Happiest days - Haldir

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The patrol left and Haldir turned to you, blue eyes scanning every inch of your face.
"Is everything alright?" You could hear the uneasiness in his voice. You grabbed his hand and gave it a squeeze.
"I am perfectly fine. I am better than fine." Tears sprung to your eyes, and you took in a wavering breath.
"I am pregnant." Haldir stiffened at this and didn't say anything for a moment. He just stared at you. You moved the hand you were holding to your stomach and pressed it there. 
"I am pregnant, Haldir. You're going to be a father." His eyes flew from your face to your stomach and back again. 
"W-What?" You couldn't help but let out a laugh at his face. 
"I am pregnant, darling. We're going to have a baby." You kissed his cheek, and this brought him back to earth. 
"A baby?" You nodded.
"A baby?" You laughed and nodded again. He took in a staggering breath before he caught you off guard by pulling you into his chest and into a kiss. 

Haldir wasn't the most affectionate husband and definitely not in public, but you welcomed the kiss and let yourself be surrounded by his scent as you got lost in the feeling of his lips. When you pulled away, you could see a tear making its way down his cheek.
"Oh darling, why are you crying?" You wiped it off with your thumb, and he tightened his arms around you. 
"I-. I am just so happy." You smiled at him, pressing a kiss to his damp cheek.
"This is the happiest day of my life." He couldn't remember a day when he had been happier.

- - - -

Haldir ran up the stairs, jumping two steps in one leap. He was panting when he made it to your door, and he pushed it open just as you cried out in pain. He stepped inside, but he was pushed out of the room by one of the midwives.
"No men allowed inside. You know the rules, Haldir." With that, the door was slammed closed in front of his face, and he was forced to stand on the other side of it, listening to your cries. How was he supposed to remain sane listening to you screaming on the other side but not being able to do a thing to help? He ended up pacing the hallway back and forth, counting his steps. One thousand and forty-one. One thousand and forty-two. One thousand in forty-three. 

He made it to two thousand and three hundred and seventy-nine when he was interrupted by someone standing in his way. He lifted his eyes to meet Lady Galadriel's, who looked at him with compassion.
"The baby hasn't arrived still?" Haldir didn't get the chance to answer as your loud cry echoed from the other side of the door.
"No," Haldir muttered and shifted his weight from one leg to another, itching to have something to do. Lady Galadriel smiled compassionately and sat down on the wooden bench that was next to the wall. Haldir couldn't be still, he felt like he would be crazy if he did. Galadriel couldn't help but laugh at the pacing of her march warden.
"How about you'll go to gather some flowers for Y/N? It would help you get your mind off things for a moment." Haldir jumped at the chance to do something other than pace. 

He hurried down at the garden and headed for the white lilies, your favorites. He picked up as many as he could fit in his hand, all the while listening to the sounds resonating from your chambers. They only seemed to grow louder, and Haldir started to worry. You had the best healers and midwives with you, but sometimes that was not enough. His heart started beating faster. 
What if you didn't make it?
What if the baby didn't make it? 
How could he survive without you?
When he managed to snap himself out of his thoughts, he realized that your cries had stopped. Heart pounding, he ran back to the door of your room, fighting the urge to just storm inside.  

A faint cry of a baby was heard, and Haldir's heart felt like it stopped. With the blessing of the healers that had just excited them, he stepped inside, holding tightly onto the stems of the flowers. However, when he saw you sitting up, propped up against pillows with a small white bundle in your arms, he practically sprinted inside and layed the flowers at the foot of your bed as he kneeled next to you.
"Are you alright, my beloved?" You smiled at him tiredly but nodded.
"I am perfectly alright. Very tired but alright." Haldir let out a breath of relief but it hitched as the bundle in your arms shifted and let out a small noise.
"Do I have a daughter or a son?" He asked, stretching his neck to see the little. You shifted slightly so he could see the face of your baby.
"You have a daughter, darling. Do you want to hold her?" Haldir kissed your hair as he hesitated. He was a warrior, a soldier. What if he hurt the baby? Luckily, you knew your husband well and knew what was running through his head at the moment. 
"You won't hurt her, darling. Here." You gently handed her over to Haldir, who stilled completely as the little elleth opened her eyes. 

They were bright blue, and the small tufts of hair on top of her head were pale blonde. 
"She has your hair." You observed the loves of your life with warm eyes, but Haldir didn't answer. He was too enchanted by the little girl in his arms. He couldn't remember when he had ever been this happy. 

 I like writing about baby/child elves so here is another one. My first Haldir oneshot! He is one of my favorites. Sadly, he doesn't get enough love :(

Edited 9.12.2022

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