to think twice about this. I mean you've been helping our relationship so much since 2005. And you've been third wheeling for so many times. So I really want you to be my maid of honor." I said. "Oh my god! Yes!!" Ash squealed and hugged me. Afterwards we walked around and have lunch together. "So I told Zac I wanted to get married in the beach or forest, and he said he's got the perfect place" I said. "Of course. The efrons. Adventurous people." Ash chuckled. Ash and I had girls day out and it was fun.

Zac's Pov

I finished script reading and now it's break for lunch. I play a movie with Adam Devine again. I was happy I get to work with him again. Adam and I decided to grab a bite near the place. We sit at the table outside. "And my dog started chewing my laptop charger..." adam said. He was telling a story about his dog but I wasn't really listening. I took a bite of my sandwich and continued listening to his story. Or, pretending to listen to his story. "Dude" Adam said.  "what?" I asked. "You're not even listening to me" he said. "Whatt? Yes I am" I said. "Stop lying" He frowned. "Alright sorry, I was just thinking bout something" I said. "Aw thinking about what you gonna do tonight with Baby V?" He teased. "What? No. I'm just thinking about the place for Nessa and I to get married." I said.

"Aw so sweet." He said and I just rolled my eyes. "Oh dude, You're not gonna like this" He said staring at something behind me. "What?" I asked curious trying to look behind me but he kicked my leg. "Ouch" I groaned. "Don't look! O oh ex alert. Here she comes" He said. "Oh my god, How are you?" A girl asked. I looked up to see Sami standing next to me. "Oh hey, good." I said startled. "I think I know you" Sami said to Adam. "Hey Adam" She said. "Hey" He said. "What are you doing here?" She asked. "Lunch break. And you?" I said. "Same, actually. Do you mind if I sit with you guys? I kinda don't wanna sit along right now" She said. Then Adam looked at me shocked. I didn't know what to say. I didn't want Nessa to be thinking bout me and Sami. "Oh yeah, of course. Just grab a chair." Adam said breaking the silence. "Dude!" I mouthed to him. "I don't know" He mouthed back. "Aw you guys are so sweet" She said as she sits down.

We continue eating lunch. Sami has been trying to get me to talk but I just answer her questions briefly. So she ended up chatting with Adam. Now, I'm glad I'm with Adam. "Oh hey, you haven't changed at all Zac. You've got something here." Sami said and moved her hand to my face and wiped some sauce off my chin. "Wow" Adam mouthed and I just gave him a death glare. As soon as I was finished I asked for the check. "Aye we need to get back or else we'll be late. Don't want anybody waiting for us right?" I said. "Oh what? But Adam is still halfway." Sami said. "He can finish that in 2 seconds" I said, and he actually did just shove the foods in his mouth. I grabbed the check and paid for all of us so we can get our quickly. "Oh what? You didn't have to" Sami said. "It's ok" I said standing up. "Well Sami nice to see you" I said and turned around to walk out the door. "Hey wait, gimme a hug first Zac" She said and I just let her. Just to be fast.

"Okay good bye" I said and gave her a friendly hug. But she pulled me closer to her. "Well call me" she said in my ear. I glared at Adam who is just looking at us. "Okay Sami, my turn now" Adam said. "Wait. Just promise you'd call me okay?" She said and pulled away. "He's married" Adam said. "What?" She asked. "I mean, he's getting married." he said. "With who?" She asked. "With Vanessa. Of course you know her" He said. "Oh wow, the little short girl? Your ex?" She asked me. "Yes, My ex girlfriend but I got back together with her" I said. "Oh well. Just call me if anything happens" she said and kissed my cheek. Then she hugged Adam. "Byeee" she said. And I just waved at her and left. "Wow that was nice" Adam said. "Nice? It's fuckin horrible. What if Nessa thinks it's something more?" I asked freaking out. "No, that was horrible. I'm talking about the food there. We should go there again sometimes. And thanks for the food" He said and pat my back.

I finished work and I drove home. I was really tired and I just wanted to see Nessa soon. I bought Nessa some McDonalds first through the drive thru for dinner since she was talking about it last night. "Hey babe, I got you McDonalds since you were craving for it" I said as I arrived home and I put the foods on the kitchen counter. I realized Nessa was watching the news. And the news was, "is Efron cheating on fiance with His ex Sami Miro?" And it showed photos of Sami touching my chin, hugging me and giving me a kiss back at the restaurant. "Oh baby, it's not what it looks like" I said rushing towards her. "So it's not My fiance on the news. Saying that he had lunch with his ex?" She asked. "Yes, but it's not like that. I was about to call you right after. But I had a busy day and argh. I just wanna see you as soon as possible, so I rushed home" I said.

"Okay Zac" She said. "No, baby please believe me. I was having lunch with Adam, and all of a sudden she  came and asked if she could eat with us, I didn't know what to say then Adam said yes. The pictures you see on tv they are all true. But you have to know I didn't do anything. It was all her. You can ask Adam" I said as I looked at her she was just staring at me. "I'm so sorry. I should've just left her or said no or something. I should've called you so you won't find out this way. I'm so sorry" I said. Then she held my hand and kissed my cheek. "It's okay" she said. "What? Are you sure? You have every reason to be mad at me" I said. "It's not your fault. It's okay" she said. "Oh god I love you so much" I said and hugged her tightly. "I'm so sorry" I said. "C'mon let's eat McDonalds" she grinned.

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