I forgot the title again

Start from the beginning

Hinata- 👀

Kageyama- tea 👀

Oikawa- .... wtf kinda reason is that

Lev- idk...

Yaku- that's not the fucking reason

Lev- it is

Yaku- it's not lev

Lev- it is. You said so

Yaku- I DID FUCKING NOT LEV. would you please just listen to me for a second

Lev- naw

Kuroo- oh shit 👀

Kenma- wow

Tanaka- I honestly didn't think lev had that in him

Bokuto- me either

Hinata- I did

Kageyama- ye lev big boi

Akaashi- children go to sleep^

Hinata- okay mom :(

Kageyama- :( nuuu FaceTime me

Hinata- okayyyy!

Noya- wait but lev aren't you like 16?

Lev- yes

Yaku- ITS NOT ABOUT AGE!! Omg lev please open our chat. Please.

Lev- no

Yaku- baby. Come on...

Kuroo- baby?

Kenma- yeah?

Kuroo- no I- okay you know what nvm imma take what I can get. KENMA YOUR SO CUTE

Kenma- so are you

Akaashi- kenma is cuter tho

Kenma- awww akaashi❤️

Bokuto- Kuroo do be pretty hot tho❤️

Kuroo- I love my kenma❤️❤️

Akaashi- ❤️

Oikawa- gosh

Iwaizumi- istg are all of you in a relationship?

Kenma- no

Akaashi- no

Kuroo- yes

Bokuto- yes

Oikawa- ........

Tanaka- I....

Noya- ...well that's awkward

Kenma- we are not

Bokuto- wHaT

Kuroo- we aren't?!?! 

Akaashi- hell no.

Bokuto- oh... well. Ha ha.

Kuroo- 😳

Akaashi- wait did you guys think we were?!

Kuroo- well ehhhhh

Bokuto- it was more of a platonic thing with a hint of romance ya know

Akaashi- ....you two get home now

Kenma- were having a veryyyyyyyyy lonngggngngnngnggn talklklklllllllllllkkkkkkk

Kuroo- :(

Bokuto- but akaashiiiiii we had plans tonight. Just me and you

Akaashi- I never said I was canceling those

Kuroo- can I come

Kenma- no

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