Chapter 68: Strong and Furios

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Herobrines PoV

They froze. As if a wave of ice froze them in time and killed their ability to move. Their heads turned to me, dreaded in fear, anger and a massive ammount of hate.

I can live with that.

With a wink of my hand, all my wither skeleton soldiers gathered around their leader and king. Which was me. Power is just so great, espacially at the cost of others.

"Well, well, well see who we got here." I smiled my most cold and menacing smile before continuing.

"Did you really think you could escape? Do you think you can outsmart the Master of the Dark Arts, King of the Nether and the Overworld? If so you are truly foolish."

I watched them closely in their eyes as my words sank in. Their shoulders lowered, some dropped their weapon. But Alex, the all time rebel and trouble maker stared back with so much hate her eyes were almost on fire. A light blue intense fire.

"Don't you trie something funny Alexandra. Or else..." Her big ocelot ears lay flat on her orange hair and a big frown of despair takes hold of her face.

"What you w..want?" A furry creature stutters. He is quite tall and the fur around his eyes is wet. The clothes he is wearing are dirty and torn in some spots. A very pitifull apperance.

"Guess" I smirked and lifted the closest person five meters up in the air. The girl screamed, a high pitch earshattering noise. With a bit of irritation I remove her voice. Her soft brown eyes widened as no sound leave her lips.

"Toffie!" A man with some sort of glasses and dark hair screamed. Just like the girl he was quite tall and his clothes were in a similar fashion to the furry creatures. A spark of interest enlit inside my criminal mastermind.

"Is it love I see here?" I said. The boy and the girl stretched their hands out to each other, as if the could reach the others hand. Another girl, this one holding an axe looked furios and her friend next to her was cursing furiosly under her breath. Her big black wings with purple details matched her eyes. The dark purple colour seemed to vibrate with anger and hatred. My smirk grew even wider as I flung the now mute girl up and down before slamming her face first into dirt. Her body went limb. A undescribable exitment arose inside of me. The power I held in my mighty hand was to much for a gang of mortals to withstand. All the control I had over them and the thought of how many times I could hurt them was almost to much.

The boy with glasses sat crying next to the limb brunette. The winged girl held the now unconcious axe girl in her arms. The furry one was trying to wake the boy who could summon zombies. He and Alex had escaped my prison, but they would not get any futher.

Alex PoV

I flinched as Toff smacked into the ground. The need of helping others almost was to strong. But I keep...focused. I bit my teeth and gritted them in an angry grin. We had been tortured, scared, threatened and against our will turned into monsters. How can one man, my stepfather cause so much damage? We were all scarred for life.

But this ends today.

Through the third layer I could see Herobrines black aura, swirling around him like tentacles made out of pure horror. The others auras shone in a green and yellow mixture. But a worrying feeling took hold of my heart. Toff did not have an aura. Was she...?
I can't get distracted or else this might fall into caos quite quicky.

"Oh, and I have a little suprise for you." Herobrine smirked, and a wither skeleton dragged forth a beat up Markus and Adam. A single tear ran down Adams beat up face and hit Jason, who Adam was carrying. A gasp went through the crowd. If Herobrine could beat Markus, what chance did we have? Many of us were already unable to battle. Then, suddenly, something changed. The air around me felt thinner and a jolt of energy went through me. With the third layer at hand I could see how the green and yellow aura from the others came racing againts me. My body reacted before my mind did. I absorbed it all and suddenly I saw the world so much clearer. I could hear the others breath, feel the smell of blood and see every detail around me. And like a firework, my aura exploded and turned into a blinding white light. Without me knowing it, I had started leviating untill my eyes were at the same levels as Herobrine. The power pulsated inside me like a second heart; strong, intense and full of the wish to get revenge.

And for the first time in my life, I could see fear in Herobrines eyes.

Vóila! What do you think? Not to bad, right. Comment who you think will win and vote if you liked it. Many easter hugs from me!



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