Chapter 44: Army

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This book has gotten about 1k reads! That is such a huge milestone and I cant thank you enough! So I thought to myself, why not celebrate with an extra chapter! Here you go buds!

Pixie Jebs PoV (LOL)

I sighed as the whole camp cracked up in laugh. This was normal. Happened every time as I entered thr realm of Minecraft. By this time I should get use to it. But no. And this was why I never entered this world and Markus always did the expeditions over here. But this time Markus was already here and held prisoner. Stupid wings. I would look like a tiny link without them. But no, there has to be wings. And why did this happened to me and not them you ask. Well, because the first time I travelled here, a mod that filled this world with pixies is under testing. So I just happened to spawn inside one and taking over its body.

That was the worst day of my life

Markus PoV

My mind is slowly waking up. For how long have I been unconcius? A day, a week or a month. It feels like for ever. I open my eyes. Everything is a blurry black. Somewhere close, someone says someting but my ears has not really woken up yet.

" I think he is waking up" An unknown female voice said close by. I try to focus my eyes and can just about see the bars of my cell. How did I end up in a cell? Slowly, my memories joins me and the last events gets crystal clear.

Cat butt (I dont really want anyone coursing in this book)

The female looks like she is chained to a wall and a boy I recall as Ty is crying in a corner of his cell. Fragments of words finds ny ear. 'Sucicide, monster' and 'freak' are those I can put together

Wow, he seems like he's depressed (Mr. Obvius)

"Where am I?" I ask the girl. A concerened look fills her face. But it is innstantly replaced by an expression of pure anger.

"In one of Herobrines cells" She frowns, it does not look like she is very fond of him. And who is? My brother can be very annoying and a bit stupid sometimes. And speaking of him, he popps up outside my cell.

"Hello brother" His velvet voice purrs at me. He is clearly enjoying this. The girl starts shaking and hitting the bars between her and Herobrine. She screams courses at him. Clearly not a fan of him. But my brother only smiles and granbs my jacket, holding me up.

"I have created an army and done all of this" He gestures with his free arm at the girl and all other cells around us. Even that depressed boy. " And do you know why? Huh?" He stares at me and a slight smile is hiding on his face. Then, he whispers into my ear. "To get revenge on you, brother" The smile widdens and soon an evil chuckle choruses with the girls curses. And that girl know a lot of them. Some of them makes me pale. And I am an fully grown man.

"Let me show you my army" Herobrine shouts out, making everyone in the cellar hear him. And before I knew it I'm the so called throneroom. An army of zombies in full diamond army is standing, line after line until the horizont. Wow, this was a big army. I suddenly understood Herobrines plan. He had captured Alex for a reason. She was just a bait, he knew we would come after her.And then he turned Adam into Skybrine, crushed Ty mentally and most immportant, made me unable to save the world. Now it would burn, and all I could do was watch. Once again I had underestimated my brother. He was smarter than I thought.

"Ready the army, we leave in the morning!" Herobrine shouted orders to his generals. They nodded, a slow zombie nod and started telling their men what to do. And they were suprisingly quick on the move. Not as your regual zombie. These were quick as humans, if not quicker. And that was very worrying.

Very worrying

Hello! I had a little writers block with this chapter. The problem was not what to wrtie, you see. Because I had an idea, but I did just not know how to put it together and make it not-bad. But thankfully, my cat gave me the perfect idea. We think in the same kind of way. Lazy, evil and can start a computer.  Yupp, my cat can turn on a computer. But anyways, I put this together and I think it worked out pretty well.



Notch Daughter {Team Crafted FanFic}Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz