Chapter 66: Quiet

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Toff's PoV

I yawn. Why is Herobrine dragging it out, like the drama queen he is? Cant he just do it and go home or something?

I scratch the back of my head. Low mumbeling are heard from the ones around me. And a couple of loud cries from Jerome's tent. What is wrong with him? He followed Mitch out in the forest looking rather nervous. But then he came back alone and has cried his heart out since then.

I rest my head on my knees and try to listen to the usual morning sounds. Like the birds song or the wind blowing leafs around.

But I cant hear any. Have I gone momentarily deaf? No, I can still hear Ty's conspirarion plans. He apparently thinks that the animals work for Herobrine.

"Evil snails with devious grins" And such. I mean, how evil can a snail be?

A feeling of being watched flushes over me and I turn my head. A pair of blue eyes are trying to burn a whole in me, trying to figure out what I'm thinking and why I am so quiet.

"You have noticed it aswell" Alexs voice echos in my head. Noticed what? That the birds are quiet, that Mitch is gone and has not come back or that I can hear someone whisteling in the distance?


And then they are over us. Wither skeletons with swords, axes and a mixture of different horrid weapons. But we were not unpreperd. The soldiers attack was all about startling us but we were ready.

As ready as you can be for getting attacked.

I feel really bad for you guys. This battle has been on the horisont and when it finally comes I end the chapter. Also, I doubt my own creativity and storywriting in total. If you read this, please vote. It gives me inspiration and makes chapters come out quicker.



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