Roof - Thorin

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Warnings: Thorin and reader are both a bit of jackasses but oh well.
Word count: 2075
Other: -
Requested: no

You decide to teach Thorin a lesson you deem he needs to learn.

Thorin sighed as he glanced behind the people that were following him down the wet, crumbling path. Rain poured from the sky, and the wind howled as the small company of dwarves continued their journey east. It had been barely three months since Smaug had taken their home, and the long road they had traveled was starting to take its toll on everyone. Most of the people had remained in the cities and towns they had resided in before, and Thorin couldn't blame them. The journey had been hard, and it wasn't going to get any easier any time soon. The small band of people that were with him now was mostly warriors, the ones that were the most loyal to the crown. Even his sister had decided to remain behind in a small village, as her husband had fallen in a battle a month ago and she was all alone with her two sons now. Thorin had promised that he would return for them when he found a place for them to stay in, vowing in his heart that he would reclaim the mountain from the beast, even if it was the last thing he ever did.

Their journey took them to a small village on the outskirts of a vast, dark forest next, and the people he was with scattered, trying to find themselves a dry place to sleep and hopefully a job that could get them a few coins for the road. The rain continued to pour from the sky, unforgiving, the large drops wetting everything in their wake. In the last city, he had been lucky enough to find a job as a blacksmith, but this village was so small it only had one Smiths shop and the keeper said that he didn't need any more hands, as he had four sons of his own to help him.

Most of his warriors had found themselves a job or two talking in the shade of the pub they were now gathered in, huddled around the map or Arda as they tried to find the easiest way to travel to their destination. The end of their journey, the Blue Mountains, was starting to loom on the horizon, the sharp peaks of the mountains barely visible in the fog covering them.
"Ya found a job yet, Thorin?" Dwalin asked, shifting his pipe from his mouth to his hand as he leaned closer to the paper on the table to give his opinion.
"I have not," The prince crumbled, taking the pint that had just been laid on the table by a maid without a thank you.
"No one seemed too keen on hiring me."

You rolled your eyes as you set the pint on the table, and the dwarf grabbed it without even turning to look at you. No thank you, not a thankful nod, not even a look of gratitude. You had met travelers like him before, ones that had deemed they were too important to even thank people. They seemed to think that the world revolved around them, and if things weren't to their exact liking, there would be hell to pay.

You shivered as a drop fell down your neck from the roof. As you lifted your head up to look where it had come from, the other lands straight on your face, making you sputter and wipe it away in a hurry. When you finally get your eyes dry and open them again, you are able to see that there is a new hole in the roof of your beloved inn, and water is dribbling down from it in a steady bead. You sigh and set a bucket to rest under it as you hurry to find your father.
"Papa!" You call, and he slips from the kitchen, his hands covered in flour. He and your mother are probably preparing the dough for tomorrow's bread.
"Yes, my spring flower?" You roll your eyes at the nickname and point behind you.
"There is another hole in the roof." You complain, wiping the rest of the water off your face. He sighs and nods, rubbing the bridge of his nose.
"We'll need someone to fix it." After his horse-riding accident two years ago, his leg hadn't healed fully and he wasn't able to climb up to fix it anymore. Your mother was deathly afraid of heights, and your father would be rather caught dead before he let you climb up. Your brother lived in the next village over and had a family of his own already, so he wasn't able to visit often.

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