Chapter 29: Terror

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Alexs PoV

My plan was almost complete when Herobrine entered the room. He had a big grin over his face and the cold eyes was burning in a pure white colour. And that was never a good sign.

"You know, don't you?" He asked me with his most charming voice. But it was cold and you could hear the horrible satisfaction. Only he could be happy over his own sons death. I added that on my list of reasons of why I should, one day, finally kill him.

"And that means I have no use for you anymore" His words brought me back to reality. Was he going to let me go? If I knew him right he would probably kill me. That would make that monster happy. My thoughts must have been showing in my face, because he starts to laugh.

"If you think I'm gonna kill you, you're wrong. I want to have a little fun with you first." He took my broken arm in a hard grip and teleported to the cellar. I screamed in pain as he held my in my arm. It was still broken, and dangling in it is not a good idea. That makes it hurt like hell. He threw me into the cell next to the girls I saw last night. The light brown haired had stopped screaming and had fallen asleep. So had her chained friend. My head hit the nether brick wall and made me pass out.

I had a really bad feeling that he was going to do some crazy experiment on me. And in my unconsciousness he talked to me.

"Didn't you think that I knew that planned on escaping? You tricked me once but not twice." His words came to me over and over. The Herobrine liking part of me grew stronger. Soon, I would stop fight and do as Herobrine said.

But not yet.

Jasons PoV

Adam sat up, looking like was not just dead. Markus says something about Ty having the power of life or something, but I don't really listen. Adams BACK! I had ran up to him and hugged him closely. He had always been like my big brother and the moment he was dead had destroyed something inside of me. Now I knew how Ian felt every day. So afraid of losing his best friends. The more I thought about it, we were all like a big, crazy, family. A really crazy family.

The memories of our tickle war inside of Markus house popped up in my head. It felt so long ago. Years! But it had only been a day. Well, a day in the real world. In here, it had been a week. My space suit had really taken a beat. Some of the mechanics did not work as they should now. And I did not dare to fly. What if it stopped working high up in the air! That would be the end of me.

I let go of Adam and let the others hug him. Ty sits a bit away from the rest of us, looking at his hands in shock.

Tys PoV

I looked at my hands. For just a few seconds ago, Adam had been dead and now he was alive again. And it was because of me. I had saved his life. Was I a hero? The others must look at me like that, but I didn't. I was a monster. Markus told me that I could summon undead zombies when ever I wanted to. A pure monster. Depression hit me like an arrow. Monster. That is what my fans would call me if I told them. Or crazy. Probably both.

"Dawn?" Adams suddenly said, not noticing the pink and purple haired girl until now.

Awww. Ty's depressed, Jerome stuck in a love triangle and Alex thrown inside a cell next to two creepy girls. The only good thing is that Adam is not dead. I've just taken all hope, crushed it and build it up into sorrow. That is how to write book in my way. >:)



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