
"Hey, how did he figure out we were trailing him, huh?" Naruto asked. "Maybe there were just too many of us." Sakura said. "Oh please. If you know how to hide, it doesn't matter how many people there are. Dont tell me you've forgotten all of your jutsu, Sakura." Naruto said. Sakura hit him again for making the same face "You're the one who forgets." She yelled. "We should shadow him. It'll be good practice. But we should solo this time." Sasuke said. "Yeah, I think so too. We should totally ditch Naruto and (Y/n)." Sakura said. Naruto and I both looked at her. "Say what?" Naruto yelled.


Sasuke, Sakura, and I were drinking tea waiting for Naruto. We took a drink and sighed. Naruto walked over here nervously laughing and rubbing the back of his head. "He got away." "Just as clumsy as always." Sakura said. "Why are you such an idiot?" Sasuke asked. Naruto put his head down and groaned.


Naruto, Sasuke, and I drank tea as we waited for Sakura. We took a drink and sighed. We turned our head to see Sakura scratching her cheek with her tongue out. She nervously laughed and dropped our head knowing what that meant.


I followed Kakashi-sensei as he walked around the village. I jumped to building to building trying to keep an eye on him. I heard someone call me name and I turned over there for a split second. I saw it was Konohamaru and I waved quickly and turned back to Kakashi. Kakashi-sensei was completely gone from sight. I jumped down and frantically looked around the shops. Oh man..


I walked over to Naruto, Sasuke, and Sakura as they drank tea. They looked over at me and closed my eyes so I wouldn't see there reaction. I shrugged my shoulders and gave a forced smile. I heard them sigh. I didn't realize how hard this was.


Naruto, Sakura, and I drank tea as we waited for Sasuke. We took a drink and sighed. We turned our head to see Sasuke standing there looking in the other direction. "Sasuke, how did it go?" Sakura asked with hope. Sasuke turned his head in the other direction "I got tired of shadowing him." Sasuke said. All four of us dropped our head.


We were walking out of the gate. "Off we go!" Naruto said. Our mission is to help out at a farm. The mission itself is no big deal. What we really need from today is to see it, no matter what. Kakashi Sensei's real face. We were all staring at Kakashi and he noticed "What's with you guys today? You seem ready for anything." Kakashi said. "Oh, we're ready alright." Naruto and Sakura said together. "Alrighty then. Good to hear." Kakashi said and started to walk forward.


"Oh, welcome. My, my, my. Welcome. Welcome. Welcome!" The lady said over and over to us as we were about to stay there.


There was a huge amount of food placed infront of us. Naruto was drooling as he stared at it. "Oh, wow." Sakura said laughing happily. "That looks good." Naruto said. "How lavish." Sasuke said and I was nodding the whole time. "Take your time." The lady said and closed the the doors.

We sat at the table waiting for Kakashi-sensei to start eating. "Huh? What's the matter with you guys? No one's picking up their chopsticks." Kakashi said. "Oh, it's nothing. Don't wait on us, Kakashi Sensei. You go ahead and eat." Sakura said. "Actually, I'm kind of on a diet right now." Kakashi said. Hm, he has to eat at some point though.

Naruto grabbed the tea kettle and practically threw it at Kakashi saying "Oh no. My hand slipped. Ah." The kettle went flying towards Kakashi. In one swift motion Kakashi flipped the table and all the food hit the floor. We all stared at the mess infront of us in disbelief. Naruto started to scream. "Are you out of your mind?" Sakura shouted. "Sorry about that. My hand just slipped." Kakashi said rubbing the back of his head. "What do you mean your hand slipped?" We all yelled.

(Y/N) UzumakiWhere stories live. Discover now